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Painful or Pain-Free?

How do you want to spend the rest of your life? Isn’t it interesting that the foods that are not good for us are our favourites? Sometimes we don’t even know that fact. People who suffer with post-nasal drip, usually should avoid all dairy products; and those who have an arthritic condition are better off not eating red meat or drinking red wine.

Do you ever feel hyper-sensitive after eating foodstuffs containing sugar? Did you know that many foods contain sugar, even those you wouldn’t expect? A report released by Maclean’s magazine last year suggested that the average Canadian eats nearly 100 lbs of sugar per year! And most of it is hidden in foods you think are healthy. Cereal, pasta sauce, bread, ketchup, salad dressing, peanut butter, fruit juices and most “low fat” products. The taste has to come from somewhere, reckon the manufacturers. Childhood obesity is on the rise, as well as many side effects such as Diabetes, high blood pressure and possibly even Alzheimer’s, according to Suzanne de la Monte; a professor at Brown University. The World Health Organisation suggests sugar should be a mere 10% of our total energy intake per day. The way to control that is to read the labels every time we go shopping or eat something, and if necessary, keep a food journal until you are familiar with your own requirements. The healthiest way to obtain sugar in your diet is from fresh fruit and vegetables and, most strongly suggested; organically grown.

Reading labels can be a feat in itself. There are many words that we simply don’t know what the real ingredients are, and it would take a dictionary to work out even one product’s label! Some people go by the rule – ‘if it has more than three ingredients, I won’t buy it.’ That doesn’t always work for those with a busy lifestyle, so it is a good idea to find out what some of the additives are and what they might do to our systems. In an article published by President’s Choice last year, we learn that there are more than 850 food additives approved for use in Canada alone. If we only knew what they are for and why! Some are nutritional boosters such as Niacin and Folic Acid. Carrageenan, Agar, Citric Acid and Xanthan Gum are added for texture and to thicken sauces, etc. The ones to really be aware of are Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), Sodium Nitrate and Sodium Nitrite, Sodium Sulphite and Sodium Benzoate. These are added to enhance flavour, prolong shelf life and help maintain the colouring of a food. The problem is, they come under the guise of many different names – even ‘natural’ – and can have a negative reaction for many. Flushed face, headaches, rapid heartbeat, upset stomach or itchy skin to name a few symptoms.

So how to enjoy a healthy lifestyle AND shop diligently? There are many co-op buying services that one can subscribe to in and around Winnipeg, where sharing an order of organic vegetables and fruit makes it less costly. It is also helpful to think more about the 100-mile shopping radius. This allows your foodstuff to arrive fresh at your doorstep, rather than looking tired and depleted after travelling thousands of kilometres AND being picked long before ripening. If you’ve ever eaten a banana or mango in the land of it’s origin, you’ll know a world of difference in taste and texture. This might be restrictive for many, having now become used to consuming various fruits and vegetables throughout the year, instead of seasonally or not at all. Really, who wants to eat strawberries in December? Personally, I see them as a summer fruit and ‘save’ them for that time. That makes them more special and eagerly awaited, don’t you think? Supporting local growers is also to be favoured, and such fun to go out and actually experience picking the fruit yourself. Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cherries and apples are some locally grown fruit varieties.

To get back to my comments at the beginning of this article about our favourite foods not always being the best for our digestion. Did you know that tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers, potatoes, eggplant and peppermint belong to the Deadly Nightshade category? They throw a lot of acid into the digestive tract which shows up as indigestion, bloating, gas, abdominal discomfort, nervous sweating, pains in joints – feet and hands – which can lead to arthritis and gout over time. Now you’re probably pulling a face and thinking, ‘what’s left for me to eat?’ I suggest you may want to closely observe your body’s reactions after eating any of these foods and make a healthy decision for yourself. If you can’t give them up entirely, then at least cut back on the quantity you consume. Beware of dried fruits, as many of them are preserved with Sulphur Dioxide. You might also want to look at mushrooms. Ever had a ‘gassy’ tummy after eating them? They are actually from the fungus family, and they ferment in your body, especially overnight. A far better colon and bladder function is achieved after deleting nightshades from your diet.

Living with joy and elation takes work, observation and love – self love. Eating lots of leafy greens, beetroots, raisins, figs, watermelons, almonds and some of the lighter proteins such as chicken, turkey, fish and eggs are some of the foods that will help you back to a pain-free lifestyle. Add walking in nature, laughing and listening to soothing music and you really are on the right pathway. Being grateful, showing kindness, acceptance and forgiveness are simple pleasures that bring great rewards. And you will certainly feel much less pain than before.


