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Borowski’s Health Shop & Day Spa
Centre for Alternative Healing
Corydon Village – Laser
Pure Joy Naturals 
Subscribe for Free for a Chance to Win $150.00 Wellnessnews Choices for Healthy Living® Gift Card

If your name is randomly drawn as the monthly contest winner, you are able to choose from one of the local businesses listed below, where you can claim your prize package of either a product or service provided by that business.

Borowski’s Health Shop & Day Spa
Centre for Alternative Healing
Corydon Village – Laser
Pure Joy Naturals
Smartchoice Laser Centre
Subscribe for Free for a Chance to Win $150.00 Wellnessnews Choices for Healthy Living® Gift Card

If your name is randomly drawn as the monthly contest winner, you are able to choose from one of the local businesses listed below, where you can claim your prize package of either a product or service provided by that business.

Pure Joy Naturals
Voxx LIfe – Joanne Oswald
Understanding Yoga Therapy (part 2)

In the unfolding of the Human experience, we are in a constant interplay of cause and effect, of outer events and our reactions to them. This unfolding is complex and unique to each one of us. Throughout our lives we may bear injuries and/or illness (short, long term or chronic,) and have an ongoing flow of experiences to some of which we may have challenging emotions. Whether you’re seeking relief from struggles in the physical body, in difficult thoughts and emotions, or (often) both, a Yoga Therapist works with you to create an individualized practice that empowers you to support yourself through recovery, in creating greater ease and/or in establishing meaningful transformation.
The practice of Yoga Therapy is informed by an ancient and profound understanding of what constitutes our Being. This perspective, called Panchamaya (pancha=5, maya=appearance,) suggests that we have five interwoven and interdependent aspects which ultimately form our sense of self. The most obvious is our physical structure of flesh and bone, the musculoskeletal system. Less visible is the Vital life-force, that which animates and gives us life, this correlates to the metabolic system. Moving subtler we recognize the aspect through which we process life’s stimuli, which includes instinct and ego, intellect and emotion. Moving subtler still is that aspect that perceives everything, this facet is discerning, open, creative and intuitive and is also where one’s unique personality is formed (through one’s particular experiences and conditioning). Finest of all is an aspect that we often feel as the deepest part of ourselves, where we experience awe and unbounded connection. While we don’t experience struggle here we can focus on strengthening our connection with it through the introduction of the deeper practices of Yoga. Yoga Therapy concerns itself primarily with the first three as the subtler (fourth and fifth) aspects have more to do with inner refinement, the sphere of the deeper practices of yoga.
Yoga Therapists understand that when one facet is out of balance (for whatever reason) there is a ripple effect throughout and so the totality of an individual needs to be addressed. Each facet is best served by particular types of practice and it is the Yoga Therapist’s job to understand the appropriate practices that will address how and where that ripple manifests in you. For instance, musculoskeletal issues are best addressed using specific beneficial asanas (physical positions and movements) to address those areas where you experience discomfort. For physiological illnesses we include, if not focus on, breath-centred practices. To address emotion, thought and behaviour, we may introduce applicable visualization/energy practices, self-reflection practices, mindfulness, lifestyle and relational practices. To help a student to forge inner connection we turn to particular contemplative and meditation practices. Each student/client comes through the door with a unique confluence of struggles, issues and needs. Therefore, an overall practice may include a selection from the above types of practices depending on each student’s needs and inclinations. As one’s state of being evolves, we follow up every so often to adjust the practice to meet one’s current condition and life circumstance.
To engage in Yoga Therapy is to enter a process of self-healing in a way that acknowledges your wholeness. Dedication in engaging your practice is essential in order to influence change. I offer additional support for those who require help in keeping up their practice.
To learn more about 1:1 personalized Yoga Therapy and group retreats:

Cleaner Air, For A Healthier Home

In the current global crisis we face, our air quality is top of mind and yet just as frustrating as it’s always been to try and improve. Traditional dry filter systems for air purification and cleaning become choked with pet dander, dead skin cells, dust mites, pollen and other bacteria far too quickly to be time or cost-efficient. So what to do? Rainbow Systems® has the answer, using wet filtration to remove pollutants from our air. Powerful airflow, from a 1.5 horsepower motor, pulls our airborne particulates, allergens, dust and other man-made contaminants into the water basin, where they are trapped in a swirling water bath. Fresh, water-washed air is then returned to your home using only the power of water®! Nature cleans our air naturally with rain and this is the principle on which Rainbow Systems built their company. “Wet dust can’t fly!”

Understanding Yoga Therapy

The core principle of Classical Yoga Therapy is that people have an enormous natural capacity for healing and transformation in which Yoga can play an invaluable role. Whether the desire for healing stems from an illness, injury or from an urge to overcome inner struggle and into a deeper exploration of oneself, a more individual, therapeutic approach to yoga is essential. 

