Community News
Bah Humbug or Fa La La?

The stress over holiday travel, preparations, gifts, finances, and for some having to be with relatives that we are holding ill feelings towards can make what should be a festive, joyous time of year, a time of tension, overwhelm, guilt, financial stress and for some sadness. We can get stuck in the routines of what we have always done instead of adopting ways to support ourselves over the season. Emotional Wellness coaching and EFT/Tapping are great ways to let go of non-serving beliefs, embrace new perspectives, and forgive so that you can have peace.

Craft & Market Sales

Saturdays, December 7-21, 10-4 p.m. The Christmas Craft and Market Sales let local craftspeople showcase their handmade crafts, art and foods. It’s a fantastic time to come out and purchase that unique, handmade gift you’re looking for this season. Admission is free, but a donation to the Red Deer Food Bank is appreciated.

Staying Active in Winter is Key!

It’s natural when our weather dips below zero we beeline indoors for our couch, blankets, and hot drinks. This hibernation creates a tendency for us to stop moving, reducing the fire that naturally burns within us when we move. Some of our favourite ways to stay active when it’s cold outside are skating, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, hiking or walking, and downhill skiing or snowboarding. If exercising in the cold isn’t your thing, ask your physiotherapist or athletic therapist to design an indoor program to keep you healthy and active over the winter months.

Tips for CPAP Therapy Success

– Use your CPAP all night, every night and while napping
– Use distilled water for your water chamber.
– Check your filter every other week — clean or replace if dirty.
– Replace your mask and accessories every 6 months.
– If you have any dryness in your nose or throat, try increasing the humidity.
– Keep in contact with your doctor and CPAP provider to ensure your success.

Meet the Professional

“My children are the inspiration for my drive to pursue a career in law.” With an Education degree from the University of Alberta, Joyce Sawchuk returned to school to receive her Juris Doctor degree from the University of Manitoba in 2018. She has a keen focus on estate planning and administration, residential and commercial real estate, corporate and commercial matters and adult guardianship and trusteeship applications. Because of her farm roots, she also has an interest in farm law and oil and gas matters. “I look forward to meeting new clients in the Red Deer or Innisfail Johnston Ming Manning offices.

Book Club

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance. by Angela Duckworth. In this must-read book for anyone striving to succeed, pioneering psychologist Angela Duckworth shows parents, educators, students, and business people, that the secret to outstanding achievement is not talent but a focused persistence called “grit.” Winningly personal, insightful, and even life-changing, Grit is a book about what goes through your head when you fall down, and how that—not talent or luck—makes all the difference.

Words to Live By

Christmas is most truly Christmas when we celebrate it by giving the light of love to those who need it most. Ruth Carter Stapleton

Words to Live By

To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas. Calvin Coolidge

Setting Healthy Boundaries at Work

Occupational burnout has been defined as a recognizable syndrome by the World Health Organization. Burnout results in physical and mental fatigue, poor productivity and overall health. Employers and employees need to set healthy boundaries to create healthy, high performing workplaces. Here are some great ways to prevent burnout: Nourish a safe culture making it ok to admit if the workload is too high. Compromise and negotiate workload. Delegate. Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize. Create a ‘not-to-do’ list. Take breaks. Practice mindfulness. Practice saying no. Offer flexibility or telecommuting options Find more workplace wellness tips at

Releasing Fears with EFT/Tapping

Emotional freedom technique (EFT), or tapping, is very effective for releasing fears. Marnel Hesterman, Emotional Wellness Specialist with Incite Inspirations, has personally used it to eliminate some of the fears that were limiting her life experiences. She now enjoys flying in four-seater planes, large planes as well as helicopters, where before she would be physically ill. She used it to release her fear of heights which enabled her to check zip-lining and parasailing off her bucket list. And where she would be almost frozen with fear prior to EFT/Tapping, Marnel is now able to speak in front of groups!

Journeying through Grief

Grief and loss are often top reasons why individuals seek help from mental health counsellors. Red Deer Primary Care Network developed a group program for anyone experiencing the loss, whether it be from the loss of a loved one, pet, employment, divorce or other life changing event. Participants learn ways to explore grief needs, deepen their emotional healing, and reinvest in life. Recent evaluation results from the 8-week “Journeying through Grief” program show participants report the intensity of grief decreased by 40%, while their confidence in their ability to cope increased by 68%. Call 403-343-9100 to register.