Community News
March 4,13 & 26 – Candle Making Classes @ Hidden Treasures

Candle Making Classes

Using simple equipment that you already have in your kitchen……we will teach you how to make your own jar candles and tealights!

Class includes instructions, basic candle care info plus all the supplies needed to make 3 container candles and 15 tealights plus a wick dipper.

Choose from a variety of colours and scents to make them just the way you like them!

$35 + taxes.

Wednesday March 4th @ 2:00 pm
Friday March 13th @ 6:30 pm
Thursday March 26th @ 6:30 pm

Call us for more info or to reserve your spots. Seating limited.

Hidden Treasures
519 Osborne Street

March 27 – Simply Kids @ Hidden Treasures

Simply Kids

Friday March 27th, 6:00 – 9:00 pm

Kids 6+ yrs old.

Mom and Dad, enjoy a night out while your kids are having a great time getting creative
while watching the movie “Hop”. Kids will paint pottery egg cups and make their very own soy candles just in time for Easter!

$35 includes movie, all craft supplies, popcorn and a juice box!

Call us for more info or to reserve your spots. Seating limited.

Hidden Treasures
519 Osborne Street

March 7 – Craftstravaganza!

Mega Workshop in Indigenous and International Craft Practices 

On Saturday, March 7, 2015, MAWA invites you to celebrate International Women’s Day by learning traditional craft techniques from Indigenous and New Canadian master craftswomen.  In this free, drop-in mega-workshop you can try your hand at Granite Engraving, Loom Beading, Decoupage and Quillwork.  Meet people from around the world and around your community, while crafting and enjoying international snacks.

Hands-on Crafting Stations:
– Granite Engraving with Tetyana Demchuck from the Ukraine
– Loom Beading with Emily Taylor from the Fisher River Cree Nation
– Decoupage with Queti Azurin from the Philippines
– Quillwork with Shalana Yzicappi from the Standing Buffalo First Nation

This is MAWA’s 7th Annual Craftstravaganza – why does MAWA host this event and why should you participate?  Because it’s fun!  It promotes cross-cultural learning, keeps traditional craft techniques alive, and provides employment opportunities for Indigenous and New Canadian women.

Saturday, March 7, 2015
noon – 4pm
Mentoring Artists for Women’s Art (MAWA)
611 Main Street, Winnipeg

For more information please contact:
Lisa Wood

Or visit

Photographs available upon request.

February 4 – Hormone Help!

Thyroid, Testosterone, Estrogen, Progesterone & Cortisol…. hormones we all have. So why are they often overlooked? Join award-winning clinician Tara Maltman-Just RPh ABAAHP FAARFM for a special event: Listen with your heart… & hear why your HORMONES need help! Find out what tune your hormones are singing, and why it’s so important for them to work in symphony.

RSVP required to: (204) 505-0211 or

Date:    Wednesday, February 4th

Time:   6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Place:   Caboto Centre, 1055 Wilkes Ave

Cost:   $10*creditable toward future services

February 21 – Connecting With Your Your Higher Self

Connecting With Your Your Higher Self with Sue Berard.

Get plugged into your Higher Self, your Spiritual Intelligence, and learn how to tap into that sixth sense of yours. Imagine consulting your Spiritual team to help you become a creative problem solver in your everyday life!

Saturday, February 21st,  9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Cost: $155.00 ($25.00 deposit at time of registration to hold your spot).

Class size is capped at 12.

Location: TBA.

Call 204-223-2735 or visit

February 15 – Ayurvedic Skin Care Workshop

Ayurvedic Skin Care Workshop with Kalee Mund

This workshop brings together the wisdom of nature and the intrinsic healing properties of food, spices, oils and herbs that can be used to cleanse and purify your skin. Discover daily skin care requirements, what to do when the seasons change, spices blends for healthier skin (to take home), how to make a killer herbal mud mask, facial massage, and other tips and tricks in this hands on 3 hour workshop.
Space is Limited.

Sunday, February 15th, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Hollow Reed Holistic, 3-875 Corydon Ave.

Cost: $75.00.

Call 204-998-4598

When the Cure is Worse than the Disease

In today’s health care systems, people as patients need to be involved in their own care. Ultimately, each of us is responsible for our own health and well-being. Prescription medication may be necessary in some cases, but unfortunately some patients may suffer serious side effects from required medications and/or harmful drug interactions.

In addition to expanding one’s own knowledge base, an important long-term strategy is to begin to make healthier decisions to provide a strong platform to help manage the effects of chronic disease. Beginning to institute and maintaining healthy lifestyle choices will benefit the welfare and well-being of our families and ourselves in the long run.

By helping restore spinal function and reducing irritation to the nervous system, regular chiropractic care helps to provide an environment in which chronic disease is less likely to flourish and your health can be maximized.

Our office has been nominated for a TOP CHOICE AWARD! 

Please vote for us here…

Newest Way To Lose Fat

Zen Bodi™ created a product that will melt the fat away. Dr. V. Giampapa took 2 years to develop his formulation. Fat cells produce a vital messenger called Leptin.

Leptin is the most powerful hormone that communicates to the brain that it no longer craves food, and tells the body when to start burning fat cells as energy. However, the problem starts when the fat cells begin releasing an inflammatory molecule called C Reactive Protein (CRP). CRP fuses to the Leptin molecules and blocks the brain messenger so that it tells the body its full. The metabolism is no longer balanced and the body goes into chaos.

Zen Shape, Zen Fit, and Zen Pro work together to promote fat loss, control appetite and hunger, burn body fat, build healthy muscle, support healthy cholesterol levels, promote healthy intestinal function and support a healthy immune system. Make this the year you take control of your weight loss by losing the fat, keeping it off and still maintain the muscle.


Health Spotlight

Did you know? Canadian health data shows that 3000 seniors die each year due to problems related to their medications, 88% of which are preventable. 18% of seniors who are admitted to the Emergency Room are because of problems with medications and seniors who take more than 4 medications are at risk of falling.

It makes perfect sense to have your medications reviewed by an expert who is trained to identify and address issues with medications, advocate for you at your doctor, simplify your medication list and help you to thrive!

“When it comes to medications, less is more”, states Mathilda, Senior Care Practitioner. A client recently said: “Thank you for giving me back my mom who I almost lost to overmedication”.


Trends in Fitness Routines

Did you know that stretching before a sport or event that requires explosive, fast movements can actually decrease your performance? 

Depending on the type of activity you perform, you may actually decrease the amount of power you can produce.  This could be your tennis serve or your vertical jump.  Dynamic warm ups involve putting your joints and muscles through ranges that are similar to your sport’s movement pattern thus preparing you for the exercise ahead without losing your body’s natural “springiness” that helps you with producing force.

Dynamic warm ups can help prevent injury as well!  Simple examples could be leg swings, light resistance band work, agility ladders or jumping.  For more info, check out our personal training or boot camps provided by South Sherbrook Fitness. Ask for Lester.