Community News
Avocado Smoothie Bowl

Fresh avocados and tender baby kale add a healthy spin to this delicious smoothie bowl, packed with fruit for a sweet treat. 9 ounces oat milk. ¾ cup. baby kale. 1 ½ Tbsp. honey. ¾ cup avocado pieces. 1 ½ cup frozen mango chunks. 1 ½ cup frozen pineapple chunks. 1 cup frozen banana. Place all ingredients into the Vitamix container in the order listed and secure the lid. Start on its lowest speed, then quickly increase to its highest speed. Blend for 30-40 seconds. Serve immediately with your choice of garnish – crunchy granola, fresh fruit, and a sprinkling of chia seeds.

Disability Tax Credit: Combating Inflation

The Disability Tax Credit (DTC) is a valuable tool in mitigating the impacts of inflation and rising costs of living for individuals with disabilities. By accessing this credit, individuals can receive financial relief that helps them manage their daily expenses. The DTC provides tax breaks for eligible individuals with disabilities, recognizing the additional costs associated with their condition. It offers a means to offset the financial burden imposed by inflation and increasing living expenses, such as medical costs, adaptive equipment, and specialized care. By claiming the DTC, individuals can access much-needed financial support, ensuring their ability to maintain a decent quality of life despite economic challenges.

The Power of a Morning Routine

Discover the transformative benefits of a well-crafted morning routine. Enhance your mental and physical wellbeing, while cultivating confidence and empowerment. Some advantages include: 1) Stress Reduction: Combat anxiety by introducing structure and predictability into your day. 2) Sleep Enhancement: Achieve restful nights with consistent morning routines that regulate sleep patterns. 3) Laser-Focused Mind: Start your day with intention and concentration to improve focus throughout the day. 4) Optimal Physical Health: Incorporate exercise, stretching, or meditation into your morning routine to enhance your physical health and reduce the risk of chronic illnesses. Unleash the power of a morning routine and empower yourself to conquer each day with vitality and vigor.

Hair Care Habits to Prevent Hair Loss

Protect your strands and prevent hair loss with these hair care habits. Be gentle when washing and drying to avoid breakage, especially when hair is wet and fragile. Use mild shampoo and conditioner, avoiding hot water. Massage your scalp regularly to stimulate blood flow and promote healthy hair growth. Minimize heat styling and embrace natural drying methods. Nourish your hair from within with a balanced diet rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals. Avoid excessive tension through tight hairstyles or constant pulling. By caring for your hair diligently, you’ll maintain its strength and prevent unwanted hair loss.

Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss

Embark on a transformative journey towards a healthier, happier you with the power of hypnotherapy for weight loss. Say goodbye to fad diets and grueling workouts, and unlock the secrets hidden within your subconscious mind. Hypnotherapy gets your mind working with you rather than against you. Hypnotherapy aligns your mind and body, creating an environment where it feels easy to adjust your habits, motivations, and beliefs. Imagine effortlessly shedding those extra pounds as negative beliefs and self-sabotaging patterns melt away. With the guidance of a skilled hypnotherapist, you’ll rewrite your story, rewiring your mind for success and achieve your weight loss goals.

Enjoy Your Life to the Fullest

Good hearing means being able to enjoy every moment in life. But when you start experiencing hearing problems, you quickly feel you cannot enjoy all the things you care about. A hearing professional will work with you to get you back to better hearing. They can give you back the ability to enjoy your life to the fullest. Quality hearing professional are there every step of the way to identify the best solution for you. Look for a hearing centre that offers an extensive, complimentary hearing test, free follow-ups, and a wide range of innovative and discreet products. We can help.

Puppy Breath

What is puppy breath and why are we emotionally connected to this distinct smell? When a puppy is teething, their teeth and gums are developing, and the combination of diet and oral bacteria causes the scent of sweet and musky breath. For many of us, this smell triggers an emotional response, as we associate puppies with innocence, playfulness and the joy of an adorable puppy. This connection can bring back memories, trigger feelings of happiness and reduce overall stress. Why not adopt a puppy? Go to to visit all the amazing faces waiting for a family.

Use Mobility Aids Correctly

Learning to use a mobility aid after a fall or injury is very important for maintaining independence, ability to enjoy leisure tasks and to perform household tasks. In order to prevent re-injury, the mobility device must be used correctly and have appropriate adjustments for posture, seating and gait. Once an assistive device is prescribed to a patient, we can make adjustments and corrections to the fit and then prescribe exercise based on the client’s mobility goals. Goals may include navigating stairs, curbs or opening doorways. An exercise prescription, in conjunction with a prescribed assistive device, produces much greater mobility progression.

How Healthy Is Your Home?

Are the chemicals you are using to clean your home actually doing more harm than good? The average household contains more than 60 harmful chemicals, which can negatively impact your and your family’s health. Cleaning with harsh chemicals can result in eye and throat irritation,headaches and even long-term effects like endocrine disruption (hormonal effects) and asthma. Consider using our superior Norwex® Microfiber used dry it catches the smallest dust particles to create a longer-lasting clean. Used wet it lifts and traps stuck-on messes Plus removes up to 99% of bacteria from a surface using only water, when following proper care and use instructions.

The Benefits of Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese word meaning ‘universal life energy’ that also describes a vibrational healing practice during which a practitioner places their hands lightly on the client’s head and body. During the session, Reiki flows through the practitioner to the client. Everyone can benefit from Reiki, as it can relax muscles, still the mind, ease pain, and accelerate healing. It can help clients feel rebalanced and reduce their stress, and can also help improve sleep, breathing, digestion, mind clarity, and well-being. Reiki can be used to compliment other prescribed medical treatments to increase their benefits, allowing the body to heal.

Psychic – Medium – Life Coach

This is your opportunity to work on your heart at a soul level. As a psychic/medium and a certified life coach, Hailey Coleman can help you overcome all of your pain points while providing you with the tools and knowledge you need to get your desired results. With 100% accuracy, Hailey’s readings and offers give you a rare and unique experience and allow you to flourish. From speaking to passed loved ones and personal spirit guides, to providing clarity on client situations, to comprehensive and in-depth monthly mentorship services, Hailey is happy to share her gifts with you.