Community News
Change Just a Little

Have you ever tried to change a little bit, be patient with your progress, watch, see, feel, how small changes grow into bigger ones as you learn, absorb your changes and improved self.  Try quitting a bad habit or modifying an unhealthy one. By making small changes we move in the direction of bigger change, without the stress, conflict or higher risk of failure, pressure that big change requires. A healthy body builder needs years to transform their physique through steady workouts and nutrition. A vegan might not go off dairy or eggs right away but transition as they feel more in control and knowledgeable about food choices.  Treating yourself to professional massage if you are not used to it can really elevate self awareness, speed recovery, helping you focus on other healthy choices. Our biggest loser mentality discredits smaller efforts and how they lead to inspired and bigger changes. Remember the tortoise and the hare?

Roxanne Derkson RMT GCFP,

Renew Yourself with Matcha 

Spring is in the air, time for renewing your life. Let go of what you don’t need and bring in what you do need. Take a break from the TV to be more creative, have dinner by candlelight or just sit quietly to meditate and listen. Go outside and spend more time in nature. Take a hike, plant a garden, or work in a community garden. Create a balanced fitness program or modify the one you are already following that will support your healthy body/mind happiness. Start a ritual. The ritual surrounding matcha is ancient, precise and beautiful. The use of an earthen bowl to hold the fresh green tea, and the wooden scoop and wooden whisk to froth it up, is very significant from a 5 element perspective, and lends the energy of wood (growth, determination, and upward mobility) to your drink. Spring is about renewal, matcha is about renewal. Take your moment.

Tiffanie and Kip Home,

Clean Eating: Cauliflower Pizza Crust

Cauliflower is a great low-carb substitute for crusts, breads, and more! Here’s the cauliflower pizza crust recipe everyone is buzzing about!


1 head cauliflower

½ cup shredded mozzarella

1/4 cup grated parmesan

½ tsp dried oregano

½ tsp kosher salt

¼ tsp garlic powder

2 eggs lightly beaten

Directions: Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Break cauliflower into florets and pulse in food processor until fine. Steam cauliflower and drain well. In a bowl, combine with all ingredients. Transfer to baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes. Add your favorite pizza toppings and bake for an additional 10 minutes. Enjoy!

Nutrition and the Eyes

Diet and nutrition play an important role in the overall health of the eyes, and may help prevent Macular Degeneration and Dry Eye Syndrome. Omega-3’s, which can be found naturally through fish, flaxseed and walnuts, are one the most popular supplements to take today, and for good reason. Omega-3’s help in an anti-inflammatory role, which supports good heart health. Studies have also shown it may help in Dry Eye Syndrome. Things to consider in purchasing omega-3’s are purity, potency (EPA and DHA) and freshness. Vitamin A, C, E have benefits such as protecting the cornea, preventing dry eyes, night blindness and cataracts, while Lutein and Zeaxanthin help protect the eyes against harmful blue light. Today we have a supplement, AREDS 2, which combines all of these together along with omega-3 and zinc, to help protect the eyes against Macular Degeneration. Ask your optometrist about AREDS 2 supplements and if it’s right for you.

Dr. Nicholas Catchuk,

Gas Powered Lawn Mowers

According to the Government of Canada (One-Tonne Challenge) a gasoline powered lawn mower emits about 48 kilograms (106 lbs) of greenhouse gas in one season. Gas-powered lawn mowers are very inefficient, which means that despite their small size they produce a lot of air pollution. In fact, running an older gasoline-powered lawn mower for one hour can produce as much air pollution as driving a new car 550 kilometers. Source: Ministry of the Environment-Canada. A conventional lawn mower pollutes as much in an hour as 40 late model cars for an hour. Source: EPA statistics for Replacing Gas Power Lawn Mowers Assuming that a typical car travels 18,000 km per year, 33 gasoline lawn mowers would produce as much pollution a car produces all year. The 56 million gasoline-powered lawn mowers generate as much pollution as 1.7 million cars. Traditional landscaping gasoline engines create Ozone, O3, a colourless, odourless gas at ambient concentrations which is a major component of smog.

Richard Larkin,

Enjoy Your Dentures!

For years people have suffered with uncomfortable, loose, and awkward lower dentures but you don’t have to anymore.  Dental implant technology has come a long way over the years and many people are now comfortable with and enjoying their lower dentures.  It is a very affordable procedure these days as well as being more painless than most people realize.  Call your Denturist today and book a consultation with them about dental implants.  Isn’t it time to enjoy the meals you deserve to eat without the frustration of your bottom denture?