Cheron Long-Landes, Cheron Dearle Holistic

Managing Pain with Powerstrips

Many who suffer from arthritis, achy joints, or simple back and body aches find that they aren’t getting the desired results from conventional pain-management solutions. There is an alternative: PowerStrips are a Class 1 medical device uniquely designed to provide you with temporary relief from minor aches and pains. Using a combination of cutting-edge modern technology paired with ancient herbal remedies, PowerStrips provide an all-natural solution to regular pain-management. The strips work by redirecting our natural body heat and energy to injured areas of the body. Some of the natural elements infused in the strips include; germanium, marine phytoplankton and red ginseng. The adhesive layer on the strips is created from all-natural ingredients, which ensures PowerStrips are safe for everyday use. If you are looking for an all-natural and safe alternative to combat your everyday aches and pains, try PowerStrips – they could be just the solution that you need.

FGXpress, David Warfield

Manage Your Emotions



Emotions have an important influence on our physical health, and it’s critical to deal effectively with the feelings that accompany the everyday ups and downs of life. Here are nine steps to help manage your emotions:

1. Use your emotions and bodily responses to recognize when you are under stress.

2. Write down your thoughts and feelings about what is causing your stress.

3. Control whatever aspect of the stress that you can.

4. Don’t make mountains out of molehills. When difficult situations arise, it is important to assess how bad they really are before going into panic mode.

5. Redefine the Problem.

6. Develop behaviors that distract you from stress.

7. Reach out to a friend or family member.

8. Exercise Regularly. Regular exercise is good for your physical and emotional health.

9. Meditate and Relax.

With these 9 steps you will be well on your way to managing your emotions.

Transcendental Meditation
Lilian Lontra,

Animal Communicator

I am an Animal Communicator. This means that I was born with the gift of hearing the thoughts and feeling the feelings of animals and being able to respond to them in kind. I recognize animals as equals to people. I stand for animal rights and equality. Aside from terminal illness, the leading reason for euthanasia among dogs and cats is due to misunderstood behaviour. My role in saving an animal from being put down is to be invited into the animal’s home and decipher what the animal is attempting to communicate by acting a certain way. Often their strange and frightening behaviour is due to previous trauma, current unidentified physical illness or a whole host of other environmental triggers. It is my job to commune with the animal and hear the information she or he wishes to get across to her or his people.

As a true empath, I feel the feelings of animals both emotionally and physically. I feel their physical pain, physiological issues, their fear, and their unconditional love. As a Reiki Master I am also fluent in the ability to communicate with people in a healing and nurturing way. I have an innate ability to liaise between animals and their people for the good of all involved. It is because of this that I have chosen to dedicate my life to healing the relationships between animals and humankind both domesticated and wild. They deserve our empathy and we deserve their harmony.

Jill Saifer, Soulstice Spirit Healing

Time for Tea        

Watch out coffee, tea is making a comeback! Did you know, Canadians drink almost 10 billion cups of tea each year? That’s 120 cups more than in 2006. Next to water, tea is world’s most consumed beverage! And it is projected that consumption will jump 40% by 2020! Each type of tea has its own characteristics including a different taste and differing health benefits. Green tea is the most popular type of tea with several health benefits including weight loss and anti-inflammatory properties. White teas are the most delicate of teas, with an unmatched lightness and eminence. Black tea is your “standard” tea, which is typically used when making Iced Tea. Rooibos tea, or Red Tea, is a flavorful, caffeine-free tea that has wonderful skin-loving properties. Herbal Tea and Fruit Tea, like Rooibos tea, are caffeine-free are great served cold! Perfect for entertaining on the patio! Happy Sipping!

Steeped Tea

Aromatherapy for Beginners

Essential oils are simply organic compounds extracted from plants with tremendous healing properties. Using essential oils for healing purposes is called aromatherapy, which seeks to improve physical, mental and emotional health. Essential oils can be used to help treat a wide range of conditions, including colds, infections, depression, insomnia, and high blood pressure. These oils are extracted from flowers, seeds, leaves, roots, fruit and twigs. By concentrating the oils of these plants you are literally separating the most powerful healing compounds of a plant into a single, multi-purpose oil. Essential oils are a natural and safe way to improve your health, cure ailments, and soothe your body and mind. There are a wide number of essential oils available, each with its own healing property. Tea Tree, Lavender, Lemongrass, Peppermint, Rose, Oregano, Frankincense, Cypress, Ginger, Sandalwood – Just to name a few!

