Community News
Happy New Year! Win a SPA-cation in Tofino

A beachfront haven on the rugged west coast of Vancouver Island, Pacific Sands Beach Resort takes tranquility to the next level. Imagine a morning beach walk followed by a relaxing spa treatment. Then spend your evening cozy and fireside in the comfort of your oceanside suite. Includes: Two Nights in a One Bedroom Oceanside Suite. Your choice of a 60-minute Signature Massage or Facial at Sacred Stone Spa for 2 people. Value $765.00. Simply subscribe for free to the online Wellnessnews Choices for Healthy Living® edition to enter to 

Benefits of Companionship

Every February, cards, flowers and gifts are exchanged between couples and loved ones.  If you’re not in a romantic relationship, or have recently lost a spouse, Valentine’s Day can instead be a celebration of the significance of companionship.  Whether it is a close friendship or an intimate relationship, social interaction is needed to prevent health decline in seniors.  Loneliness is a risk factor for functional decline in adults over the age of 60.  It’s amazing how something as simple as a friendship can enhance aging hearts and strengthen the immune system.  Companionship can decrease the physical risk of disease by diminishing blood pressure, heart rate and cholesterol.  The psychological benefits include: increased self-esteem, decreased stress, and a sense of belonging.  Older adults can also benefit from having a pet.  In particular, dogs are great for seniors and can open them up to new activities and interests.  Dogs are known to provide emotional support and act as human replacements for people living alone.


Communicating with Trees

Research shows that on a conventional and scientific level that we can communicate with trees. To communicate with a tree, using your hands, connect with its energy field. With your heart ask permission to spend time with it. Place your hands on the tree, smell, feel and touch it’s leaves. Stand and hug or sit with your back against it’s trunk. Sit quiet and connect with the spirit within you. Ask a question and breathe in your answer. Thank the tree before leaving. This takes practise but overtime your communication will intensify.

Balance: Don’t Lose It!

How’s your balance? Those slippery Winter-peg icy sidewalks, driveways, and parking lots can make it very challenging to stay on two feet!

Our ability to balance depends on many things. Think of uneven terrain like a hiking path or a street curb, or an unsteady or moving surface like travelling on a moving bus. It also matters if we are anticipating something that might knock us over, or if it takes us by surprise. Our body has not one, but three systems contributing to our ability to balance:

  • Vision – we can see if we are falling! If our surroundings are all suddenly tilting or going in the same direction, it alerts us.
  • Vestibular (inner ear) – complex structures deep in our ear canals detect changes like rotation, acceleration, head position, and our relationship to gravity.
  • Proprioception (in muscles and joints) – our ability to know what position our bodies are in. Without looking, we know if our arm is up or down…or bent or straight.

Balance is like most skills: if we don’t use it…we lose it! As we get older it is very common for balance decrease.  And so, falling is more common in elderly populations. But this does not have to be the case!

A physiotherapy balance assessment can identify areas that need practice. A personalized balance program takes only minutes out of your day, can help you use your balance…so you don’t lose your balance!!

If you want to improve your balance and minimize your risk of falls, talk to your physio!

Erin Blaine, MPT

Physiotherapist | Prairie Trail Physiotherapy


When a Senior Loved One Has a Gambling Problem
Sad Elderly Man


Gambling is a huge industry in Canada. Casino gambling is more popular than ever.

Seniors enjoy bingo, racetrack betting—and especially, casino gambling. Retirement-aged consumers are an especially desirable demographic for the gaming industry because they fill the floors during off-peak hours. Casinos market to them aggressively, offering discounted meals, ‘Golden Oldies’ entertainment shows, and complimentary shuttle service.

For many seniors, gambling is harmless entertainment. They hop on the casino shuttle, socialize with others and casino staff, bet a few dollars and take advantage of senior discounts on meals, drinks and perhaps a show. They’ve set aside part of their entertainment budget for gambling, and they stop when they reach their limit.  However, some older adults develop a gambling problem that seriously impacts their financial well-being.

What is problem gambling?

Problem gambling—also referred to as gambling addiction, pathological gambling or a gambling disorder—happens when a person becomes obsessed with gambling and has an uncontrollable urge to keep gambling. According to the Nevada Council on Problem Gambling, “For the problem gambler, making a bet is not just about having fun or winning money. Gambling becomes an emotional response to change the way they feel.” In addition, warns the NCPG, a person might have a gambling problem if they are:

  • Bragging about gambling, exaggerating wins and minimizing losses
  • Restless and irritable when not gambling
  • Gambling in hopes of winning back what they have lost
  • Borrowing money for gambling
  • Lying to hide time spent gambling or unpaid debts
  • Doing something illegal to get money for gambling
  • Jeopardizing a significant relationship or job by gambling

Why are seniors at higher risk?

