Community News
Tropical Banana Smoothie

We can’t travel to the tropics, but we can bring the tropics to us! Enjoy this delicious and healthy fruit smoothie. INGREDIENTS: 1 cup CO-OP GOLD Tropical Banana Blend Strawberries, ½ cup Strawberry Liberté Kefir, 1 ½ cups Vanilla Silk Oat Beverage, 3 tbsp CO-OP GOLD PURE Hemp Seeds, 2 tbsp chia seeds, 2 tbsp oats, 1 tbsp honey, 1 tsp lime juice, 3-5 ice cubes. DIRECTIONS: Place all ingredients into a blender. Run on high speed for one minute or until smooth.

Support in Our Community

You Matter. Don’t fight this battle alone. Reach out now!
Action Group Society Subsidy Ride Program, provides reimbursement for travel costs. 403-343-1198
Family Services of Central Alberta supports individuals and families at every stage of life.
Food Bank – Sharing food with people in need. 403-346-1505
Meals on Wheels Delivers meals to those unable to prepare food themselves due to age, illness or disability. 403-340-2511
Salvation Army critical support to neighbors. 403-346-2251
The Lending Cupboard is committed to assisting our community with needed medical equipment and supplies 403.356.1678
The Mustard Seed Are you looking for shelter, assistance or just someone to talk to? 403.347.1844
The Outreach Centre provides basic needs and emotional support for individuals as well as providing education and support in specific areas. 403-347-2480

Do you have Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. If you snore loudly and feel tired even after a full night’s sleep, you might have sleep apnea. The main types of sleep apnea are: Obstructive sleep apnea and Central sleep apnea. Obstructive is the more common form that occurs when throat muscles relax. Central sleep apnea occurs when your brain doesn’t send proper signals to the muscles that control breathing. The most common symptoms for both types include loud snoring, gasping for air during sleep, awakening with a dry mouth, morning headache, insomnia, daytime sleepiness and irritability.

What is TRT Tinnitus Retraining Therapy?

Tinnitus is a symptom of an underlying condition, so it’s important to address the cause. TRT begins with an extensive audiological evaluation to help to determine the cause of the tinnitus followed by specialized testing to both match the tone and volume of the tinnitus. This will help determine if the cause is simply wax, an ear infection, an auditory tumor or damage to the inner ear. Then from there your practitioner can either remove wax, treat the infection, refer to ENT or program devices to stimulate the damaged area of the cochlea and hopefully relieve the client of those annoying sounds.

Committed to Your Well-Being

Your Central Alberta Co-op pharmacists provide exceptional guidance, including important facts on how to take your medication and what to expect. “When I transferred my prescriptions to a Co-op Pharmacy, the pharmacist called and we met to discuss my situation. This was new for me! She took the time to walk through every medication together. Now when I go in, it feels like they really know and care about me,” says Carmel M., age 82. “I still drive but I have several friends in my building who also use the free delivery option. It makes a big difference.”

New Social Enterprise

Do you love pies and butter tarts? Well, the Golden Circle has embarked on a new social enterprise to raise dollars for the centre. Grandma’s Pies. You can order 5” apple, cherry, blueberry pies as well as crumbles or a box of 8 raisin butter tarts for $6.00 each. Call the Golden Circle at 403-343-6074 place your order and curb side pick up is Fridays between 8:30 am and 4:00 pm.

There’s No Place Like Home

Many seniors, whether they need short term or long-term care, prefer remaining in a place most familiar to them – their home. By removing elderly loved ones from their home we often take away years of memories, relationships with neighbors and communities which can lead to a decline in health and leave them feeling sad and isolated. If Mom or Dad is willing to explore the idea of home care, involve them in the process and remember to take it slow at first. Home is still the safest place to receive care!

Executor Compensation

Acting as an Estate Executor can require a lot of time and work, and can be a stressful role to fill. Clear language in a Will establishing both the entitlement to compensation and the amount can prevent disputes. If the Will does not address Executor compensation, a discussion about that issue should take place early in the estate administration process. The Executor and the beneficiaries, with the assistance of the lawyer for the Estate, can agree what compensation the Executor will receive or resolve any disputes in that regard so that the Executor can focus on performing their duties.

Thank You to Our Community

It is due to the hard work and support of Royal Lepage Realty Network Norm Jenson, Tammy Jenson, Jan Carr and Janice Mercer that we have an elder abuse safe house in Red Deer. They spearheaded the fundraising efforts and engagement of many Red Deer Businesses to remodel an apartment that is used as a safe house for seniors who are facing abuse from their family. Corporate support like this really shows how business and non-profits can work together for the betterment of the community. Golden Circle Confidential Elder Abuse 24 Hour Resource Line: 403-346-6076

Join the Club

Become a member of the Golden Circle! You will receive reduced prices on special events and registered on site programs. You will receive a weekly email letting you know what is happening in the community and upcoming programs or events hosted by the Golden Circle. Right now, things are a little different due to COVID and not being able to open our doors, but if you sign up as a member, you are still helping to continue to run the much-needed Outreach Program that helps older adults remain supported in their homes. Be part of a good thing, join the Circle.

Purify Your Home

At the heart of GreenTech Environmental’s pureAir product family is the concept of active air purification. Using only moisture in the air, pureAir systems produce elements such as activated oxygen, plasma, and hydroxyls to continuously purify your home. Unlike passive air filters that require air to pass through them to be cleansed, active air purifiers propel oxidizers out to the sources of pollution in your space, continuously cleaning the air. You can now effectively remove allergens, bacteria, viruses, smoke, and all types of odors. Breathe easy knowing that providing your home with healthy air.