Community News
Parenting Perspectives:

Understanding Different Parenting Approaches

As we transition from celebrating Mother’s Day to Father’s Day, we acknowledge May as Prepare Tomorrow’s Parents Month. It’s a time to reflect on the deep significance of parenthood and to concentrate on equipping future generations with essential skills. Parenthood is one of life’s most profound journeys, yet many venture into it unprepared. Parenting is a journey filled with choices, challenges, and ultimately, consequences.

Psychologists and researchers have identified various parenting styles that significantly influence the development and well-being of our children. From the pioneering work of Diana Baumrind in the 1960s to contemporary trends, the landscape of parenting styles continues to evolve.
Baumrind’s research identified three primary parenting styles: authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive.
Each style reflects different approaches to discipline, communication, and expectations within the parent-child relationship. Further research by Eleanor Maccoby and John Martin in the 1980s introduced a fourth parenting style: neglectful.

The Authoritarian parent establishes strict rules and expects unwavering obedience from their children. The outcome of this parenting style often leads to poor academic achievement and increased symptoms of depression.

Permissive parents adopt a lenient attitude, often avoiding confrontation and granting developmentally inappropriate freedom to their children. This style correlates with issues such as low self-control, diminished self-esteem, and heightened aggression.

Neglectful parents demonstrate a lack of engagement and responsiveness to their children’s needs, this parenting style is associated with children who have difficulty developing healthy emotional coping mechanisms and may have both academic and social challenges.

Authoritative parents set clear boundaries and prioritize open communication and responsiveness to their child’s needs. Research has consistently shown that authoritative parenting is associated with positive developmental outcomes for children resulting in greater emotional stability, adaptive coping strategies, and higher levels of life satisfaction.

Over time, societal shifts and cultural dynamics have given rise to new parenting paradigms. Enter the era of helicopter parenting, characterized by over-involvement and excessive intervention in children’s lives. These well-meaning but overbearing parents shield their children from failure, discomfort, and challenges, inadvertently hindering their development of resilience and problem-solving skills.

In contrast to the helicopter approach, other contemporary parenting styles emphasize empathy, connection, and mutual respect. Attachment parenting, gentle parenting, conscious parenting, and responsive parenting are among the emerging models. While each of these styles may have unique nuances, they generally align with the principles of authoritative parenting, emphasizing clear expectations, nurturing emotional intelligence and healthy boundaries.

Parenting is a dynamic process shaped by individual temperament, cultural values, and situational factors. Effective parenting involves ongoing reflection, flexibility, and the willingness to adapt to the evolving needs of children as they grow and develop.

As we celebrate Prepare Tomorrow’s Parents Month, let’s acknowledge the importance of equipping future generations with the tools they need to navigate the complex journey of parenthood. By instilling essential parenting skills early on and fostering a culture of support and understanding we can create a more inclusive and empathetic society, where parents feel supported rather than judged.

If you are navigating the world of parenting, and seeking support,
Moose Jaw Family Services is here to help.


Mental Health Awareness Week

Our friends at The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) have declared May 6 through 12, 2024 as Mental Health Week. Their theme is “A Call to be Kind” because compassion connects us all. We all have the capacity to be compassionate, and we know that doing so can make an enormous difference. This year’s Mental Health Week is centered on the healing power of compassion. In a world plagued by suffering, CMHA is hoping to emphasize that kindness is equally intrinsic to our humanity.

While many people in Canada struggle with their mental health, certain groups face unique challenges because of systemic racism, discrimination, socio-economic status, or social exclusion. Among these communities, seniors have experienced many challenges to their mental health.

Programs to Keep You Healthy!