The NCPG explains that boredom, isolation, depression and cognitive impairment affect judgment and make it harder for senior gamblers to stick to their limit. Seniors on a fixed income—who can little afford to gamble away their money—might hope that they will strike it rich and improve their financial situation. In addition to the signs above, family may notice that their loved one has withdrawn from the activities they used to enjoy. Possessions may have disappeared from their loved one’s home, and their loved one is vague about what happened. A senior may be neglecting their personal needs—food, medical care, or exercise. And here’s a sign experts often cite as a red flag: Seniors with a gambling addiction show little interest in the buffet, entertainment or social aspects of a casino trip, instead heading straight for their “lucky machine” and settling in.

What can family do?

The first step is to review the warning signs of problem gambling to get a better picture of whether your loved one has a problem. You can’t step in merely because you don’t approve of gambling, or you think Mom should spend her entertainment money somewhere else.

The next step is to determine whether there are medical reasons behind the problem. Gerontologists say problem gambling might be a sign that a senior is dealing with early Alzheimer’s disease or other cognitive impairment that impairs judgment and impulse control. The side effects of some medications also can make a senior more susceptible to compulsive gambling. For example, certain drugs prescribed to control the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease have been linked to impulse control—including pathological gambling. Urge your loved one to be evaluated by a healthcare provider to rule out or diagnose these problems.

Having a conversation about problem gambling can be very difficult. Your loved one may resist talking about it and may insist that there isn’t a problem. Assure them that you have their best interests in mind, and that you want to help, not judge. Encourage your loved one to talk to a professional. Treatment is available for gambling addiction and includes support groups, psychotherapy and sometimes medication. Consider bringing in a geriatric care manager (also called an aging life care specialist) to mediate the conversation and to help you locate treatment resources. Talk to your loved one’s financial manager, or consult an elder law attorney. Sometimes, if a senior is no longer able to manage their money, families must take a larger role. (Read “Stepping In, Stepping Up: Legal Issues for Family Caregivers” in the August 2016 issue of the Caring Right at Home newsletter to learn more. A poll in that issue found that many Caring Right at Home readers have held a durable power of attorney or guardianship for a senior loved one at some point.)

Not every gambling habit rises to the level of addiction. A senior who goes to the casino several times a week to stave off boredom and loneliness might find even more mental stimulation and companionship through a senior recreation program, volunteer service, events at their faith community, or taking a class. Help your loved one locate appropriate activities in the area. If your loved one has become isolated due to mobility challenges, consider hiring home care to provide companionship and transportation. Even computer games can be a substitute for folks who enjoy relaxing with a machine—and as a bonus, these games offer far more mental stimulation and brain exercise than a slot machine.

Visit Right at Home Canada

8 skin care resolutions to improve your new year skin!
  1. Examine your skin monthly, with your partner’s help, they can see the parts you can’t!
  2. Sun-avoidance-choose wisely what time of day you go out in the sun.
  3. Sun-protection-Not all sun wear is created equal and may not provide adequate protection against sun damage, check labels that say UV proof. Full brim hats also offer protection, but make sure the brim is at least four inches.
  4. Sunscreen-When purchasing a sunscreen look for the CDA logo. It will have UVB and UVA protection. Use as least an SPF 50 during the summer months or when on holiday in warmer climes. A daily year round sunscreen could be SPF 30. Get your partner to apply sunscreen, it’s great for the relationship!
  5. For possible sunscreen allergies or irritations speak with your pharmacist or Dermatologist.
  6. Worried about chemicals in sunscreen? Go for ones that reflect UV and contain purely Zinc or Titanium oxides.
  7. Reapply! Throughout the day, keeping an eye out for red bits that signal its time to cover up and put on aloe vera!
  8. Moisturize your skin
  9. Stop smoking-Ask yourself, do you want to have the skin of a plum or a prune? Same goes for UV tanning and over exposure to UV rays from the sun.
  10. See a board certified Dermatologist at least once this year for a medical assessment of moles and skin cancer risk. It’s covered by MSP and can give you and your doctor a baseline for future skin checks. To learn about options for improving your skin appearance ask your board certified Dermatologist about a Cosmetic Consultation.
  11. If you have acne, or Rosacea, get it sorted out before it requires laser therapy for acne scarring or Rosacea redness. A consultation with a Board Certified Dermatologist about acne or Rosacea is covered by MSP.
Welcome – Show & Tell

You want to be healthy, and the decision to entrust your wellbeing to professionals who care is significant. The health professionals in the Wellnessnews share a passion for helping you live your best life, today. Check out the exclusive monthly “Show & Tell” listing found at (Central AB communities) and @CentralAlbertaWellnessnews on Facebook to see the incredible wellness welcome offers they’re extending to Wellnessnews readers! Simply show them their ad to redeem their special BONUS to you. How? Just take this copy home with you or download and print the ad then…show and tell!

