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Book Club: Making a Good Brain Great

by Daniel Amen, MD

When our brains work right, we work right. But the brain is easily injured. A bump on the head, sleep deprivation and poor nutrition can all have long-term consequences leading to problems with attention, mood and even dementia. Dr. Amen shares his exciting insights into protecting, repairing and maintaining our brains with good nutrition, supplements and special exercises. A great read!

Dr. Anke Zimmermann ND,

Top 5 Ways Oregano Oil Can Help You

1. Defence Against Harmful Organisms. Oregano oil is known as nature’s most potent defender against unwanted invaders.

2. Strong Antioxidant. Antioxidants fight free radicals and oxidation — the process by which your cells age and wear out. Oregano oil contains high levels of antioxidants to help fight damaging free radicals.

3. Supports Good Health. Taking oregano oil is no guarantee that you’ll never get sick, but when you want to avoid what’s going around, oregano oil can be an extra line of defense and provide support against common, seasonal ailments.

4. Digestive System Support. Oregano oil supports digestion by stimulating the flow of bile to your digestive organs. This can help you get more nutrition out of your food and enjoy a more consistent system.

5. Excellent Nutrition. As an excellent source of vitamins A, C, and E, and zinc, magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, copper, and niacin, oregano oil can be helpful in helping you meet your nutritional requirements.

Puppy Problems 

Puppies are obviously adorable! And thankfully so, because when they accidentally bite us or chew something they shouldn’t, it takes every bit of our patience to not get mad. Chewing is a natural, normal behaviour for dogs of all ages and breeds. Puppies need to be watched at all times to prevent them from chewing things they are not supposed to. When we can’t be supervising them, we need to crate them or limit their options of things to chew so they are not a danger to themselves or your property. The most important thing to teach your puppy is to share. Share their toys, food dish, socks, treats, bed area and their “people”. This is essential to prevention of resource guarding (guarding something of value to the dog). With a lot of patience, you can begin to change the dog’s attitude from “Get away from my stuff” to “Would you like a toy?”

Shalin Hustad

Cheddar & Mushroom Bison Burgers


1 lb lean ground bison
3-4 large mushrooms, chopped finely
1/2 cup cheddar cheese, grated
1 clove garlic, minced
1 tbsp Montreal Steak Spice
1.5 tbsp worcestershire sauce
2 green onions, chopped
2 tbsp olive oil
1/3 cup panko bread crumbs



Heat 2 tsp of olive oil pan, and saute mushrooms and green onions over medium heat.
Once mushrooms are tender, add in minced garlic and saute for a minute or so.
Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly.
Combine raw ground bison meat, sauteed mixture, and all other ingredients in a large bowl with your clean hands.
Form meat mixture into burgers and cook on BBQ.

Contact Local Meats & Frozen Treats for more Tips on Cooking Bison.

Bowen Therapy

Bowen therapy works to alleviate acute and chronic skeletal muscle injury or disorders and nervous system disruptions. Tom Bowen, an Australian who developed this technique in the 1950’s, asserted that everything in the body is interrelated so damage at one site restricts the function of the entire system. Furthermore, the body is self-healing; however, injuries or disruptions can limit this healing response. It is this healing response that Bowen therapy works toward activating, with the goal of allowing the body to heal itself. Studies have shown that in addition to restoring muscle and nervous system integrity, Bowen treatments can shift the central nervous system from the sympathetic (flight and fight) response to the parasympathetic (rest and restoration) response. As a result, it can positively affect physiological functions such as circulation, arterial pressure and heart rate, digestion, sleep, lymphatic circulation, and the endocrine system.

Julia Rempel, PhD (Immunology), Certified Bowen Therapist

Ester-C® Vitamin Review 

Ester-C® is a unique, patented form of calcium ascorbate, which is made when ascorbic acid (regular vitamin C) is buffered with calcium using a water-based process. Ester-C® is the only form of vitamin C that has been proven to last up to 24 hours in the white blood cells of the immune system. It is less acidic and easier on the stomach than ascorbic acid. Enhanced with quercetin, a powerful bioflavonoid and antioxidant with anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine properties, Ester-C® has a clinically-proven, higher bioavailability and retention rate than other forms of vitamin C. Formulated with citrus-free ingredients for people wishing to avoid citrus. Suitable for vegans and are high-potency tablets for people wishing to supply their needs with fewer pills. Each tablet contains: Medicinal ingredients: Vitamin C (calcium ascorbate*)…1,000 mg. Calcium (calcium ascorbate*)…125 mg *from Ester-C® brand calcium ascorbate. Contains no dairy, citrus, wheat, gluten, soy or preservatives.