Many people associate Yoga with group classes practicing physical postures requiring strength and flexibility whereas  Yoga Therapy is taught 1:1 and can assist most people, even someone laying in a hospital bed. Yoga Therapy addresses your whole Being; Body, Mind and Spirit and is a discipline of identifying and refining the correct practices for you, AS YOU ARE. 

During our sessions I observe, listen and question to discover your particular confluence of issues, needs and capabilities such as physiological condition(s,) muscular-skeletal patterns and injuries, age and energy level, daily activities, unique personality and thought patterns, current life situation (we all go through times of engagement, despondency, joy, confusion etc.) Even your particular aspirations and connection to that which gives your life meaning are considered. I then choose the correct practices that will be appropriate for your particular journey into healing and well-being. 

As a Yoga Therapist I implement profound tools often overlooked in public classes such as breathing/energy regulation, contemplations, visualizations, meditations, interactive relational practices, lifestyle recommendations and dietary recommendations (based in Ayurveda,) and more. This is a modality that is specific to you and is comprehensive in its scope. 

Yoga Therapy requires your diligence in engaging your practice (which may be only 20min/day) as you are the primary impetus in your own healing and well-being. My role as your teacher is to support your healing and recovery by teaching you the correct practices and the accurate undertaking of them. As transformation occurs you notify me so that further modifications and adjustments to your healing practice can be made to suit your evolved state. 

I have observed that many people start off with good intentions but over time find it difficult to keep up a practice, I offer additional support in these instances.

As well as private sessions I also run public programs and professional training.                                     

To find out more about an upcoming program to support health care professionals email me at:

UPCOMING PUBLIC PROGRAM:  Deep Self Care Retreat; Sunday afternoon March 22nd,  1 – 4 pm (see website for details and to register.)

To find out more go to:                                                                                                                

Hemp-Derived Wellness Product Review

ACTIVE RELEAF is about the movement to embrace mother nature and the powerful healing ingredients she provides us with. We explore options to help both physical and mental well-being. ACTIVE RELEAF is about being good to ourselves. Providing unique and innovative products made from plants which can provide life changing benefits. These hemp-derived products are made for all lifestyles whether you are in need of everyday wellness products to support various ailments, or you are a competitive athlete, their high quality broad spectrum hemp-derived products, that are rich in cannabinoids, are made for you.

Resolving Constipation for Full Body Wellness

Although researchers are just beginning to understand the connection between our gut and full body health, we know definitively that one of the most important aspects of digestive health is bowel regularity. Our stools are a vital sign that indicates balance (or imbalance) within our bodies. The frequency is important, but the colour, texture, smell and buoyancy are all good indicators from within. I know, I know – you don’t want to look… But you really should! Ideally, everybody needs to have regular bowel movements between 1 and 3 times per day, and the stool should be well formed and smooth, with a total length of about 12 inches. Anything less than this is diagnosed clinically as constipation – and chronic constipation is one of the most common digestive complaints, especially in aging populations. Chronic constipation can lead to build up of toxins in the body, sluggish liver function, abdominal discomfort, cramping, gas, nausea, poor appetite, and brain fog and fatigue.

Addressing the root cause of constipation is key – stimulant laxatives (think: senna leaf or cascara sagrada) may work short term, but are habit forming and can cause damage to the muscular function of the colon. Proper bowel function relies on a number of variables, including adequate hydration, physical activity, nutrient intake, gut bacteria, and stress management. Starting with a foundation of drinking 2-3 litres (that’s 8-12 cups) of water, incorporating at least 30 minutes of daily movement, and ensuring the diet is balanced with a variety of vegetables, seasonal fruits, fermented foods, and other fibrous foods is a non-negotiable starting point.

Next, forming a regular morning routine can help establish regular elimination – even setting aside 15 minutes for yourself each morning can greatly lower stress, which ultimately relaxes the muscles of the digestive tract, improving their ability to efficiently contract and release. This improves the mechanical function of the digestive system and can contribute to more effective and regular bowel movements.

Optimizing micronutrient status is another important step. In particular, electrolytes such as magnesium and potassium play an important role in hydrating the stool, as well as regulating muscle relaxing and contracting within in the digestive tract. Women, individuals with high blood pressure, and those eating a diet low in carbohydrates are especially susceptible to deficiency in these nutrients. These minerals are highest in plant based foods, so eat your vegetables! Leafy greens, avocados, and potatoes are particularly dense in magnesium and potassium. If supplementing with these minerals, note that magnesium should be in the bisglycinate form rather than a citrate or oxide, which can further disrupt mineral imbalance. Potassium should be taken in split doses throughout the day. Note that supplemental calcium and iron can both contribute to constipation.