Offer & Condition (s) + Contact info    403.304.8252
FREE one month water supply with the purchase of the cooler and monthly water service through Aquae Vitae Ltd. Limit to first 10 Wellnessnews Readers. New clients only.
Innovation   587.273.4773
We can offer 20% off any cosmetic treatment. Limited to the first 10 Wellnessnews Readers and to new patients only.   403.396.6920
BONUS GIFT of Toxin Free Hand Soap with purchase
of a series of five (5) Ionic Cleanse Footbath sessions. Limited to first 5 Wellnessnews Readers. New clients only.  403.896.9255
Buy one, get one FREE. ($50 value) Limited to 5 offers total. Based on available supplies.   403.597.1594
Receive a FREE copy of Sally’s book “The Circle Club”, a journey of hope and healing when you register for and class. Limited to first 6 Wellnessnews Readers. Call Sally to register.   403.309.6333
Move in and save $2630.00 OFF your 6th month of residency! Available to the first 5 Wellnessnews Readers.
Welcome – Show & Tell

You want to be healthy, and the decision to entrust your wellbeing to professionals who care is significant. The health professionals in the Wellnessnews share a passion for helping you live your best life, today. Check out the exclusive monthly “Show & Tell” listing found at (Central AB communities) and @CentralAlbertaWellnessnews on Facebook to see the incredible wellness welcome offers they’re extending to Wellnessnews readers! Simply show them their ad to redeem their special BONUS to you. How? Just take this copy home with you or download and print the ad then…show and tell!

Offer & Condition (s) + Contact info    403.304.8252
FREE one month water supply with the purchase of the cooler and monthly water service through Aquae Vitae Ltd. Limit to first 10 Wellnessnews Readers. New clients only.
Innovation   587.273.4773
We can offer 20% off any cosmetic treatment. Limited to the first 10 Wellnessnews Readers and to new patients only.   403.396.6920
BONUS GIFT of Toxin Free Hand Soap with purchase
of a series of five (5) Ionic Cleanse Footbath sessions. Limited to first 5 Wellnessnews Readers. New clients only.  403.896.9255
Buy one, get one FREE. ($50 value) Limited to 5 offers total. Based on available supplies.   403.597.1594
Receive a FREE copy of Sally’s book “The Circle Club”, a journey of hope and healing when you register for and class. Limited to first 6 Wellnessnews Readers. Call Sally to register.   403.309.6333
Move in and save $2630.00 OFF your 6th month of residency! Available to the first 5 Wellnessnews Readers.
Let Hybrids take you further!

Hybrids are built with next generation quality. They run well in the cold, which is so important if you’re living in a Winnipeg winter. They also heat up better than electric cars to keep you and your family toasty warm on the chilly days ahead. And you’ll be able to enjoy a peaceful ride in the quiet interior. They also have better fuel efficiency than many cars before it.
Overall Hybrids offer more for less and with Christmas approaching, who doesn’t want to save a couple bucks? 

Reiki and Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are affecting more and more people in today’s stress-filled world.  They can be debilitating on many levels to the person experiencing them.  Although there are medical treatments available to help, many find that they are not completely effective and some, in the case of medications, have side effects.

A panic attack usually happens when a person is suddenly overwhelmed by an uncontrollable sense of fear or dread.  Some of the symptoms that accompany an attack include breathing problems, ‘racing or pounding’ heart, sweating, chills, nausea, uncontrollable trembling, weakness and dizziness.  It leaves the person with a sense of no control and anxiety about when another attack will occur.  This begins to affect their life as they begin to avoid social or work situations that may ‘trigger’ an attack.

It is thought that many conditions of the body can be a result of an imbalance in a person’s energy.  This imbalance may be caused by stress, illness, trauma, injury or thoughts, beliefs and emotions.  The spiritual energy that is Reiki restores the balance in a person’s energy field bringing about, in this case, a reduction in the number and/or intensity of the panic attacks as well as more calm to the body & mind and an increased sense of trust in life.


Invigorate. Revitalize. Restore. Endurance

PURE GREEN ENERGY increases energy and stamina during aerobic & anaerobic exercise, and its unique natural ingredients may also build muscle & boost metabolism. It can heighten alertness without coffee’s and energy drinks’ typical increased heart rate, anxiety, dependency and withdrawal symptoms. PURE GREEN ENERGY enhances brain power: its chlorophyll & potent antioxidants improve mental clarity & alertness; coconut oil MCT heightens brain function by fueling brain cells more efficiently. Its raw greens also increase body alkalinity & reduce acidity to restore healthy pH, which lessens disease & inflammation.

Your get-up-and-go got up and went?

