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Stress Management For Your Heart

Hypertension (high blood pressure) is one of the risk factors for heart disease. It is a long-term medical condition where the blood pressure in the arteries is persistently elevated.
You can help control or reduce hypertension in the areas of diet, exercise, weight, salt reduction, limiting alcohol & caffeine, not smoking and managing stress.
Many doctors include deep breathing and meditation in a stress management plan. Both Qigong and Reiki are excellent ‘tools’ for stress reduction. Slow, deep breathing and meditation are foundational to the practice of Qigong and the deep meditative state experienced while receiving Reiki brings deep relaxation, calm and peace to the body/mind.
The combination of movements and slow, deep and gentle breathing in Qigong helps the body & mind relax and release tension. Then, by focusing inward and replacing worries and negative thoughts with positive thoughts and emotions, a state of calm and peace is achieved that also positively affect the qi (energy) and blood circulation.
There have been a number of studies done worldwide on the benefits of Qigong for the heart. Overall, results show that practicing Qigong as a complement to medical treatment can help to improve blood pressure, heart and respiratory rates.
Reiki has been described as ‘spiritually-guided life force energy’ that has the ability to help balance our ‘energy’ on all levels – body, mind and spirit. In ‘matters of the heart’ it can also help to elevate the feelings of acceptance, love and compassion bringing with it an acceptance of the moment and a state of calm and peace that affects the whole person.
Studies have also been done with Reiki that have varying positive results depending on the focus of the study. With regard to the heart, Reiki as a complementary therapy can help to improve HRV (heart rate variability), mental state and quality of life (ie sleep, reduction in pain) especially after a heart attack and surgery. An example of one such study is found at:
February is Heart Month in Canada. What better time to do something new for your heart?!


Ask The Expert

Q: My older sister says she got an eye infection over the holidays, and that it’s actually shingles in the eye. Is there really such a thing?
A: Yes, the virus that causes shingles can sometimes affect the eye, and she probably deserves your sympathy – it can be painful and the treatment often involves a lot of eyedrops. It might be worthwhile assessing your own risk of developing shingles (factors include age or a compromised immune system) and asking your health care provider about vaccines to lessen the risk.

To the Heart of the Matter

Research shows that there are nerve fibres that directly link the heart to the brain. More specifically directly to the part of the brain called the amygdala (the part of the brain that is linked to our fight or flight emotions). The power of love is real, as is the power of love to heal yourself! When we open our hearts, free the past and forgive ourselves, we can create a new create a new life for ourselves. In this month where you’re surrounded by commercial symbols of love, why not start with loving yourself?

Signs of a Heart Attack

Heart attacks can present with the following symptoms: chest discomfort, sweating, upper body discomfort including neck, shoulder, arms and back pain, nausea, shortness of breath, and light-headedness. Women may also have these symptoms, but many women can have a heart attack without chest pressure or other typical signs. Women may have extreme fatigue or non-specific upper body discomfort. Don’t dismiss symptoms. Have your symptoms or concerns checked to rule out a heart attack especially if you have a history of high blood pressure or other heart disease.
For more information, go to

What Causes Flat Feet?

Flat feet or “fallen arches” are caused chiefly by weak flexor muscles. The major flexor muscles of the foot are meant to propel you forward by pushing against the earth behind you as you walk or run barefoot. However, lifelong use of shoes allows these muscles to atrophy and become weak. As these muscles weaken, they stretch out, allowing the ball of the foot to creep forward, resulting in the eventual collapse of the underside of the foot. Custom orthotics or dynamic rehabilitative orthotics are designed to recruit and strengthen the flexor muscles while you stand, walk, or run.

Physio for Low Back Pain

There are numerous reasons people experience low back pain—a sedentary lifestyle, poor posture, poor technique with activities (ie. lifting) and weak core muscles are some of the most common contributors. With a physiotherapy assessment, a customized rehabilitation treatment plan can be created to help address the symptoms of low back pain and prevent recurrence. Treatment typically includes a combination of manual therapy and mobility and strength exercises. Current research supports exercise as the most effective treatment option for lower back pain. Physiotherapists are exercise prescription experts and can help low back pain patients feel better and avoid future injury.

Supercharged Oxygen Treats Chronic Pain

Ozone is a supercharged form of oxygen that contains an extra atom. During treatment, this extra atom breaks off after 20-30 minutes inside the body and can bind to and destroy any viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, molds, yeasts, or abnormal tissue cells it finds in the body. These abnormal cells hate ozone, so treatment can be effective in combating disease. Once these abnormal cells are oxidized and eliminated from the body, they are replaced with healthy cells. Ozone therapy, in conjunction with injection therapy, is used to treat and eliminate chronic pain resulting from nerve injuries, degenerative joints and ligaments.

Toe Tapping for Better Sleep

Toe tapping can relieve insomnia, tension, and fatigue. It restores a state of “Water Up, Fire Down” in your body by bringing fire energy from your upper body into your lower body and core, so your body relaxes. Lie down comfortably with your feet together. Keeping your heels together, swing your feet outwards and inwards so that you tap your big toes together and then the outsides of your feet toward the floor. Start with 5 or 10 minutes. If desired, work your way up to 15 or 20. When you finish, let your body breathe comfortably as you feel subtle vibrations and energy sensations running through your body.

Quit Smoking with Acupuncture

When you combine nicotine with the flavour of tobacco smoke and the oral satisfaction of a cigarette, you get an addiction that is very difficult to break. However, acupuncture treatment tends to transform the taste of tobacco into a bad experience, making smoking cessation less difficult. It also alleviates nervousness, agitation, and other signs of mental distress. This calming effect makes smoking cessation less stressful. After one or two treatments, nicotine cravings are sharply reduced. After four or five treatments spread over a two-week period, most will have quit or drastically cut down on the number of cigarettes smoked daily.

Product Review:

Product Review:
Every Woman’s One Daily 55+ Multivitamin by New Chapter® is certified organic and offers eight fermented B Vitamins, fermented Vitamins D3, C and E, clinical strength Astaxanthin harvested from organic Algae, and Aloe. This multivitamin is whole-food fermented, Iron-free, and gentle on your stomach. The combination of vitamins and minerals in Every Woman’s One Daily 55+ Multivitamin offer a range of support for women 55+, including healthy mood and brain function, eye and bone health, healthy digestive function, blood pressure, natural energy production, and healthy immune function. Also available, created specifically for Men – Every Man’s One Daily Multivitamin.

Love Your Heart!

Hypertension (high blood pressure) is one of the risk factors for heart disease. You can help control or reduce hypertension with diet, exercise, weight, salt reduction, limiting alcohol & caffeine, not smoking and managing stress. Many doctors include deep breathing and meditation in a stress management plan. Qigong and Reiki are excellent tools for stress reduction. Slow, deep breathing and meditation are foundational to the practice of Qigong and the deep meditative state experienced while receiving Reiki brings deep relaxation, calm and peace to the body/mind. February is Heart Month in Canada. What better time to do something new for your heart?!