Nutrition Plus

4 Foods You Should Never Eat Again
  1. White flour. The body doesn’t even know how to properly digest this so-called food! Refined white flour has been bleached with chlorine and brominated with bromide, two poisonous chemicals that have been linked to organ damage.
  2. Frozen meals. Most conventionally-prepared meals are loaded with preservatives, hydrogenated oils and other artificial ingredients, not to mention the fact that most frozen meals have been heavily pre-cooked, rendering their nutrient content minimal at best.
  3. Microwaveable popcorn. This processed “food” is one of the unhealthiest foods you can eat. Practically every component of microwaveable popcorn, from the GMO corn kernels to the processed salt and chemicals used to enhance its flavor, is unhealthy and disease-promoting.
  4. Soy-based meat substitutes. Besides the fact that nearly all non-organic soy ingredients are of GM origin, most soy additives are processed using a toxic chemical known as hexane, which is linked to causing birth defects, reproductive problems, and cancer.
L-Carnitine & Chromium

L-Carnitine with Chromium is a blend of two nutrients that play important roles in the metabolism of fat. L-Carnitine is required for the breakdown of fats into energy, while chromium supports healthy glucose metabolism. Its main function is to help insulin carry sugar into muscle cells where it is stored as energy. A lack of chromium could cause fluctuating blood-sugar levels which trigger sugar cravings. As a carbohydrate dependent society, increasing the amount of L-Carnitine & Chromium in our diet in our formula’s proportions will assist the body’s ability to manage its carbohydrate cravings and, in turn, assist with a successful weight management protocol.

Valentus – The Healthiest Coffee in the World.

Marc Quesnel

Those Cool Drinks of Summer 

Well, spring has sprung and, in typical Winnipeg style, those sweet drinks of summer seem oh so tempting. While refreshing and sweet, there are things you should know if you choose to treat yourself and your family to these treats. They are not good for you! They cause cavities, weight gain and contribute to type 2 diabetes. You would be shocked at how much sugar and how many calories are in these drinks and slushes. In short, enjoy these sweet treats in moderation. Rinse and brush often and remember the health benefits of a tall cool glass of water: Aaaahhh!

Dr. George Cadigan

Why Sprout Grains? 

Sprouting is a process that germinates grains, seeds or legumes. This process makes them more easily digestible and produces additional vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, vitamin B and Carotene. Another benefit of sprouting is the resulting decrease in phytic acid. Phytic acid is an enzyme inhibitor, which means that it blocks the absorption of vitamins and minerals and can also cause poor digestion and an unhealthy gut. This may explain why many people feel bloated, gassy or intolerant of beans and grains. Some people who believe that they are gluten intolerant actually do quite well with properly sprouted grains. Some have even linked phytic acid and improperly prepared grains to the rise in tooth decay. If you do eat grains, it’s best to soak or sprout them first. The way that you sprout any grain, seed or legume is the same, only the amount of time you sprout it changes.

Rick Drury

Caregiver Pharmacy Support

It can be difficult to be a caregiver and manage multiple or complex medications for a loved one. It is important to ensure medications are taken appropriately to help maintain good health. A visiting pharmacist provides personal support with regular medication delivery and home consultations. The pharmacist reviews a client’s prescription drugs and over the counter medications to advise if there are any drug interactions and makes adjustments as necessary. This level of support can reduce emergency room visits and hospital stays and results in a strong, trusting relationship between clients, caregivers and pharmacists. The visiting pharmacist also provides seamless care for hospital discharge patients and works closely with other health care professionals to deliver a high level of care to the client. Care is tailored to specific individual needs such as assisting with blood pressure readings, adding medications to convenient packaging and making changes in a timely manner.

Care At Home Pharmacy