Community News
Al-Anon Support Groups: A Beacon of Hope

In the quiet corners of our communities, Al-Anon support groups silently serve as beacons of hope for those affected by the devastating impact of alcoholism. These sanctuaries offer solace to family members and friends, imparting the tools to navigate the stormy seas of addiction. With unwavering support, Al-Anon nurtures understanding, resilience, and a renewed sense of purpose. The power of shared experiences within these groups cannot be underestimated; they provide a lifeline for those who have felt alone in their struggles. As Al-Anon continues to transform lives and mend relationships, its role in healing and recovery remains vital.

The Effect of Alcohol on Women

Women are more vulnerable to the effect of alcohol due to metabolic differences, with increased risk of cancers of the mouth, breast, liver, colon, even at low levels of consumption. Alcohol-related cognitive decline and shrinkage of the brain develop more quickly for women than men. Women who drink are also at risk of damage to the heart muscle at lower levels of consumption and over fewer years of drinking than men.

The ABC’s of Caring for Aging Loved Ones

It’s important to act promptly when changes in aging conditions arise, whether it’s a shift in attitude, behavior, or cognition. Prioritize your loved one’s comfort, safety, and overall wellbeing by exploring care options with family and trusted advisors. In-home care offers a personalized approach and provides support to family caregivers. Care professionals assist with daily tasks such as personal care, meal preparation, and light housekeeping, while also providing companionship and socialization. Proactive care can enhance quality of life, prevent unnecessary decline, and enable individuals to remain in their own home while receiving necessary support. Consider the advantages of in-home care and choose a provider that aligns with your family’s needs and values.

Can the Brain Recover?

The extent of the brain’s capacity to return to “normal” after long term sobriety is not fully understood. Research is indicating that some alcohol induced brain changes in thinking, feeling, and behaving can improve and possibly reverse with months of abstinence. There is also evidence that the brain rewires – other circuits can compensate to hep restore compromised function.

How Alcohol Affects The Brain

Alcohol interferes with the brain’s communication pathways and can affect the way the brain looks and works. Alcohol makes it harder for the brain areas controlling balance, memory, speech, and judgement to connect. This results in a higher likelihood of injuries, impaired use of a motorized vehicle, and other negative outcomes.
Speech: Becomes slurred and inarticulate as consumption increases.
Vision: Both depth perception and peripheral vision are affected by alcohol use.
Hearing: Hearing also diminishes. That is the reason at an event the volume of speech rises, as hearing diminishes.
Memory Impairments: Alcohol can have a particular disruptive effect on human memory. 1) Encoding – storing information in short-term memory banks. 2) Consolidation – transferring and integrating the information to long-term memory in a lasting form; and 3) Retrieval – the retrieval of the information from long term memory banks.
Blackouts: It is not a question of not remembering – there is no memory to retrieve. Alcohol impairs the encoding so the information was never transferred to the Long-term memory banks. At an event where people are drinking – some seem to repeat the same story over and over again – with no memory of having done so. If it is not transferred within a few minutes it is lost.
Passing Out: Alcohol is a depressant that impacts the whole body, including the central nervous system (the brain), cardiovascular system (the heart), and respiratory system (the lungs and breathing). When someone drinks too much alcohol, or too quickly, it can overwhelm or suppress the healthy performance of these systems. Essentially the individual has anaesthetised their brain. A person can die from alcohol poisoning if their respiratory system (breathing) shuts down. This is a very dangerous situation and the person may die of alcohol poisoning (overdose).

Alcohol & The Adolescent Brain

The developing adolescent brain is particularly vulnerable to alcohol-related harm. When adolescents drink, alcohol can disrupt critical brain development and interfere with structural patterns and functional development. There is an increased risk for developing alcohol use disorders not only during adolescence but also in adulthood.

Avoid Denture DIY

Trying to adjust or repair your denture yourself can easily cause irreparable and permanent damage and negatively affect how they fit. If you break your denture, if a tooth falls out, if you notice they’re cracked, or if they’re simply uncomfortable and you’re feeling like they need an adjustment, a professional denturist can help. Denturists will ensure that any repairs are completed properly, eliminating any problems that could occur if you try to fix your dentures yourself. Most adjustments can be made while you wait, and today’s modern technology means that many repairs can be completed within an hour.

Allergy Season Is Back

Many people suffering from seasonal hypersensitivities, such as head pressure, itchy eyes, and a runny or stuffy nose this allergy season will find only temporary relief, or no relief at all, from over-the-counter remedies. Alternative approaches, such as nutritional supplementation and Biofeedback focus on more than just symptomatic relief. They enable the body’s ability to remove existing allergens embedded in the sinus tissues, thereby minimizing the histamine and inflammatory reactions. This stops the over-production of mucus that the body makes to try and push the allergens out. Take a different approach this allergy season – treat the cause, not just the symptoms.

Mental Health Benefits of Exercise

Regular exercise offers boundless mental health benefits. It’s not just about physical fitness; it’s a potent tool for stress regulation. Engaging in exercise triggers the release of mood-boosting neurotransmitters like endorphins, dopamine, and oxygen, fostering a sense of well-being. When complemented with other treatments, exercise proves invaluable in alleviating symptoms of various mental health conditions such as depression and ADHD. Specifically, interval training, combining cardio with recovery workouts, emerges as particularly effective in enhancing mental health and overall well-being. By prioritizing exercise, you not only improve your physical health but also nurture a resilient and balanced mind.

May is Better Speech & Hearing Month!

Did you know that the entire month of May is dedicated to Better Speech and Hearing? During May, the hearing care industry makes a special effort to educate the public about hearing loss. Helen Keller once said that of all her sensory deprivations, she most missed her ability to hear. She noted that while blindness kept her separate from things, hearing loss separated her from people. Hearing impairment not only affects your ability to understand speech, but it also has a negative impact on your social and emotional well-being, as you struggle to carry on meaningful conversations and avoid activities.

Community Spotlight: Misericordia Terrace

Misericordia Terrace is a new apartment building with 97 brand new one- and two-bedroom apartments. Every apartment has its own washer and dryer, fridge/freezer, microwave, and blinds included. Leases are on a month-to-month basis and include lunch and dinner served daily in the dining room, most utilities, and weekly housekeeping. A key feature of our residence is the sense of community- we encourage our residents to engage in social and recreational activities. Located on the edge of the Wolseley area, this residence is perfect to be central to your family members. The area is renowned for its close proximity to walking paths and green spaces, pharmacies, churches, libraries, shops and more!