Community News
Alcohol Free Elixirs

Ancient wisdom describes an elixir as a magical or medicinal potion designed to cure. Solbrü has redefined a modern elixir as a liquid infusion of herbs that serves a function in the body. They have soulfully infused a blend of balancing herbs and adaptogenic mushrooms, to raise vibes and ground souls. Their Brü replaces alcoholic spirits in a sophisticated way, with its own unique flavours and novel functionality, delivering a bold authentic bite without the hangover. Drink it as a shot, sip it on the rocks; or enjoy it in an AF (alcohol-free) cocktail. Pour over a glass of nut or oat milk or mix it with orange or grapefruit juice for an extra Vitamin C punch.

Natural Product Spotlight

New Chapter® Whole Mega. Unlike heavily distilled fish oil pills that isolate and reduce beneficial compounds, New Chapter’s fish oil is sustainably sourced from 100% wild-caught salmon. Fresh-pressed for absorption and extra-virgin, New Chapter uses a gentle, food-grade process to preserve wild salmon’s whole 17 omega fatty acids. New Chapter’s Whole Mega may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. It’s also clinically proven to improve your omega-3 index, helping to retain healthy triglyceride levels, and promote heart health. The 17 Omega fatty acids nourish the heart, brain, eyes, and improve your mood and joint health. Plus, vitamin D3 plus astaxanthin supplies powerful antioxidants.

Struggling with Addiction?

Do you or someone you know struggle with substance abuse? Withdrawal from drugs or alcohol can be incredibly difficult to manage, but with the advancement of Low-Level Laser technology withdrawal and cravings can be minimal or nonexistent. Our confidential and professional clinic will help build a successful strategy for long-term success. Our Laser therapy sessions are combined with support and follow up consultations to maximize your chance for success. While staying off drugs or alcohol depends on your determination and support systems, our treatments are drug free and are effective with 3 out of 4 people.

Healthy Ways to Boost Your Energy

The afternoon slump often has us reaching for coffee or sugary snacks to pick us up. Here are a few healthier ways to boost your energy, naturally:
• Go Outside. Being in the sun for even 10 mins will give you a boost of vitamin D that will wake you up.
• Switch it up. Switching to another task can give your brain a break from focusing on the same thing for long, and the variety is good for your productivity and your energy.
• Have a Healthy Snack. Enjoy a hardboiled egg or raw veggies, rather than a doughnut. This will give you sustained energy without the crash associated with sugary snacks.

February is Heart & Stroke Awareness Month

Did you know that heart disease remains the leading causes of death in Canada? The good news is that 80 per cent of cardiovascular diseases are preventable through healthy lifestyle and diet. By adopting a healthier lifestyle, you can delay the onset of heart disease or stroke by as much as 14 years! You can further reduce your risk by considering these heart-healthy steps:
• Be smoke-free
• Be physically active
• Control your blood pressure
• Keep your blood cholesterol levels in check
• Eat a healthy diet
• Achieve and maintain a healthy weight
• Manage your diabetes
• Limit alcohol use
• Reduce stress

Community Spotlight: PetToba

Meet Naman and Bijal Patel, the local owners of PetToba. They both have Pet Food and Raw Dog Food Nutrition Specialist certifications from DNM University and NAVC Pet Nutrition Coach certifications from Vetfolio. After looking at many of the treats and chews sold in the market today, they had a few concerns with the quality of the ingredients. Because of this, PetToba was born! All their treats and chews are made from Canadian Human Grade meats. They are 100% natural and are made from single ingredients. No soy, no wheat, no corn, and no artificial color or preservatives.

Words to Live By

Good health is not something we can buy. However, it can be an extremely valuable savings account.” Anne Wilson Schaef

Tuning Into Ourselves

The demands on each of us during this global pandemic continue to take their toll on our health and well-being. Intuitive Counselling can be an effective tool to support ourselves during this time of crisis. Everyone is intuitive and we all have the ability to tap into our own inner knowledge and wisdom. Intuitive Counselling provides support and guidance to help you: connect with your intuition; process emotions and blockages; and develop holistic practices to reduce stress, feel more grounded, and move forward with clarity and confidence. If this type of holistic support resonates with you, reach out to Safe Harbour Therapy.

Dry January? Try Solbrü

The “sober curious” or “sober sometimes” movement started as a challenge for those who felt they’d partied a little too hard over New Year’s weekend. A 2016 British study of about 850 men and women who volunteered to abstain from alcohol during Dry January found that participants reported a range of benefits. For instance, 82 percent said they felt a sense of achievement. “Better sleep” was cited by 62 percent, and 49 percent said they lost some weight. They had improvements in insulin sensitivity, their blood pressure numbers improved, and their livers looked a little healthier.