Community News
Re-Think Omega Fatty Acids!

Fat could be your biggest ally in health maintenance and cardiovascular disease prevention. But we need to think about the RIGHT fats. Omega fatty acids are crucial for helping to lower bad cholesterol and triglycerides. They are essential to maintaining our nervous system and act as an anti-inflammatory to fight diseases like rheumatoid arthritis. Some forms of omega-3 can also reduce fat while improving lean body mass. But which omega fatty acids do we REALLY need?   The ones most North Americans need is omega-3 from FISH OIL, as the typical Western diet does not give enough of it. When you are looking for an omega-3 product from the pharmacy, keep in mind a few tips: 1. Look for omega-3s from fish oil instead of krill oil. This is because krill oil contains very little omega-3. 2. Look for ingredients of EPA/DHA as opposed to alpha-linolenic acid as EPA/DHA is the form of omega-3 that the body can use most efficiently.

Teresa Giesbrecht,

Book Club: The Dirt Cure:

Growing Healthy Kids with Food Straight from Soil. In the tradition of Michael Pollan, Mark Hyman, and Andrew Weil, pioneering integrative pediatric neurologist Maya ShetreatKlein, MD, reveals the shocking contents of children’s food, how it’s seriously harming their bodies and brains, and what we can do about it.

Natural Product Review: pureWash® Pro

pureWash® Pro is a breakthrough in home laundry purification. As it turns out, your laundry has been keeping a dirty little secret, (It’s really not that clean at all!). Detergent may leave clothes smelling clean, but it does not eliminate the mold and bacteria that builds up from sports activities, pets, and everyday living. pureWash® Pro cleans clothes with the disinfecting power of oxygen, not detergent. This same technology is used in Hospitals and Hotels. It’s clinically proven to eliminate 99.9% of bacteria and mold, plus it’s both safe for the environment and for family members of all ages! If you have sensitive skin, you will not get skin irritations as you do from detergent. Detergent build-up promotes mold growth and does not kill bacteria. Independent, scientific studies have proven pureWash® Pro kills 99.9% of both with cold water. The power of naturally oxygenated water eliminates dirt, bacteria, and mold better than detergent!

Kevin Shale, Low Environmental Impact Technologies,

3 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Immune System

It’s officially cold and flu season. Here are five simple things you can do to improve your body’s natural immunity: 1. Drink a TON of Water: Ensuring you are hydrated is an important part of keeping your immune system strong. Try to drink at least 1.5 to 2 litres of water each day to keep your body in tiptop shape and ready to fight cold and flu bugs. 2. Get a Good Night’s Sleep: The body regenerates and repairs itself while you sleep. Getting a proper night’s rest – between six and eight hours – is important for keeping your body’s natural defenses at optimum efficiency. 3. Take a Hot/Cold Shower: The next time you take a shower try alternating hot and cold water. Research shows the body’s immune system is stimulated when it tries to warm itself up in between the extreme temperature changes. White blood cell production is increased and endorphins are released that help you relax and relieve pain.

Brett Scott,

Drink to Your Health

Known as the “Immortal Health Elixir” by the Chinese and originating in the Far East around 2,000 years ago, kombucha is a beverage with tremendous health benefits. With more literature being published regarding its effectiveness in weight management, immune system enhancement as well as its role in improving digestion, and boosting energy, the fondness of this ancient drink is growing. It’s also beneficial for protecting hair and teeth and battling certain types of cancer.   Exactly what is kombucha? Simply put, kombucha is a living drink. It’s made by fermenting tea, sugar, and the kombucha culture otherwise known as a SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast). After being fermented, kombucha becomes carbonated and contains vinegar, b-vitamins, enzymes, probiotics, and a high concentration of acid (acetic, gluconic and lactic), which are linked with positive effects.   Some outcomes are improved digestion, weight loss, increased energy, cleansing and detoxification, immune support, reduced joint pain, and cancer prevention.