Did you know that the programs and services we offer here at the Golden Circle contribute to mental wellness? You may think you’re just playing cards, or having lunch, but you are connecting with peers and combating loneliness and social isolation and in fact improving your mental health! Physical activity is not just beneficial for maintaining a healthy body, but also for improving mental health. Physical activity is an important aspect of maintaining good mental health. Regular exercise can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood, boost self-esteem, enhance cognitive function, and reduce symptoms of depression. Physical activity is a natural stress reliever because when you exercise, your body releases endorphins, which are feel-good chemicals that help reduce stress and anxiety and at the Golden Circle we offer a variety of fitness programs from Yoga to Zumba, to a Stretch Flex and Strengthen class and Sit and Be Fit, and Tai Chi. We have a Bocce group, Carpet Bowling and a Hardy Walkers Club – all get together year-round! Engaging in mental activities can help improve our cognitive function such as planning skills, decision-making, and short-term memory.
We also have weekly board and card game offerings to keep your mind sharp, like Canasta, Bridge, Cribbage, Pinochle, Mahjong, Scrabble and Euchre.

Golden Circle’s Frozen Meal Program

The Golden Circle’s Homestyle Frozen Meal program offers a wide selection of affordable, nutritious, and ready-to-eat meals made, packaged and frozen for your convenience right here in our own commercial kitchen. We also offer in-house dining: Soup and Sandwich on Mondays from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm, Hot Lunch on Wednesdays from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm and Breakfast on Fridays from 8:30 am – 11:00 am. You don’t have to be a member to purchase frozen meals or to join us in person in the Dining Room, but if you are a member, you get a discounted rate on in-house dining, special event ticket prices and more!

Balancing Your Emotions

Life is full of ups and downs, and sometimes our feelings can be as unpredictable as a rollercoaster ride. These sudden shifts in mood, known as mood swings, might leave us feeling confused and uneasy. Although they’re a normal response to life’s challenges, it’s important to know how to manage them for the sake of our mental health. Luckily, there are strategies we can use to navigate these emotional ups and downs. 1. Understand Yourself: Getting a handle on your mood swings starts with understanding yourself. Take note of what tends to trigger these shifts so you can be better prepared. Keeping a journal where you record your moods, activities, and events that coincide with these mood changes might help you identify patterns. Once you recognize your triggers, you can work on finding ways to either avoid them or cope with them. 2. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation:
Mindfulness and meditation are powerful tools that can help you stay balanced. They enable you to stay present in the moment, detach from intense emotions, and observe them without passing judgment. Regular practice of mindfulness can improve how you manage your emotions, leading to fewer and less intense mood swings. Techniques like deep breathing and guided imagery can promote relaxation and emotional stability.
3. Prioritize Self-Care:
Your lifestyle plays a big role in stabilizing your moods. Engaging in regular physical activity releases chemicals that enhance your mood. Eating a well-balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains is essential. Cutting back on caffeine and sugar, which can affect your mood, is also a good idea. Making sure you get 7-9 hours of sleep each night contributes to better mood stability. Establishing a calming bedtime routine can also make a difference.
4. Lean on Support:
Having people you can rely on is crucial. Talking to friends, family, or therapists about your emotions can provide comfort and fresh perspectives. Sharing your experiences reduces feelings of isolation and encourages understanding. Spending time with loved ones and participating in social activities can boost your mood and create a sense of belonging.
5. Healthy Coping Mechanisms:
Instead of resorting to negative coping strategies like overeating, using substances, or isolating yourself, try healthier alternatives. Activities like journaling, pursuing hobbies, engaging in artistic endeavors, or spending time outdoors can help shift your focus away from negative emotions.
6. Establish a Routine:
Daily routines provide stability when you’re going through emotional ups and downs. Having a structured schedule can help you manage your emotions and give your life purpose. Plan out specific times for meals, exercise, relaxation, and sleep. Routines offer predictability and a sense of control, which can reduce feelings of being overwhelmed.
7. Manage Stress:
Stress is a significant contributor to mood swings. Learning effective stress management techniques is essential. Practices like progressive muscle relaxation, biofeedback, and aromatherapy can help calm your nervous system. Engaging in hobbies such as reading, gardening, or playing music can also promote relaxation.
8. Challenge Negative Thoughts:
Cognitive-behavioral techniques are useful for tackling negative thoughts that worsen mood swings. Recognize unhelpful thoughts and replace them with more realistic and positive ones. Changing your thinking patterns can lead to better emotional balance. If this proves difficult, consider seeking guidance from a therapist.
9. Seek Professional Assistance:
If your mood swings are severe and are interfering with your daily life, it’s a good idea to seek help from a mental health professional.

