Community News
Recognize Hearing Loss Signs

October is National Protect Your Hearing Month, a perfect time to recognize signs of hearing loss. Keep an eye out for these warning signs: frequently asking others to repeat themselves, needing to turn up the TV or radio volume, or experiencing persistent ringing in your ears. Difficulty understanding conversations in noisy environments, missing everyday sounds, or having trouble hearing when your back is turned to someone are also key indicators. Speaking too loudly or finding phone conversations challenging may also signal hearing issues. Early detection is crucial for better outcomes, so prioritize your hearing health this month and schedule a free assessment with your local Beltone clinic.

Are Your Vaccines Up to Date?

Fall boosters for COVID-19 will be available in October. This is also a great time to update vaccination schedules for travel, pneumonia, shingles, and more. Your pharmacist can help provide information and answer many of the questions that you may have regarding vaccines. Vaccines can help prevent disease and save lives. Individuals most at risk are: * people over 65 or under 5; * pregnant women; * residents of long-term care facilities; and * people with chronic diseases such as diabetes. Please book online to choose the day and time that will work for you to come in for your COVID-19 and additional important vaccines.

Live Theatre – Perfect Arrangement

It’s 1950, and new colours are being added to the Red Scare. Two U.S. State Department employees, Bob and Norma, have been tasked with identifying sexual deviants within their ranks. There’s just one problem: Both Bob and Norma are gay and have married each other’s partners as a carefully constructed cover. Inspired by the true story of the earliest stirrings of the American gay rights movement, madcap classic sitcom-style laughs give way to provocative drama as two “All-American” couples are forced to stare down the closet door. Tickets are on sale now for October 6–26, 2024.

It’s Not the “Things” that Matter

“The secret to having everything in life, is believing that you already have it.” Many seniors will tell you that the things that you thought mattered in your younger years were not really what mattered. It’s not the ‘things’ that matter. It’s the people, the experiences, the memories that you carry with you throughout your lifetime. Retirement communities are great places for retirees to continue to make new friends, have new experiences and make more wonderful memories. We should all strive every day to learn something new or meet someone new – it’s what keeps us young at heart!

Dangers of Social Isolation

Social isolation in seniors is a very serious problem affecting thousands of people across Canada. Health changes that prevent people from visiting others, such as the loss of a driver’s license or the death of loved ones, can contribute to the loss of social opportunities and contacts. These challenges can lead to depression and premature moves to assisted living facilities. Fortunately, there are many resources out there to keep seniors connected. Contact Nanaimo Lifeline, and we will be happy to connect you with organizations and services in our community that can do everything from daily phone calls to driving you to appointments.

Regular Denture Maintenance

I made a set of fangs for my daughter when she was in grade school—a long time ago. They were a huge hit because they looked so real. Dentures with fangs might be just up your alley! The fall is the eating season. Long weekends, relatives, garden harvest, canning… so much to eat. Regular relines are part of denture maintenance. They should be done every 2-3 years. Neglecting denture maintenance has serious consequences, including jaw protrusion, misaligned bite, sore spots, and difficulty chewing. Contact us today to book a complimentary evaluation. We are part of the Canadian Dental Care Program.

Gratitude is Very Powerful

Thanksgiving is a great time to practice gratitude, a high vibrational frequency. When you are grateful, you attract higher positive energies. Try writing in a gratitude journal every day to attract these energies. List all the things that happened during the day that you are grateful for. Gratitude is connected with greater happiness; it helps people feel positive emotions and improves health. As a Certified Body/Emotion Code Practitioner, Permelia can help you release unprocessed negative (trapped) emotions that will assist you in being grateful and will help you attract even more positive energy. Contact her for an appointment today.

The Power of Gratitude in Healthy Aging

Gratitude is a powerful tool with transformative effects on mental health and overall well-being, especially for seniors. In later years, aging can be a time of fulfillment and joy, and practicing gratitude may be key to unlocking these enriching experiences. Beyond boosting emotional well-being, gratitude also supports physical health by improving sleep quality and reducing stress and depression. Taking a moment each day to appreciate even the smallest joys can lower the risk of heart attack, angina, and stroke, help manage arthritic pain, and reduce frailty in older adults.

Changes of the Season

The leaves are turning, the wind is brisk and autumn has come. With it comes the sense of quiet that settles in like leaves on the forest floor. However, it is important that we do not settle back into old habits. Keeping pace with new hobbies and social activities which are known to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease, arthritis and osteoporosis, is important for long-term health goals. Don’t let the change in season stop you from being your best!

Understanding Sciatica

Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve is compressed, causing pain, tingling, or numbness down the leg. This is often due to nerve root compression in the spine, lumbar disc issues, spinal stenosis, or tight muscles like the piriformis. Acupuncture can effectively treat sciatica by relaxing tight muscles, improving circulation, and regulating the nervous system, offering a non-surgical alternative to pain medications. Studies show it can relieve symptoms and enhance the effects of other treatments. Various exercises can benefit you as well. For chronic pain, you may need 2-3 sessions to notice relief.

Help for Seniors

With the rising cost of living and lack of affordable housing for seniors, we’re seeing an increase in the number of residents we consider vulnerable. In fact, according to Food Banks Canada, 1 in 4 British Columbians are living in poverty. And in our area, we have witnessed this troubling crisis firsthand. With community support, we have been able to recover more than $200,000 in backpay for local seniors since July 2023. Get in touch with us if you know a senior who could use our assistance. Financial donations are gratefully accepted online, by phone, or in person. Thank you!