Community News
Prepare for Unexpected Events

Life is full of surprises and unexpected events. When it comes to our families, we want them to be secure and protected. Living benefits can protect your financial situation in the event of a loss of income. Living benefits are insurance products that provide financial support to the insured in case of an unexpected illness or disability. The products include long-term care benefits, critical illness insurance, whole-life insurance, and loss of income due to injury or illness. Mary Ann educates her clients and families about the importance of saving and protection against financial loss. Contact her to learn about your options.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Awareness Month

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a debilitating disease for which there is no cure yet. It can strike anyone at any time, but it is more prevalent in women. MS causes multiple symptoms, including balance problems, dizziness, loss of mobility, memory loss, vision loss, and bladder and bowel dysfunction. There are a few treatments that help slow the progression of the disease and alleviate some symptoms. Canada is at the forefront of research and trials to help find a cure. To learn more about MS and what you can do to help, please visit

Nutritional Insecurity

“I always find that as the weather changes, I move from eating lots of soups and winter roots to lighter fruit and vegetables. However, sometimes it is hard to get my hands on my favourite healthy foods, and I wind up eating the stuff that is easier at hand and faster to prepare.” Does this sound familiar? For approximately one-third of seniors in Canada, factors including ease of access, cooking time, mobility, loneliness, and more contribute to nutritional insecurity. Comfort Keepers caregivers can help you shop, prepare, and enjoy healthy home-cooked meals! Contact us.

Words To Live By

“By being yourself, you put something wonderful in the world that was not there before.” – Edwin Elliot

Music and Dementia

The effects of dementia are devastating to individuals and their families. Researchers are keen to find ways to ease its symptoms and restore abilities and memory. Studies on music and dementia have shown promising findings. Did you know that the area of the brain associated with musical memory tends to be least affected by dementia? Music therapy may help reduce cognitive decline while improving the memory of people with dementia. In one study, test subjects performed better on memory tests when they listened to music. It has also been found that the emotional content of music can bring back emotional memories.

Balance your Body’s Hormones

The endocrine system of the body contains many glands. These include the pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, and reproductive glands. All the endocrine glands produce hormones that direct the metabolic functions of the body. We absorb stress from the world into our endocrine system. This stress can create a hormone imbalance that can sometimes mimic a nervous breakdown and contribute to chronic fatigue. An endocrine massage helps cleanse the endocrine system and balance the body’s hormones using Young Living essential oils and crystals. It helps to realign the energy centres of the body. Book your massage today!

Theatre: All In the Timing

This production consists of witty, absurd, and funny sketches written by David Ives. Each story is engaging and intelligent. Using small bites of pure humanity, Ives is a master at recognizing our foibles and presenting them on a silver platter for our pleasure. From construction workers perched on a skyscraper in Mere Mortals to a laboratory with precocious primates in Words, Words, Words, All in the Timing takes the audience on a multi-levelled dive into humour and intellect. Adult language is to be expected in one or two of the sketches because Ives writes as we speak, with frustration, kindness, curiosity, and joy.

Staying Active, Really?

The old saying “If you don’t use it, you lose it” has some truth to it. If you are active, you are doing yourself a huge favour to stave off falls, increase independence, and help prevent illnesses like stroke, diabetes type 2, and osteoporosis. But what if you don’t like to exercise? Find something that you like to do! Walking with a friend, dancing, biking, and even mowing the lawn count. Start slow and enjoy it. Comfort Keepers can help you stay active and get your life back on track.

World Immunization Week

This month, we shine a light on the importance of immunizations during World Immunization Week (April 22–30). Did you know that you can get immunized or vaccinated at any age? Even though most immunizations are given in childhood, you always have the option to catch up on any immunizations you may have missed! Immunizations and vaccines provide the longest-lasting protection against diseases. Just make sure you speak to your doctor first to ensure you’re a good candidate for a particular vaccine. It’s really important for everyone’s health!

Seniors’ Advocacy Services

We see the impact that today’s economy is having on local seniors every day. Many struggle to afford necessities like food and medication. Others are unable to pay their bills or afford the upkeep of their homes. SOS Seniors’ Advocacy Services assist low-income seniors with accessing government benefits and tax refunds that they may not realize they are eligible for. With community support, we have been able to recover $118,000 in back pay for local seniors since July 2023. Get in touch with us if you know a senior who could use our assistance. Financial donations are gratefully accepted online, by phone, or in person.

Acupuncture for Blood Sugar Balance

Acupuncture, an ancient practice of inserting thin needles into specific points on the body, can be a valuable complementary approach to managing blood sugar levels. 1. Regulates Insulin: Acupuncture may stimulate the release of endorphins and improve insulin sensitivity, helping to stabilize blood sugar levels. 2.Reduces Stress: Acupuncture promotes relaxation by releasing tension and reducing stress hormones, aiding in glycemic control. 3. Enhances Digestion: Improved digestion can lead to better nutrient absorption and more stable blood sugar. Acupuncture is a complementary therapy, not a replacement for medical advice or medication. Consult a healthcare professional to discuss how acupuncture may help you.