Community News
Relationships and Legal Support

Lawyers can provide advice and recommend solutions that will ensure that as people age, they have the support to ensure that while they are capable, they will make the decisions life requires of them, and when they are not, a trusted friend or family member will do that for them. Maintaining those personal relationships is important for all sorts of reasons. In 2021, consider taking the time to invest in maintaining your relationships or in repairing those that are damaged. Everyone will benefit from that effort and the legal solutions will work as intended. Happy New Year!

Time for a Pedicure!

Keeping your feet in tip-top shape is important, not just so they look good, but also to keep them healthy. Pedicures are a luxurious, relaxing experience, but they provide many other benefits too: 1) Helping retain the moisture in your skin to prevent cracking, blisters, and other problems. 2) Reducing the risk of infection and ingrown nails by cleaning and cutting nails. 3) Removing dead skin cells by exfoliating to help prevent bunions or corns. 4) Promoting blood circulation and relieving tension in the calves and feet through massage. If you’re having a spa day, don’t forget about your feet!

Natural Product Spotlight:

Innotech Nutrition Fasting Days™ – Research shows some of the main benefits of intermittent fasting include: safe weight loss, more energy, improved cardio wellness, relief from aches and pains, rebuilding of liver, normalization of insulin sensitivity, and immune system optimization. Innotech Fasting Days™ is doctor-formulated to help support your goals with a balanced nutrient powder that’s very low in calories, keto-friendly, vegan, non-GMO, non-dairy, and free of sugar, gluten, artificial sweeteners/flavours and colours. It has 42 nutrients balanced for easy and SUCCESSFUL intermittent fasting, and helps with optimized energy, glucose metabolism, hydration and electrolyte balance, bone density and muscle mass, collagen formation, and hunger suppression.

Relief for Stressful Moments

Every day, we’re faced with stimuli, called stressors, which can elicit the body’s “fight or flight” response, setting off a cascade of physiological reactions and resulting in emotions ranging from mild to intense. But while occasional stress is natural and even healthy, chronic or acute stress can be harmful. Stressors that are acute, or short-lived, are often physical or physiological. Psychological or emotional stress is usually chronic in nature. Discover your body’s response to situations you perceive as stressful. Stop by Mortar & Pesto Natural Pharmacy to fill out a detailed Stress Questionnaire. By honestly assessing how you feel, your healthcare provider can create a stress relief program for your individual needs.

Mental Health This Winter

Winter months can be difficult for those experiencing a mental health challenge or illness, especially during and following the holiday season. There are, however, a myriad of evidence-based ways to boost your physical and mental well-being. One important tool is vitamin D. Research clearly shows the benefits of this powerful vitamin for improving body and thereby brain health. Our bodies synthesize this nutrient through exposure to the sun. However, during reduced daylight months we are unable to get what we need from our solar source. If low mood persists, contact your healthcare provider or local CMHA for additional information and resources.

Essential Oil of the Month

Eucalyptus: 100% Pure Joy Naturals essential oil is a go-to remedy for colds and the flu. Eucalyptus essential oil can be used to calm a cough in several ways. A person may want to try: adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil to 1 ounce of carrier oil and rubbing the mixture onto the chest and throat or diluting eucalyptus oil in boiling water and inhaling the steam. It is also a wonderful treatment for sore muscles, a key ingredient in nontoxic household cleaners and much more. Botanical Name: Eucalyptus radiata. Plant Part: Woods and Leaves. Origin: Australia.

Don’t Blame Your Cold

Despite the name, when you get painful blisters called cold sores they are caused by a virus, but not the kind that makes you sniffle and sneeze. They happen because of an infection with the herpes simplex virus (HSV). You can’t cure HSV or a cold sore, but you can alleviate the pain it causes by avoiding spicy or acidic foods, applying ice, and using over-the-counter remedies. Look for medicines that contain numbing agents such as phenol and menthol to reduce cracking and soften scabs. Talk to your Central Alberta Co-op pharmacist if you have questions.

Product Review: SOLBRÜ Restore

Solbrü Restore is a sophisticated, modern elixir, made in Winnipeg with a blend of balancing herbs and functional mushrooms, inspired by ancient herbal remedies for detox and liver support. It’s a delicious alcohol-free, small-batch infusion that can be enjoyed as a shot, on the rocks, in an alcohol-free cocktail, mixed with nut or oat milk, or juice. These functional mushrooms and herbs contain phytonutrients that can decrease the effects of stress and support liver function, digestion, and immunity, all in a great-tasting elixir that includes notes of ginger, orange, apricot, and spices. 2 new flavours coming soon!

Stress Management Coaching

Stress and anxiety can impact us in many ways, emotionally, mentally, and physically. High-performing individuals often find themselves having trouble sleeping, experiencing high blood pressure, or becoming easily distracted. You may be feeling fatigued, depressed and not like the energetic and ambitious person you used to be. If this sounds like you, you might be overwhelmed by stressors that stem from your career or other areas of your life. If you are feeling overwhelmed and under major pressure, a stress management consultant can help you take back control, offering personalized support and coaching to control your triggers and manage how you react to stress.

What’s Happening in my Carpet?

Mold and bacteria can settle deep into carpet fibers. These biological microbes are alive and thriving, and if your carpet remains dirty, they will continue to grow. Did you know that conventional shampooing methods will cause re-soiling due to lack of rinsing and extraction of the chemicals used? Spots and stains will resurface because they were only pushed a little deeper. Sand, dust and other particles that get embedded in your carpet will cause abrasion of the fibers, making the carpet look dull. Light no longer reflects properly as the tips of the carpet tufts plume, causing a shadow effect – permanently. This can be prevented by annual professional steam cleaning!

Men and Hearing Loss

Did you know that men are at more risk of hearing loss then women? Men are 3 times more likely to develop noise-induced hearing loss as they typically work in loud environments and partake in louder hobbies like shooting and woodworking. Certain medications have a link to hearing loss. Regular use of pain killers and anti-inflammatory meds in men under 60 have a profound effect on their hearing. Men are more likely to be smokers, which can have a negative impact on your entire body including your hearing.