Community News
Do We Need to Clean Our Ears?

The outer ear can benefit from a good cleaning now and then but in most cases, there is no need to clean the ear canal with a cotton swab. During showers, enough water enters the ear canal to loosen any wax. The skin in your ear canal grows in an outward, spiral pattern. As it sloughs off, ear wax goes with it. Someone with heavy wax build-up may need a trip to the doctor. If you think wax could be affecting your hearing, contact your hearing professional. They can assess the situation by looking inside your ear with an otoscope and suggest your best course of action.

Saying “No”

Being able to say no sometimes is an important adult skill. Asserting yourself is helpful for personal growth — but not always easy! Sometimes we can be afraid to threaten our relationships by saying what we want or need. It can be hard to find the confidence to rock the boat a bit, and harder to practice those skills. But setting boundaries in relationships gives you the space to be yourself — plus better well-being and health, and better ability to connect in ways you want. Finding confidence, the right phrase, good support, and then practicing are all helpful. Counselling can give you a neutral, safe place to work this out.

Information and Energy are Key to Health

Have you ever considered that in a state of total wellness, the body’s cells and organs always know what to do, and do it perfectly? The latest science is revealing the mechanisms that allow the body’s optimal functioning, and also what can cause it to lose resilience and efficacy, and to even malfunction. All of the science, along with NES’s extensive research and testing, has demonstrated that the root cause of malfunction – as well as the source of optimal functioning – exists beneath the physiology of the body. We must look to the physics underlying our biochemistry.

Get Your Mouth Checked!

An oral health exam is critical to the maintenance of your overall wellbeing. You should have your mouth checked at least once a year for prevention and treatment of any ailments. Even if you don’t have any live teeth, it’s important to make sure there are no signs of infections or early signs of cancer, growths, or cysts, and that your dentures are fitting you well. Leaving problems untreated usually leads to pain, periodontal disease, or tooth loss, and could make treatment more difficult, so it’s best to deal with problems early, or, if possible, prevent them.

Clean Eating: PB&J Energy Balls

To make these delicious and nutritious energy balls, you will need: 8 soft pitted medjool dates (soak in water if need to soften), 1 cup Fatso Peanut Butter, 1 C wheat/gluten-free oats, 1 C almond flour , 2 TBSP dried cranberries and/or raspberries.

Blend first 4 ingredients in food processor until combined.
If too sticky add more almond flour, if too dry add a bit of water.

Roll into balls and refrigerate for up to a week or freeze if desired.

Book Club

What To Do After “I’m Sorry, it’s Cancer.” An Exceptional Guidebook for Navigating Your Way to Health and Happiness. Learn how best to navigate your cancer journey and make empowered, informed decisions. St. Hilaire’s mission is to greatly reduce suffering and ensure you maintain a high quality of life through, and well beyond, cancer. You’ll discover how to uncover imbalances for healing, and you’ll create a unique and personalized wellness plan that will guide you towards health.

Words To Live By

“Success is not measured by what you accomplish, but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds.” – Orison Swett Marden

Words to Live By

“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.”
-John Wooden

Feel Good in Your Relationships

Are you having problems in your relationships? Are you wondering if it’s you? When we have been hurt, it can be really hard to take chances again. Being open to others is vulnerable! We can get anxious and lose out on great connection. But protecting ourselves from others too much can interfere with a great life. Sometimes we need help figuring out how to open up to people – and what reasonable boundaries to set. Counselling is a safe and neutral place to work this out.

Mary Munro,

The Shock-Cancer link

German New Medicine explains the cause, development and eventual healing of disease through the understanding of five biological laws. These laws are a specific natural program that help our bodies to deal with stress and trauma. Ryke Geerd Hamer, MD, discovered a correlation between cancer and specific traumas that can be visualized in brain scans. The NES Health bioenergetic scan is also able to show shock and trauma recorded in the brain based on the energy field of the human body. Studies have shown that by correcting the energetic blockages, the body can finish the natural program and get back to a healthy and balanced state.

Wolfgang Zilker Certified NES BioEnergetic Practitioner, Certified Master Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master,

Communicating with Individuals with Hearing Loss

Communicating effectively with someone experiencing hearing loss can be a challenge. Here are five tips to help:

1. Find a quiet place – Create the best conditions for them to understand you

2. Understand level of loss – Understand the unique set of challenges they face

3. Say it a different way – Choose uncomplicated words so it’s easier for them to understand

4. Make eye contact – Eye contact allows someone to read your expression for context

5. Get their attention – Make sure they know you’re speaking

If you or a family member are concerned about hearing loss, be sure to schedule a hearing test today!