Community News
Benefits of Home Care for Seniors

For many Canadian seniors, home health care is a key part of aging safely at home. Whether seniors need medical services, personal care, transportation, housekeeping or companionship, home care can help them live independently at home, for as long as possible – and provide peace of mind to their families. At Bayshore Home Health, we’ve been helping seniors age in place for over 50 years. Our customized care plans are designed to provide the support seniors need to continue to live in their own homes. We make home care simple – your dedicated Care Manager works with you to design a customized care plan to provide the support you need at home. Talk to your family about aging in place safely, with the supports you need.

There’s a First Time for Everything

Have you thought of donating blood but haven’t gotten around to it? Here what you need to know! The entire process takes approximately one hour, but only 10 of those minutes are actually spent donating blood. The average human has anywhere from 5 – 6 litres of blood in their body. One unit of blood is 450ml or about a 1/12 of your total blood volume. You body regenerates this volume within hours. Lastly, your unit will be used to help save a patient’s life within five days of its donation. Now that’s something worth trying!

Business Profile: Carpet Doctor

Your carpets are a major investment, whether in your home, business or revenue property. Professional cleaning is essential for maintaining healthy, clean carpets. Our truck-mounted hot water extraction (steam cleaning) method is recommended by the major carpet mills and manufacturers. Our equipment is the newest in its category, and we use the most advanced cleaning methods and product available. The doctor is always in at our company, and ready to make house calls to give your carpets and upholstery a clean bill of health.

Using Acupuncture to Reduce Anxiety

Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time, but we don’t have to live with it. Although usually triggered by something in our environment, our bodies have the power to manage the anxiety once they remember how to self-regulate our hormones. Acupuncture helps slow the production of hormones that cause anxiety, helping the body naturally regulate chemical balance. There are few, if any, side effects, and acupuncture can eventually replace anxiety medication for some individuals. While many people feel better and experience positive results after just one session, it typically takes a series of acupuncture treatments to create long-lasting change in the body.

Laser Fungal Treatment Breakthrough

Did you know 1 in 5 Canadians have or have had a toenail fungus infection and 2/3 are embarrassed by this condition? If you have thick, yellow, brittle nails, chances are you have nail fungus or onychomycosis. Many of our patients have tried home remedies and found them to be ineffective. That can be a major disappointment. Advances in medical laser technologies have emerged changing the way we combat this condition. Safe and effective laser fungal nail treatment really works for removing fungal growths from your feet. It’s a quick, painless, and long-lasting process.

What is CPAP Therapy?

Otherwise known as constant positive airway pressure, CPAP therapy is the gold standard choice in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea with significantly higher success rates than corrective surgery or dental appliances in moderate to severe cases. A pressure is applied gently to the airway to relieve flaccid anatomical muscle tone during sleep through an externally affixed mask. The patient’s perception is that like a fan, that translates into an airway splint or pressure to keep the airway open during sleep. Through repetitive use and as their pre-treatment symptoms subside, improved breathing is achieved.

Clean Eating: Turmeric Hamburgers

1 lb. of organic grass-fed ground beef, 1 egg, ½ cup of oatmeal or bread crumbs, 1 Tbsp. cracked black pepper, 1 Tbsp. turmeric, 1 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce, 1 Tbsp. organic BBQ sauce, 1 chopped onion, 1 minced head of garlic. Mix together lightly. Form patties. Brush lightly with oil. Grill on low/med heat, 5 min. per side.

Guessing What You Hear?

Have you been noticing that parts of words don’t come in clearly when you’re listening to others speak? Certain consonants in speech like /f/ /s/ /th/ and /k/ can be tougher to pick up on, which can lead to you guessing and getting words mixed up. This may be an indicator that you are starting to lose some hearing in the higher frequencies and that it may be time to get a hearing test. Early detection can help with daily clarity, and can also decrease fatigue from listening and the need to keep stimulating the brain’s auditory pathways.

Food Isn’t What You’re Craving

We’re not actually craving a Snickers … we’re craving escape and distraction. Junk food won’t give you what you’re truly looking for, so when you’re craving something that sabotages your goals, ask yourself: “If I had one of those ‘EASY’ buttons to change something in my life right now, what would I change?” This puts the spotlight on what is actually the unresolved problem you’re trying to avoid. Identifying these issues will be the first step in mapping out a plan of action (instead of trying to satisfy an unmet need with junk food … which never works).

Osteoarthritis & Exercise

1 in 6 Canadian adults has arthritis, the majority being osteoarthritis (OA). OA is a disease of the joint cartilage with multiple contributing factors including genetics, previous joint injury, body weight and muscle weakness. Pain associated with OA may cause individuals to avoid physical activity which can lead to secondary complications and worsening of symptoms. Physiotherapists are experts in exercise prescription for conditions such as OA and can help you safely engage in exercise in a way that can decrease pain, increase strength, allow continued participation in activity and possibly prolong the life of your joint.

Boost Mental Health & Performance at Work

During this global pandemic, the need for mental health support has increased fourfold. As an employee, the best thing you can do for your mental health is to be vocal. If you are struggling, speak up or use the Wellness Together Canada free resources. Waiting causes longer term damage impacting productivity and quality of life. If you are an employer, ask how you can support your team every day. Then, make or get a Mental Health First Aid kit and put it somewhere visible to demonstrate mental health is just as important as physical health. Include things like motivational cards, mindfulness colouring sheets, stress balls, breathing exercises and general resilience tips.