Community News
Making Informed and Caring Decisions

Q: My siblings and I are concerned about where my elderly father should live. How do we work through our different opinions? A: Well-meaning relatives may disagree with one another or with the aging person about where they should live and the level of care they require. Lawyers work with the family and excellent resources within the community to help ensure that the legal needs of vulnerable people and those who care about them are met. This work can also include discussions about financial circumstances, concerns, and estate planning.

Stop Stuffing Your Feelings

When we refuse to acknowledge negative feelings and experiences and stuff them down or pretend to be happy; where does all that upset go? Every feeling that we stuff creates a level of stress within our bodies and minds. Too much stress and our minds and bodies react, with anxiousness, overwhelm, depression, aches, pains and illness. We often treat our mental health with such disregard. If it were a broken limb, we would seek help, so why not for our emotional distress? By combining coaching and tapping to release mind/body stress, for example, new perspectives and peace are possible.

Round the Clock Comfort & Safety

You can wear ComfiHips® Hip Protectors all the time, day or night. The secret is in “the curve.” Users can sleep on their sides while wearing them and enjoy countless nights of serene, peaceful rest. The pads are lightweight, and they fit easily into concealed interior pockets of these specially designed, ultra-soft undergarments. No one will know you’re wearing the low profile ComfiHips® Hip Protectors yet wearing them will decrease your chance of injuries should a fall occur. They are especially recommended for those who are prone to nighttime falls.

Feeling Sleepy During the Day?

Untreated obstructive sleep apnea is one of the leading causes of excessive daytime sleepiness. Obstructive sleep apnea is defined as episodes of apneas (not breathing) which last more than 10 seconds and that occur during sleep. These episodes may occur hundreds of times per night and can lead to fragmented sleep. During these events, the individual’s oxygen level can fall to dangerously low levels (hypoxemia) and may result in cardiac arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats), which can at times be fatal. Also, individuals with obstructive sleep apnea are far more prone to heart attacks and strokes.

Lightening the Load

Aging happens to everyone – no matter how young at heart. What’s reassuring is that we can take steps to help us age well, stay active and live independently for as long as possible. When should you start thinking about home care? If you’ve noticed signs that a senior needs help at home, it’s likely time to start the conversation. Many people think that a senior must be frail or ill before they need professional home care, but that’s not the case. Home care includes services that are designed to lighten the workload around the home.

Seniors Information Fair 2019

Seniors are invited to come to the Collicutt Centre on Tuesday, October 1 from 9 am – noon to learn about recreation and leisure opportunities available to them in Red Deer. Put on in conjunction with the Seniors Service Providers Interagency group, this event is also an excellent opportunity to meet staff from several agencies, organizations, businesses and government departments who care for the wellbeing of seniors living in Red Deer and Central Alberta. In addition to concurrent learning sessions, there will be a mini-trade show with information booths to explore. Join us – there will be lots of draw prizes to win!

Clean Eating Recipe: Thai Green Beans

Ingredients: 4 cups of mixed beans. 2 Tbsp. Butter. 1″ piece fresh ginger. 1 clove garlic. 1 Tbsp. sesame tahini. 1/2 Tbsp honey. 1 Tbsp. olive oil. 1/2 Tsp. toasted sesame oil. Pinch cayenne pepper. Toasted sesame seeds. Directions: Heat a large skillet over medium heat, toss beans in olive oil until crisp-tender, about 5 minutes. Set aside in a bowl. Add butter and garlic to skillet on medium heat for one minute and then reduce to low and add cayenne, tahini, sesame oil, honey and ginger. Combine with beans. Top with sesame seeds before serving. Enjoy!

Meet the Professional

Ever since local mixed media artist Sally Towers-Sybblis was a child, she had a passion for creating. She believes her process is simple: start and the painting will evolve and finish itself. Sally loves to use colour in her work; the more colour, the happier the work becomes. “I want my work to reflect a sense of fun and spontaneity!” she says. It’s important to Sally to include the community in her work, so she teaches classes on a regular basis. “Sharing my techniques gives others that same sense of gratification and expression that I receive from creating!”

Response to Trauma

When trauma is experienced, we naturally react by going to the following 3 states. Flight – tuning out, scattered attention, running away from situations, unable to look at what is going on inside. Fight – turning to defensiveness or argumentative behavior. Freeze – avoiding engagement or confrontation, turning away, or becoming passive.
With trauma, there is often a disconnection from self or the present moment. These behaviors may continue if the emotions attached to the events and experiences are not released. EFT, or Tapping, is a gentle way to release the emotions, conscious or sub-conscious, to improve your emotional wellness.

Computerized Spine and Joint Therapy

Divine Spine provides computerized adjustments, most commonly used to provide neck pain, back pain, headache, and sciatica relief, through state-of-the-art technology. Divine Spine’s computerized treatment system is designed to gently, precisely, and effectively restore motion to your joints to help get you moving, feeling and functioning better. Treatment is performed through EVA – the Electronic Vertebral Alignment system. Adjustment is a non-invasive procedure consisting of a precisely directed movement to help relieve pain and discomfort and restore range of motion in the spine.