Seniors Advocate

If you are you a caregiver of an older loved one or a senior and find the health care system difficult to navigate or are frustrated with poor quality of health, you are not alone. Many older patients fall through the cracks because of gaps in our health care system.

Senior Care Practice is a service that is designed to help older adults and their families to breach the gaps and make optimal use of available resources.

“My role as a Senior Care Practitioner, consultant and medical professional is to help my patients and their families to move through the health care system. I coordinate the team, advocate for my patients at their physician and liaise between patients, their families and other health care provides to ensure continuity of care.

My advanced training in the area of senior health care, medication management, pain management and diabetes care allow me to identify and solve age, medical and medication related problems says Mathilda, Senior Care Practitioner.

She visits her patients in the privacy comfort of their homes. She tailors a care plan to meet their unique health care needs of her clients, educates her patients and their families and becomes a family friend.

Senior Care Practice is a prescription for older adults and their families to thrive!

Senior Care Practice,

Eating for Recovery

An often overlooked area when dealing with the injured athlete is what to eat throughout the rehabilitation period. Many patients commonly ask “are there foods that can help decrease inflammation and even possibly increase inflammation?” Surprisingly, the answer is YES! During the early stages of an injury (inflammatory phase) try 3-9 grams of fish oil, nuts, avocado or flax seed oil. Other foods that can help with inflammation are turmeric (1 tsp. 3x/day), garlic (2-4 cloves) or pineapple (1 cup). Other micronutrients that can help speed healing are Vitamin A, B, C, D as well as Calcium, Copper and Zinc to name a few. On the contrary, certain foods have an ability to increase or promote inflammation, such as vegetable oils, soybean, safflower oil and most processed foods. And remember, just because you’re laid up in bed with an injury that keeps you away from you’re activity, don’t forget to eat; Resting Metabolic Rate can increase between 15-50% during the recovery of an injury!

Jason Moniz, South Sherbrook Therapy

Beat the Heat

The HEAT will come…when exercising outside. The time of day is important; try to avoid exercising from 10-3, the hottest part of day. Wear loose, light-coloured clothing; the lighter colour will help reflect heat, and cotton material will help the evaporation of sweat. You may also want to try specially designed, “hi-tech” exercise shirts and shorts. Sunscreen is a must; protect your skin, buy the ‘sweat-proof’ brands. You can get burned and suffer sun damage to your skin even on cloudy day. Stay hydrated. Before you go out, drink a glass or two of water. Carry a bottle of water or even a hydration pack. Take a drink every 15 minutes, even when you’re not thirsty. When you’re done with your workout, have a few more glasses of water. Exercise safe Winnipeg!

Concourse Physiotherapy

Story of Your Bones

There is an Ojibwe word used when someone shares their story authentically, “oxoconic” – the story of our bones. The essence of this word is sacred. I was told by the Elders that it is healthy to share our stories because they can help one stay in balance within themselves. Unfortunately, we are often too busy or too distracted to tell our story or we forget. Over time, these stories can build up and prevent us from having a voice at all. Sometimes we don’t know who to tell our story to because no one is listening. I encourage people to tell their story by writing it down or attending ceremony. Alternatively, find a trusting person who can bear witness to your story and see you in your sacredness beyond the story content.  The story is finished when the storyteller sees themselves as a valued and sacred part of creation.

Pamela Vialoux, Shabequay Healing

Stop Toxic Skin Care Products

There is a lot of information regarding toxic ingredients in skin care and cosmetic lines that we purchase. At times, I feel like no matter what brand I purchase, I am taking a risk. There are key words that we are aware of; additives like parabens, sulfates, toluene, and formaldehyde are only a few of the chemicals that manufacturers use to create everyday items. What people do not realize is that these toxic chemicals are endocrine disruptors; they can mimic estrogen and possibly contribute to breast cancers. Causemetics has brought together eleven of Canada’s natural and non-toxic companies to produce a line that is safe and high quality. An automatic donation to the Canadian Breast Cancer Support Fund is made when you purchase Causemetics.

The Unexpected Gift