Community News
Video Games for Dementia

A recent study suggests that playing video games for 30 minutes a day could help older adults gradually fight the effects of dementia by improving memory function. Games that involve a 3D environment with more advanced graphics appear to be more effective, as they offer more immersive gameplay. During the study, participants were asked to play video games for about 30 to 45 minutes per day over four weeks. Improvements in both cognition and memory skills were found in the group that played video games with 3D graphics. This could offer a simple and fun anti-dementia approach for older adults!

Prevent and Treat Iron Deficiency

1.85 million Canadians suffer from iron deficiency. To ensure that you aren’t one of those, speak to your healthcare provider to ensure that you are meeting your iron needs. Iron is found in specific food sources, however if you are not meeting your iron requirements, iron supplements are available. There’s a once daily dosing option with the highest amount of elemental heme iron, and better gastrointestinal tolerability available. You no longer have to suffer from the well-known side effects of iron supplements or take 2-3 capsules a day. HEMAFORTE 1™ can be purchased at or at your local pharmacy, give your pharmacist the product codes McKesson #146492 and #146497.

Happy (and HEALTHY) New Year!

Happy 2022! Let’s make this our healthiest year yet! If you feel overwhelmed with where to start, it turns out even small daily adjustments can have a surprisingly big impact on your health! Here are a few ways you can help yourself feel good and age well: Eat more nutrient-dense foods. You need fewer calories with aging, but twice as many nutrients. Get active. Indoor walking, swimming, and doing yoga are all great activities to ease yourself into. Stay connected and make new friends. Social engagement and participation are especially important for older adults. These are linked to better cognition and overall health, and lower risk of depression and disability.

Inspiration vs. Obligation

A new year is an opportunity to re-evaluate, prioritize and upgrade your life. What do you feel most inspired to do, learn, and explore in your life? Are you living with inspiration or obligation? Who brings out the best in you and what obligations and responsibilities are you ready to release that no longer serve you? How can you give yourself full permission to do more of what fills you up and let go of the rest? Decide what kind of life you really want, then say no to everything that isn’t that.

Avoid Sweaty Hands and Feet

Over 950,000 Canadians suffer from hyperhidrosis. You are not alone. Excessive sweating can affect your quality of life and lead to emotional distress. You may have noticed that showering and deodorant are not enough when dealing with hyperhidrosis. But there are other fast acting options with longer protection available. There’s a 1st line proven effective therapy for hyperhidrosis and meets the criteria of the Canadian Dermatology Association’s Skin Health Program, is clinical strength antiperspirant that works. Don’t let sweat get the best of you.

New Year’s Resolutions for Seniors

The new year is always a good time to consider some positive changes you’d like to make to set you on the path to a happier, healthier you! These New Year’s resolutions for older adults are a great place to start. 1) Give your brain a boost – keeping mentally fit can be done by joining clubs or even doing a crossword puzzle each day. 2) Eat more veggies – sticking to a healthier diet is important as we age. 3) Move more – sign up for exercise classes or work out with a friend. 4) Spend more time with loved ones!

Virtual Programs

Looking for a little excitement in your day? Join our virtual programs that will have you sitting at the edge of your chair. From Trivia Thursdays to Painting Parties, we make staying at home fun. Contact Shannen at 604-531- 9400 ext. 203 for more details on our virtual programs.

Social Prescribing

Social Prescribing is a pathway from your doctor or nurse practitioner’s office to local, non-clinical services for people who could use a little help connecting to their community or learning how to take care of their health and wellbeing. Due to Covid-19 the social prescribing program has been creatively adapted in order to continue supporting community members to meet health goals, connect with community resources and maintain wellbeing. Please call the program coordinator at 604-531-9400 ext. 204 or ask your Physician or Nurse Practitioner for more information.

Introducing: Seniors Walking Group

Let’s make 2022 all about healthy life choices starting with morning brisk walks. What better way to stay fit and make new friends? Seniors Come Share Society introduces our first ever Seniors Walking Group for seniors 55+. This fast-paced walking group allows you to enjoy time outdoors while being social. Starting January 19, 2022, at 9:30am, the group will meet around the Bakerview Park area. Walking sessions are for 2 hours. Please contact Shannen to register at 604-531-9400 ext. 203.

January Events

Free Legal Clinic- January 4
55+ Fitness Class- January 5 from 10:30am-11:30am. Caregiver Support Group- January 6 from 1:30pm-3:00pm. 55+ Fitness Class- January 12 from 10:30am-11:30am.
Walking Group- January 19 at 9:30am. 55+ Fitness Class- January 19 from 10:30am-11:30am. Caregiver Support Group- January 21 from 1:30pm-3:30pm. Zoom Bingo- January 26 from 1pm-3pm. Free Legal Clinic- January 26. 55+ Fitness Class- January 26 from 10:30am-11:30 am. Trivia Thursdays – January 27 1pm-3pm.

Start Changing Lives Now

We are meeting a need in the community, and we can’t do it without you. Please give generously and make a difference in the quality of life for our seniors. Your donation will go a long way to continue providing just the right programs and services and help people reconnect with the community in a safe way. Every $100 donated provides an hour of services to three older adults and caregivers.