Community News
Denture ‘Info Bite’

Implant supported dentures provide better health-related quality of life than conventional dentures. Dentures can either be retained through the natural anatomy of your mouth and the suction it creates, or they can be retained by natural teeth. If you are missing all your teeth we would typically recommend placing at least 2 implants in the jaw. Small attachments (Locator Attachments) go on to the implant and snap into the denture. This helps the denture to stay put and is also much more comfortable to wear. With better retention and stability, implant dentures are a much better option than conventional dentures. They also help maintain bone, which helps maintain your facial structure and appearance. Not to mention they help you eat better and eating well is the key to general well-being.

Mark Serebnitski

You Asked? Sour Cherry Juice

What are the health benefits of sour cherries? Sour cherries naturally contain antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and melatonin. Sour, tart, and pie cherries are all references to a cherry with a high acid level. It is these cherries that carry the highest acid levels, and the darker the pigmentation the higher the benefits.

It is recommended to take a dose of at least 2 oz. a day. When starting out stick to this, but once you have been on it a while and you recognize the benefits you could adjust. As for when to take it, because of the natural melatonin, take in the evening for best results. Sour cherry juice also helps with gout, which is caused by a buildup of uric acid. The natural acids in the juice breaks down the uric acid crystals in your blood and gets it moving.

Santa Fe Food Company

What is my life purpose?

Many people reach a certain point in their lives when they realize that they truly aren’t happy with their chosen profession or life path. This inner voice was there all along, as a very faint whisper, but as time went on, the voice became louder and louder.

If this sounds familiar, I challenge you to discover your gift! What is it that you that you’re really passionate about? What do you really want to be when you grow up? Release your limiting beliefs about your ability to pursue this passion and put a plan together to make a change. True joy and inner peace are waiting for you, just outside of the four walls of your comfort zone! Open the door and take a step toward your authentic self!

Sue Berard

Struggling with Diabetes?

Many people living with diabetes are trying to self-manage with inadequate knowledge and skills. The best approach would be to meet with a certified diabetes education consultant. Evidence has shown that one-on-one diabetes education lowers blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and weight, delays or avoids complications, increases confidence to self-manage and minimizes emotional stress.

With the right help, those with diabetes can lower their risk of heart attack, stroke, and damage to the eyes, kidneys and nerves. Professionals can help develop problem solving and decision making skills, and teach you about different foods that affect your blood sugar and ultimately your lifestyle. A certified diabetes consultant can also inform you on medications and will help you learn how to take care of your feet and eyes. You will also have access to trusted resource for help and ongoing support to keep you motivated. Health is worth living for!

Mathilda Prinsloo
Diabetes Care and Wellness

Empowerment Circles

Embrace your path in life with confidence, strength, mindfulness and compassion. Whitethunder Empowerment Circle is an opportunity to learn through a co-creative wellness assessment and life questing. This empowerment circle has four levels, and each level is designed to guide you to better understanding and to help you embrace your gifts and path with confidence and strength.

These four levels include; Journey Inward, Rite of Passage, Warrior Path, and Warrior Rising. You will learn how to become mindful and compassionate to all things within and around us. The warrior way has little to do with physical battles; it is being calm in the eye of the storm.

Spring Cleaning For Your Cells

It’s that time of year again, when we pull everything out and give it a good cleaning. Our cells need the same consideration, as many of us have been cozy by the fire, hibernating for the last few months. Block Therapy gives your cells a thorough washing, as it removes the blocks to blood flow. Proper circulation not only delivers oxygen and nutrients for cells to function, but also removes toxins, by-products of cellular functioning and even negative emotion that becomes trapped in the tissue.

Many people are big believers in cleanses and they do often work, but they are limited in their ability to fully clean the cells if there are blocks in tissue. So this spring, give yourself the full advantage. Find a cleanse that is right for you and start Block Therapy. Your cells will love you for it!

Deanna Hansen

Adapting to change

As spring approaches early in Manitoba we can collectively breathe a sigh of relief from the burdensome snow banks and parka attire. However, the warmer sun and early arrival of geese may have your internal clock a little out of sync and thus sending you subtle pangs of fearfulness and uncertainty. One way I suggest to become more comfortable with change is to take some time to listen.

Allow yourself to integrate into your environment with a deeper understanding of what is going on by listening carefully. Listen to the subtle messages that the wind carries past you. Listen to the stories the geese are telling you as they journey north. Listen to the life coming up from under the earth beneath you. These sounds can speak to your heart and inspire you to follow a harmonious journey of fearless movement with purpose thus allowing you to accept some change as a part of your travels.

Pamela Vialoux,
Shabequay Healing

Just Breathe

One of the most under rated muscles is the diaphragm; it is a major muscle for breathing. But did you know that it is an important component for posture? Functionally, our posture and the way we breathe are interdependent. So any dysfunctions in breathing can affect posture and vice versa. Upper chest breathing is also associated with neck pain, headaches, and even shoulder pain through there over use of upper shoulder and neck muscles.

The diaphragm is also key in dynamic stability, working together with abdominal muscles, pelvic floor muscles, and back muscles. They provide a stable core for proper pain free movement, whether it is running, throwing etc. Using an improper breathing pattern can cause compensation in dynamic stability, which can lead to strain in the low back and hips. So is your breathing pattern giving you neck and low back pain?

South Sherbrook Therapy

Brown Water?

Brown-colored water is a common complaint of householders. Elevated levels of manganese are the major cause of the significant increase in reports of brown water. Manganese levels have risen over the years in Shoal Lake, Winnipeg’s water source. Another common cause of brown-colored water is a rusty pipe. Pressure fluctuations inside a water pipe tend to loosen the rust that had been clinging to the inner walls.

Rusty water is a breeding ground for illness-causing bacteria. Also, a build-up of rust tends to corrode and crack pipes that in turn, exposes your water supply to contaminants in the air and also increases the chances of leaks in your home. Leaky pipes are one of the most common causes of mold and mildew infestation in homes. So, there you go; the rust in your brown-colored water actually has the potential to escalate into a major health hazard!

Blue Bison Water

Yogurt Health Benefits

Yogurt is one item you won’t have trouble locating in your local grocery store. Hit the dairy aisle and rows and rows of colourful cups of yogurt will catch your eye. It’s a top source of bone-building, osteoporosis-preventing calcium. Yogurt is also one of the best sources of probiotics, bacteria that help you maintain healthy digestion. In fact, researchers newly suspect that the probiotics in yogurt may help lower your risk of diabetes. Whether to help prevent osteoporosis, aid digestion, diabetes, or simply because you love it, there are a few delicious ways to make yogurt a part of your regular diet. Recipes such as yogurt parfaits, yogurt smoothies or even a yogurt dip are simple and easy to make and enjoy!

Curves Southdale

Cultivating Mindfulness

Spring is in the air and now is the time to plant seeds and reap the benefits throughout the year. Mindfulness is a seed that you can plant and practice daily in your lives. Mindfulness is cultivating the seeds of awareness, paying attention, and noticing what nourishes or depletes us. Mindfulness also includes non-judgment and self-compassion and enjoying our precious life. Some seeds you can sow are choosing to experience greater calmness, responding vs. reacting to stressful situations, operating less on automatic pilot. Explore the mind-body connection and ask; what am I noticing in this moment and what am I feeling? Trust your inner wisdom as you make decisions and healthier choices. Gratitude and taking the time to be of service to others, listening, and a caring attitude are all seeds of growth. Allow yourself to shift some of your patterns, perspectives and sow more seeds of contentment.

Bernice Parent
La Vie Mindful