Those who have been on antibiotics, or individuals who consume diets high in sugar, refined carbohydrates, caffeine, or alcohol may want to support their gut bacteria with extra fermented foods such as kombucha, traditionally made pickled vegetables and sauerkraut, and kefir; fibrous vegetables such as leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, and summer squash; and foods high in resistant starches (prebiotics) such as asparagus, artichokes, potatoes, and white rice. Supplemental probiotics may be beneficial to some individuals, as can supplemental fibre.

After the basic principles are satisfied with hydration, regular movement, stress management, and optimizing nutrient intake and gut bacteria, downstream interventions for symptom management may be appropriate. Adding supplemental fibre, probiotics, or specific minerals may help regulate bowel function, depending on the root cause of the constipation in the individual.


Subscribe for Free for a Chance to Win $150.00 Wellnessnews Choices for Healthy Living® Gift Card

If your name is randomly drawn as the monthly contest winner, you are able to choose from one of the local businesses listed below, where you can claim your prize package of either a product or service provided by that business.

Pure Joy Naturals
Shiri Music 
4 Tips to Sleep Like a Baby!

Did you know that we spend one-third of our lives sleeping? It’s an integral body process that helps heal, restore and protect our many intricate systems and vital organ functions. When we sleep, our body is able to repair and recharge itself, leaving us with energy for the following day (and who doesn’t want more of that!?)

Take note of all of the following 4 behaviors that are proven to enhance sleep, and many of which are simple to incorporate starting tonight!

Tip # 1 There are various essential oil combinations that can promote restful sleep! Essential oils like Lavender and Bergamot are rich in linalool and linalyl acetate, compounds that have well-known relaxing properties. These oils can be diffused aromatically in the bedroom to create a calming and peaceful environment, perfect for getting a good night’s sleep. You could also try Vetiver, Roman Chamomile or Cedarwood.

Tip # 2 Shut off screens at least 1 hour before you want to go to bed (including iPads, phones, computers, TV)
The blue light that is emitted from our screens can actually disrupt sleep! Either shut down all devices or buy a pair of Blue Light Blocking Glasses. This will help to your body regulate its preferred sleep cycle.

Tip # 3 Invest in a sleep mask and a pair of ear plugs.
Though it may not be the most attractive way to sleep, imagine how deep your sleep will become when the world is silent & there is no light being emitted from your alarm clock, street lights or the stars. You could also invest in a pair of Blackout Blinds, which hide any light from outdoors, and make your bedroom a dark cave!

Tip # 4 Avoid sugars, alcohol, chocolate and candy 2 hours before bed.
Our body is sensitive to sugar, stimulates and simple carbohydrates (it gives us an insulin spike). In order to optimize the quality of your sleep, stop eating all food 2 hours before bed, and be especially conscious of the foods listed above in the 2 hour window before sleeping, as they can disrupt a good nights rest.

Ready, set, ZZZ!

Stress Management For Your Heart

Hypertension (high blood pressure) is one of the risk factors for heart disease. It is a long-term medical condition where the blood pressure in the arteries is persistently elevated.
You can help control or reduce hypertension in the areas of diet, exercise, weight, salt reduction, limiting alcohol & caffeine, not smoking and managing stress.
Many doctors include deep breathing and meditation in a stress management plan. Both Qigong and Reiki are excellent ‘tools’ for stress reduction. Slow, deep breathing and meditation are foundational to the practice of Qigong and the deep meditative state experienced while receiving Reiki brings deep relaxation, calm and peace to the body/mind.
The combination of movements and slow, deep and gentle breathing in Qigong helps the body & mind relax and release tension. Then, by focusing inward and replacing worries and negative thoughts with positive thoughts and emotions, a state of calm and peace is achieved that also positively affect the qi (energy) and blood circulation.
There have been a number of studies done worldwide on the benefits of Qigong for the heart. Overall, results show that practicing Qigong as a complement to medical treatment can help to improve blood pressure, heart and respiratory rates.
Reiki has been described as ‘spiritually-guided life force energy’ that has the ability to help balance our ‘energy’ on all levels – body, mind and spirit. In ‘matters of the heart’ it can also help to elevate the feelings of acceptance, love and compassion bringing with it an acceptance of the moment and a state of calm and peace that affects the whole person.
Studies have also been done with Reiki that have varying positive results depending on the focus of the study. With regard to the heart, Reiki as a complementary therapy can help to improve HRV (heart rate variability), mental state and quality of life (ie sleep, reduction in pain) especially after a heart attack and surgery. An example of one such study is found at:
February is Heart Month in Canada. What better time to do something new for your heart?!