Community News
Plant New Beliefs for a Joyful Life

April is here! Are you ready for some spring cleaning? Spring is a good time to clean out those beliefs that no longer serve you and to plant joyful intentions! Your intentions should be positive, uplifting, and in the present tense. When you state your intentions, do so in a positive tone. Avoid using any negative words. Intentions are what you want, not what you do not want. Are you ready to plant joyful intentions for your life? If you are not yet ready, book a Realigning Beliefs or Body Code session to release those negative beliefs and get joy back in your life.

Experience Healing and Stress Relief

Feeling stressed or tired? The Energy Enhancement System (EESystemTM) can help. It generates life-enhancing energy fields that can promote healing. The possible health benefits include improved immune function, pain and stress relief, detoxification of the body, elevated moods and increased energy levels. It combines body, mind, spirit and science to help you achieve peak performance and reach higher states of health, consciousness and self-actualization. The future is here. Experience the EESystemTM while relaxing in a recliner, where your body will reach a meditative state.

Time to Get Out and Socialize

Spring is here, and there is a feeling of hopefulness and renewal in the air. Winter tends to see us more in solitude. Once it warms up and the days are longer, we tend to want to spend more time outdoors and with friends. These activities are good for our health. Fresh air and sunshine can do wonders for our physical and mental health, and socializing helps with our mental and emotional health. Once we start, we tend to want to do more healthy things, so get out and go for a walk with a friend, socialize, and engage—you’ll feel better about it!

Your Personal Pharmacist

Do you have a personal pharmacist on your wellness team? A personal pharmacist pays close attention to your needs and provides personalized care. Whether it’s managing your diabetes, heart health, or another chronic condition, they are invested in your health. Your personal pharmacist can help make sure your medication is the right fit and introduce you to tools that make day-to-day medication management easier. With the expanded role of pharmacists, they can assess and prescribe medication for certain minor conditions that do not require a doctor’s visit. When you have a minor condition, book an appointment with your pharmacist for a free assessment.

Relationships are Important

Relationships are so important! Hard, too, at times, especially in the relationships we have with those with whom we are closest. What makes a good relationship? While many may say things like “common interests and/or personality,” “chemistry” for intimate relationships, or a sense of humour, there are some that create more meaningful connections. These include an ability to stick with it through thick and thin (except when there is abuse), a willingness to be emotionally vulnerable, mutual respect, and a desire to deeply understand each other. Sometimes we get stuck and need a third party to help us turn our conflicts into a genuine connection.

Brain Teasers

1. Which hormone is often called the ‘stress hormone’? 2. What is the smallest bone in the human body? 3. What does a sphygmomanometer measure 4. What is the strongest muscle in your body?

Nourishing Seniors, Building Communities

In retirement communities, mealtimes are vital for seniors, fostering socialization and delivering essential nutrients. To ensure a wholesome diet, communities prioritize well-balanced meals with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Seniors, prone to health risks, must maintain good nutrition to avoid weight loss, depression, and weakened immune systems. The National Resource Centre on Nutrition and Aging reports that over 5.5 million seniors are facing food insecurity. Retirement communities address nutritional challenges by providing chef-prepared communal meals. This approach ensures proper nutrition, fosters a social atmosphere, and creates a well-rounded dining experience for residents.

Natural Solutions for Health Challenges

Many of us are seeking natural solutions to protect our most precious asset – our health. Lucy Liu, the founder of Optimal Health Solutions, offers a wide range of healing modalities including holistic nutrition, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), herbal and energy medicine, and more. She is a Registered Dietitian, TCM Practitioner, Herbalist, Reiki Master, and energy healer with many years of clinical practice in healthcare. She uses a variety of healing modalities and her experience to resolve the root causes of your health challenges effectively and without drugs. Visit her website for more information and contact her to book a health consultation today.

Profile: Frequensea Healing Space

Frequensea Healing Space is a new wellness centre that offers a welcoming, safe space where you can come to experience the power of the Energy Enhancement System™. The EESystem™ generates multiple bio-active energy fields, including “scalar waves,” which promote *cell regeneration, *improved immune function, *pain relief, *detoxification of the body, *elevated moods, and *assist in balancing the brain to increase energy levels. It uses custom-installed computers to generate energy fields that can promote healing. Combining body, mind, spirit, and science can help you achieve peak performance and reach higher states of health, consciousness, and self-actualization. The future is here.

Wellness Expo – March 23 – FREE to Attend

Wellnessnews Choices for Healthy Living® is thrilled to present the 4th Annual Wellness Expo on March 23 at Beban Park Social Centre in Nanaimo. The Expo is FREE to attend. It will be a day to explore various approaches to health, nutrition, fitness, and overall well-being. Explore, transform, escape, and shop! You will find great fashion and products for your home that all contribute to feeling good. Check the Wellness Expo website for a list of exhibitors, health talks, and door prizes.

Relationships are Everything

Relationships are part of humans’ ingenious and innate mechanism for healing. To remain in connection with the Other, we do the work we might not otherwise do, ultimately mending our relationship with ourselves as well. As the newest associate at Shore Counselling Services in Nanaimo, Jude brings a wealth of integrated, experiential and trauma-informed practices to the art of relationships with a sound integration of professional, evidence-based practices. Non-Violent Communication and the Way of Council are two of the integrations seeing the greatest results. Book a 1-hour Couples Consult with Jude by visiting our website. Consult is available online or in Nanaimo.