How do you maintain your energy and increase your focus to function at full capacity? It’s tough for anyone to be able to do this all day long. Most of us need a pick-me-up, especially as we age. If you’ve considered reducing your coffee or cola intake and are looking for a replacement, PURE GREEN ENERGY offers these helpful ingredients:

Star Components

  • Red Beet Juice Powder:Studies show Beetroot juice boosts stamina and reduces oxygen uptake by the body, making exercise less tiring. How? Beetroot’s component called nitrate turns into nitric oxide. Nitric oxide helps increase blood flow & cells’ mitochondrial efficiency, which reduces oxygen requirements. (The fitter you are, the less oxygen is expended during activities.) Study: It may help athletes exercise 16% longer because it improves cardio performance and strengthens muscle contractions.
  • Coconut MCT:Coconut oil’s fatty acids offer a quick energy boost because they’re immediately converted to fuel for use by the body. Their small particle size allows far easier digestion so it’s directly sent to the liver, not stored like other saturated fats. These medium chain triglycerides (MCT) only have to go through a 3-step process to be turned into energy vs. other fats that go through a 26-step process! Coconut oil, with 60-65% of fat being MCT, is one of the best sources. MCT (medium chain triglycerides including caprylic acid, lauric acid, capric acid) are one of the top-rated beneficial fats according to USDA nutrient database. Over 1,500 studies prove coconut oil’s benefits that include building muscle, producing longer sustained energy, burning fat and increasing metabolism. It may also improve brain function by fueling brain cells more efficiently.
  • Maca:Known for centuries to increase energy, stamina and strength, this Peruvian superfood nourishes muscles and joints, and it optimizes hormone levels. Maca especially balances your adrenal glands which control energy levels, mental/physical stress & fatigue. That means it helps your body cope. The root vegetable is rich in plant sterols, iron, calcium, selenium, phosphorous, magnesium and fibre, and has a nutty caramel-like taste. It contains all essential amino acids so is good to consume pre- or post-workout. Research shows it may help athletes gain muscle, increase strength and improve exercise performance. (One study found it helped cyclists improve their time in a 40-km ride after 14 days of supplementing with maca.)
  • Matcha:Why is matcha tea different than other teas? It contains the whole raw camellia sinensis leaf with all of its health-enhancing ingredients, and is not steeped with high heat, which increases the tea leaf’s caffeine and tannic acid. ALSO: Matcha tea’s unique L-theanine, an amino acid, has a relaxing effect that counteracts caffeine jitteriness without reducing increased alertness. Matcha’s super high antioxidants slow the body’s absorption of caffeine resulting in a gentle increase & longer period of alertness with no end “crash.” PURE GREEN ENERGY is therefore completely natural, and does NOT contain the extracted, condensed trimethylxanthine (caffeine) chemical added to energy drinks. Enerex’s energy-booster contains less than 1/6 amount of caffeine that is in 1 cup of steeped matcha green tea or brewed coffee per serving (only 5.8 mg caffeine).
  • Raw Green Juice Powder:Pure Green Energy includes our trademark blend of pure, raw, certified organic Alfalfa, Kamut Grass, Barley Grass, Oat Grass & Spirulina for chlorophyll, plant protein & live enzymes. These cold-pressed greens are sourced from soil-rich volcanic hillsides on organic United States farms, making them higher quality than other sources. Green Kamut® juice powder, for example, has 25% more protein, 148% more calcium, and 50% more iron than wheatgrass. These greens are NOT fibre-dense whole plant powders, but are juiced, offering superior taste, nutrient density and alkalinity for the body. These are far more costly and beneficial when juiced (and then powdered) rather than just drying the whole plant that still contains substantial indigestible fibre. They’re 3rd party tested & verified Gluten Free; grasses are cut before gluten develops.
  • PURE GREEN ENERGY Additions: We added Cracked Chia seeds for their mega-protein, omega-3 fats and beneficial fibre. Chia means “strength” in the Mayan language because just a spoonful sustained warriors for long distances in battle. Modern research shows they help to build bones & muscles, and support the heart. Chlorella, nutrient-dense algae that’s 60% complete protein, has received a lot of buzz for its health benefits that include detoxification & keeping blood pressure in check. It also has iron, vitamin B12, calcium and antioxidants needed for energy & exercise. Superfood blueberries have been added for extra antioxidants! Their phytonutrients boost energy, brain function and immunity.
  • Probiotics:The Friendly Trio® is scientifically proven for a healthy digestive system. Professional-grade The Friendly Trio requires no refrigeration. Its potent good bacteria feature 3 human strains: Lactobacillicus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium longum. These maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract, help the body absorb foods’ nutrients, make certain vitamins (like vitamin K), and fight invading bad bacteria. The Friendly Trio® contains 1.25 billion live probiotic organisms.


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