Seasonal Allergies on the Rise

Do you suffer from a stuffy or runny nose? What about suffering from itchy, watery eyes, or skin irritations? Do you want to avoid daily use of over-the counter drugs such as anti-histamines, eye drops, and nasal sprays? Allergies occur when the body’s protective Qi (pronounced “chee”) becomes weakened. When this Qi is not functioning optimally, harmful environmental influences are able to invade the body, giving rise to allergies and illness. Acupuncture is a highly effective, natural alternative to strengthen and support the body’s immune system. This is great for the prevention and control of pesky allergies! Consider trying acupuncture for your annoying seasonal allergies and hay fever. You will be pleasantly surprised at the relief you experience once your body’s defenses are back to full strength!

Naomi Johnson,

Natural Product Review

Oil of Oregano is no average herb. Before modern science could point the finger at bacteria, herbalists and traditional doctors used oregano to effectively treat infections of all kinds, both topically and internally. Oil of Oregano is a potent herbal antimicrobial that effectively tackles bacterial, yeast, fungal, and parasitic infections. It is also a powerful antioxidant capable of scavenging free radicals and preventing cellular damage. It is a more potent antioxidant than vitamin E, and is four times higher in antioxidants than blueberries, and 12 times higher than oranges. Oil of oregano has anti-inflammatory qualities as well as demonstrated anti-mutagenic and anti-carcinogenic properties. Natural Factors Organic Oil of Oregano is available in both liquid and convenient softgel formats. The oil can also be used topically on bug bites and minor skin irritations as well as to relieve muscle pain.

Nutrition Plus

Stay Active This Winter

As the days get shorter, temperatures begin to drop, and the snow flies it becomes increasingly challenging to stay active. There are numerous strategies a person can implement to combat inactivity through the winter months. The first choice is to bundle up and get outside. Snowshoeing, skiing, skating, snowball fights, and snowman making are all great activities that can only be enjoyed at this time of year. There are also many ways to stay active indoors. Recreational sports leagues and gyms are available throughout the city. However, workouts can be performed in the comfort of your own home with little to no equipment. They can be self -guided or you can follow along with a workout video. If doing a formal workout isn’t for you, then try doing some housework or walking the malls. It’s important to develop a workout program and stay active this winter!

Kristi Hunter,

Grow Your Mo’

Movember is the month formerly known as November, where men and women across the globe join together to raise awareness and funds for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer to affect Canadian men. One in eight men will be diagnosed with the disease in their lifetime. Prostate cancer can be slow-growing and some men who develop it may live many years without ever having the cancer detected. It is important to get screened regularly so that if you do develop prostate cancer, the appropriate action can be taken. The moustache is our ribbon. This Movember, grow your Mo and use it to raise funds for men’s health.

Care At Home Pharmacy,

Community Event

As part of Manitoba Addictions Awareness Week, St. Raphael Wellness Centre is hosting the “SEX AND ADDICTIONS Conference” on November 15-17th at the Norwood Hotel.

The conference begins on November 15th from 7-9 pm with a public forum, entitled, “ Porn Crisis? The Porn Dilemma in Today’s Culture.” Discovering that someone close to you is secretly watching porn is usually met with a range of emotions and most of us do not feel prepared to navigate a conversation about it. This community presentation will describe six principles of sexual health that can be a foundation for talking with someone about their use of pornography.

This will be followed by a day and a half discussion on sex/drug-linked behaviour.  Family members, counsellors, therapists, mental health professionals and others who want to help individuals talk about and address issues of sexual health and substance addiction will want to attend.


10 Ways to Cultivate Self-Acceptance

Be intentional. Articulate your goal of self-acceptance and dedicate yourself to it each day. Celebrate your strengths. Name one of your strengths each day. Create a support system. Surround yourself with people who accept and believe in you. Forgive yourself. Accept past mistakes, learn from them, and move on. Shush your inner critic. Be gentle to yourself and treat yourself the way you would a loved one. Grieve the loss of unrealized dreams. Acknowledge the loss and then move forward. Perform acts of kindness. Giving to others enriches your life. Be kind to yourself. It is not selfish to love yourself. You are worthy of self-compassion. Understand that acceptance is not resignation. Letting go of the things you cannot control allows you to grow. Speak to your highest self. Visualize your best self in times of stress. Tap into the wisdom that lies within you.

Canadian Mental Health Association Manitoba,