Are You Having Fun?

As an older adult, you’re likely aware of the importance of staying active for optimal mental and physical health. However, amidst all your activities, it’s crucial to ask yourself: are you truly having FUN? Fun and joy are essential components of a fulfilling life, making us feel alive, engaged, and connected to others. When we embrace laughter and play, the world becomes more vibrant and inviting. Every senior deserves to pursue enjoyable pastimes that transport them, making them lose track of time or feel like a carefree kid once again. The good news is that many of the best activities for senior citizens are low-cost or even free. So, why not explore activities that reignite the youthful spirit within you?

May Events for Seniors at RDPL

Downtown Walk & Talk (every Tuesday at 12:15 p.m.)
*NEW!* Collicutt Walk & Talk (every Thursday at 11:30 a.m.)
First Thursday Concert Series (first Thursday of each month)
Travel Memories (first Wednesday of each month)
Bring, Brag, Break with the Alberta Genealogical Society (second Saturday of each month)
Book Clubs (various dates/times)
Get Money Smart! 75 Ways to Save on Household Expenses (online on May 14)
Red Deer Cancer Connect (May 7 & 21)
Readers’ Theatre (May 16)
Sip n’ Stitch (May 16)
Crib, Cards, Coffee and Conversation (May 19)
Symphony at the Snell (May 25)
For full details, visit

Save the Date!

Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 21, 2024, community; we at the Golden Circle are so excited to announce that we are participating in The Grand Parade! This is a family-friendly fundraiser walk that helps support local charities who provide essential care and service for aging Canadians. We will be looking for volunteers, sponsors, walkers and entertainment, so keep your eyes peeled on our website, social media channels, and out in the community for more details as the planning continues. The Grand Parade is a moment to take to the streets across Canada to publicly honour aging friends and family, while fundraising for charities who serve them faithfully. Fundraisers are such an important aspect of non-profit survival and sustainability, and we think that this is a perfect event to align with our mission and vision. We hope that you’ll join us in support of the important work we do for older adults in our community!

Sprout into Spring

Spring is about all things green and at Mortar and Pesto we have plenty of amazing green products to help you maintain and improve your overall health and wellbeing. We carry sprouting kits that allow you to grow nutritious microgreens in your own home, perfect for adding a nutrient-dense boost to your day. We also have greens powders, sea veggies, and high-potency broccoli capsules for those who want to achieve therapeutic doses for epigenetic support. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, spring is also liver season – a great opportunity to check out the many plant-based products we have that help the gallbladder and liver!


May is Brain Tumour Awareness Month in Canada. Brain Tumour Awareness Month aims to raise awareness about brain tumours, promote research, and support those affected by the disease. It is an opportunity to unite as a collective force, raise our voices, and create positive change. This year, we highlight the need to raise awareness for brain tumour signs and symptoms to increase early detection and diagnosis and improve patients’ survival chances. Learn more about the most common signs and symptoms of a brain tumour and download the infographics at and share them on social media! Don’t forget to use the hashtag #TurnMayGrey!

Clean Eating Recipe

Beef Taco Bowl – 2 tsps. coconut oil. 1 onion, diced. 1lb.grass-fed ground beef. 2 tsps. ground cumin. 2 cloves garlic, minced. 1 tsp. sea salt. 3 cups cauliflower rice. Tomatoes or fermented salsa, avocado, cilantro, sour cream and raw cheese for garnish. Heat coconut oil over medium heat in a large saute pan. Add onion and saute for 5 minutes until soft and just beginning to brown. Add ground beef and spices and cook about 8-10 min. Serve meat with rice and toppings.