Community News
Art of Releasing Tensions

Jin Shin Jyutsu is the art of releasing tensions which are the causes for various symptoms in the body. No longer worried about sabretooth tigers, we now fight deadlines, news stories, financial slumps and other situations. Today, our bodies live in this constant state of stress, and we don’t get a chance to restore our bodies through relaxation. This chronic stress can result in congestion of the flow of life energy, resulting in potential illness. Jin Shin Jyutsu helps to reduce the negative effects of stress and bring balance and healing back to the body.

Anxiety to Calm Workshop

Anxiety can stop people from living their best life. It is a common reason for seeing a health care profession. Red Deer Primary Care Network (RDPCN) offers an 8 week group program to help people learn skills to manage and reduce anxiety, and experience more calmness. Participants have experienced about a 50% decrease in their distress over the 8 weeks. “A group setting was good; you realize you are not alone with anxiety.” “The atmosphere was amazing. I felt safe and supported to share, but not pressured. Great environment!” To register, call 403.343.9100 or talk to your health care professional.

Make Social Interaction a Priority

Maintaining relationships and spending time with others is essential to our emotional and mental well-being. It can help prevent depression which affects 20 percent of the population over 70 years of age. Socializing also keeps the mind active and improvements are greater when the person is involved in fun interests with other people. Scheduling regular get-togethers with friends give us something to look forward. For those who are truly adventurous you can enjoy new experiences and meet new people by signing up for travel tours, book clubs, and much more at your local community centre.

Experience Matters with Botox

Your face has more than 40 muscles and each plays a role in creating facial expression. Practitioners with minimal knowledge may perform Botox injections. An inexperienced provider will be less familiar with the anatomy of the face, leading to possible complications and poor results. In fact, less experienced providers may end up using more volume of Botox (costing you more) to achieve the same result, simply because their application is less precise. Make sure the person is an expert in facial anatomy and aesthetic procedures, such as a MD with special interest in dermatology/aesthetic medicine or board-certified dermatologist.

Navigating the Health System

It sounds intimidating but the “system” represents a group of services that work cooperatively together towards the same outcome. Since Bayshore Home Health offers a variety of home health care services, all your needs can be met. And should more care be required, you can stay with the same care team. Bayshore not only helps you by creating a customized care plan but investigates ALL funding options for you. Prior to booking any service, you receive a free in-home consultation to identify immediate needs and gather an understanding of your current health situation.

Profile: Riverstone Dental Clinic

Riverstone Dental Clinic’s goal is to treat patients in the safest and most natural way possible while still providing all the modern dentistry you would expect of a dental office and provide a lifetime of healthy smiles. We are fluoride-free and do not support the use of Amalgam (mercury) fillings. Holistic dentistry is not a dental specialty but a philosophy of practice that promotes health and wellness instead of the treatment of disease. It is a less toxic approach at fixing oral issues in order to better a patient’s teeth, mouth and overall health.

Committed to Your Well-being

Your Central Alberta Co-op pharmacists provide exceptional guidance, including important facts on how to take your medication and what to expect. “When I transferred my prescriptions to a Co-op Pharmacy, the pharmacist called and we met to discuss my situation. This was new for me! She took the time to walk through every medication together. Now when I go in, it feels like they really know and care about me,” says Carmel M., age 82. “I still drive but I have several friends in my building who also use the free delivery option. It makes a big difference.”

The Obstructive Sleep Apnea Connection

• An estimated 40% of men who have type II diabetes have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and 50% of long-term OSA sufferers have high blood pressure. • Studies show that depressed people are five times more likely to have OSA than non-depressed people. • Sleep apnea is strongly associated with obesity (even moderate obesity). • In the US, an estimated 40,000 cardiovascular deaths are thought to be related to OSA each year. Ask your Doctor about getting a sleep study done to see if Obstructive Sleep Apnea might be affecting your health.

Shockwave for Chronic Conditions

Do you suffer from a nagging injury like tennis elbow, achilles tendonitis, frozen shoulder, or plantar fasciitis? Shockwave therapy is one of the best research-backed treatments for chronic musculoskeletal conditions that have not healed properly. It involves the application of acoustic sound waves to kick-start healing, control pain, and restore mobility. Shockwave has a piston-like, sometimes uncomfortable, effect over the applied tissue. Often patients will feel relief after their first treatment and can expect more significant and lasting changes within 3-5 applications.

Words To Live By

“Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.”
~ H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Meet the Professional

Dr. J Arlo Chinnery TCMD, RAc completed internships in Bei Jing, China in 2003 and Rocky Mountain Physio in 2004 and received his Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine Diploma in 2005. After starting his practice in Southern Alberta, Dr. Arlo moved back to his hometown, Red Deer, in 2010, to continue his holistic approach to pain management. In 2018, Flying Turtle Acupuncture, moved to a larger facility to accommodate his growing clinic. Since current patients soon require less frequent treatments to maintain their improved state of well-being, new patients are always welcomed.