Kent Roberts RD,

Preventing Autism in Your Children

Autism Spectrum Disorders are now estimated to affect one in 45 children in the US. Additionally one in six children is now being diagnosed with a developmental disorder.

Increasingly, research and clinical practice shows that these conditions are related and largely environmentally and medically caused and preventable. Genetic and epigenetic factor seem to play a role by increasing susceptibility to medical and environmental toxins. Autism and related disorders constitute a heavy burden on families and society at large and there is an urgent need for the prevention of these crippling disorders.

Here are some autism facts from the US; Canadian date are estimated to be similar:

  • Autism prevalence is growing by 17% a year.
  • More children will be diagnosed with autism this year than with AIDS, diabetes & cancer combined
  • An estimated 1 out of 42 boys and 1 in 189 girls are diagnosed with autism in the United States.
  • Approximately 100 individuals are diagnosed every day with autism in the U.S.
  • Autism is the fastest-growing serious developmental disability in the U.S.
  • Autism costs the nation over $238 billion per year, a figure expected to significantly increase in the next decade (Data from, accessed February 15, 2016)

In the UK autism is already more expensive than cancer, heart disease and strokes combines.


There is an increasing body of research as well as clinical data linking autism and related disorders to numerous environmental causes, most of which a parent has control over.

Here are some things you can do:

  1. Both parents should ideally prepare for the pregnancy by optimizing their nutritional status. For at least six months if not a year eat an organic diet low in sugar, food additive, white flour and sugar and supplement with Vitamin D, trace mineral, folic acid, calcium and fish oil.
  2. A 2006 report from the CDC found that the average American had 116 of 148 synthetic compounds tested for, including dioxins, polycyclic hydrocarbons and organochloride pesticides. The compounds were also found in human breast milk, placental tissue, umbilical cord blood and the blood and fat of infants.
  3. Address toxicity issues prior to pregnancy if you have taken a lot of medication in your life, including antibiotics, steroids, acne medication, recreational drugs, have worked around exhaust, in chemical agriculture, with paint or other chemical exposure. These substances appear to create epigenetic changes that can affect the risk of autism and other developmental disorder in offspring. If you needed fertility treatment to conceive be aware that this can also increase the risks of developmental disorders. See a naturopathic physician for guidance with detoxification of these factors.
  4. Get rid of all chemical from your home. The average home contains between 3-10 gallons of hazardous chemicals and 85% of registered chemicals have never been tested for their effect on the human body or developing baby. Optimize your microbiome, a crucial factor in autism, by consuming fermented foods and supplementing with probiotics. The baby will inherit it’s microbiome from the mother.
  5. Address candida overgrowth and food allergies with the help of an ND.
  6. Do not live near highways or conventional farms using pesticides, these factors have been linked to an in increased risk of autism.
  7. The pregnancy and first two years of the child’s life are crucial to normal nervous system development. The developing brain is highly sensitive to chemicals and also dependent on good nutrition. Keeping this in mind try to have the best diet possible and avoid all chemical exposure during pregnancy, especially the use of medical drugs. Antidepressants, such as SSRIs, anti-nausea medication, antibiotics, steroids, Tylenol and other meds have all been linked to autism either in research studies or clinical practice. See a naturopathic physician to deal with any health issues arising during pregnancy.
  8. Avoid ultrasounds if possible. The more ultrasounds a woman receives during pregnancy the higher the risk of autism in the child. Avoid vaccines during pregnancy, no vaccines have been safety tested on pregnant women. Obviously avoid recreational drugs such as marihuana. Optimize Vitamin D status to 150 nmol/L. VIt D may be a crucial nutrient in the prevention of autism.
  9. Minimize medical interventions during labour and delivery if at all possible. Have a midwife and/or doula attending the birth, preferably someone with training in homeopathy and acupuncture to help deal with pain and any complications. Have a home birth if possible to avoid exposing the infant to dangerous hospital bacteria at birth.
  10. Anaesthesia is linked to behavioural and developmental issues and C-section don’t allow for normal vaginal microflora exposure. In case a C-section is needed the newborn should be exposed to the mother’s vaginal flora by inserting gauze into the vagina and rubbing the baby down with it after birth.
  11. Breast-feed the infant and strictly avoid giving all medications, especially antibiotics. The gut microbiome is increasingly being implicated in the development of autism and antibiotics can permanently alter it. Avoid Tylenols as its use has also been linked to autism as well as asthma and other health issues. Be very careful with vaccines, especially if there is a family history of allergies and/or auto-immune conditions or a family history of tuberculosis and cancer. These conditions can mean that your child is at an increased risk of adverse events from vaccines, including autism. If vaccines are desired delay them, space them and be very selective. Clinical experience has shown that using a more selective vaccine schedule helps to prevent the risk of autism. Consider not vaccinating at all.
  12. If you want to circumcise your baby wait until the child is at least two years old. Circumcision has been linked to autism in research studies due to Tylenol use for pain control.
  13. Avoid plastic containers and baby bottles, or at least ensure that they are bisphenol free. In general continue to avoid all household chemicals and continue a high quality organic diet.

These recommendations should go a long way to preventing serious life-long developmental disorders.

Dr. Anke Zimmermann, ND

Natural Treatments for Age Spots

Sun damage can cause age spots later in life as elastin and collagen production (and skin turnover) slow. Many mainstream skin-lightening products contain hyroquinone, which damages the skin and liver over time. The dark pigmentation (melanin) is facilitated naturally by an enzyme called tyrosinase.  Natural ingredients that interfere with the production of melanin include fermented ingredients – greek yogourt, fermented rice (sake kasu), kombacha, kefir, sauerkraut, and apple cider vinegar. Apply them topically. These ingredients also provide a mild acid that exfoliates dead skin cells on the surface of the skin, gradually assisting in the lightening of age spots. Other natural acids like lemon juice have a mild bleaching effect. Skin-brightening herbs include Uva Ursi (Bearberry), Shiitake and Licorice root. One superb skin brightener is Horseradish. Make a paste of horse radish root, or a strong infusion and apply to the age spot daily. Or apply Wasabi (carefully – and do not get it in your eyes!). Horseradish is a powerful cancer fighter both internally and externally.

Karen Van Dyck,

Raising a Vaccine Free Child

Raising a Vaccine Free Child, Wendy Lydall. As the media controversy around vaccination continues to rage parents are left to fend for themselves in an effort to make medical decisions for their children that will have an impact on their lives forever. As a naturopathic physician who has seen hundreds of vaccine-injured children I recommend this well-researched and down to earth book to all parents and professionals. Wendy Lydall presents a comprehensive, scientifically-based guide to the myths, facts, problems and solutions associated with vaccine questions.

Dr. Anke Zimmermann, ND,

Change Just a Little

Have you ever tried to change a little bit, be patient with your progress, watch, see, feel, how small changes grow into bigger ones as you learn, absorb your changes and improved self.  Try quitting a bad habit or modifying an unhealthy one. By making small changes we move in the direction of bigger change, without the stress, conflict or higher risk of failure, pressure that big change requires. A healthy body builder needs years to transform their physique through steady workouts and nutrition. A vegan might not go off dairy or eggs right away but transition as they feel more in control and knowledgeable about food choices.  Treating yourself to professional massage if you are not used to it can really elevate self awareness, speed recovery, helping you focus on other healthy choices. Our biggest loser mentality discredits smaller efforts and how they lead to inspired and bigger changes. Remember the tortoise and the hare?

Roxanne Derkson RMT GCFP,

More on Changing Habits

Starting the Change Process: Building on the 6 stages of changing habits (Pre-contemplation,Contemplation, Preparation, Action, Maintenance and Termination), it has been proven that without a plan or readiness, trying to change a habit is likely to fail. Motivation is key. You need compelling reasons why you want to change a habit. You must be aware of the pain associated with continuing on your current path, and the rewards of changing. “Should” is not compelling! To increase motivation, use others as inspiration. Model the behaviour of someone with the behaviour you want, or notice the ill effects of the habit you want to change. Talk about or journal in detail what you DON’T want to clarify your desire.  Include emotional elements; we all are attached to our habits. Next, detail what you DO want.  Then focus on inconsistencies between your current behaviour and your desired change. This will put you in touch with reality and increase your motivation!

Juhree Zimmerman R.N., B.Sc.N., M.Ed., C.P.C.C., O.R.S.C.C., Master Certified Coach,