Community News
Meet the Practitioner

Dr. Candice Staniek graduated from Bastyr University with a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine in 2015 and in 2009, became a Registered Wholistic Nutritionist. Clinically treating patients through a natural approach that combines scientific knowledge with traditional and natural medicine to not just treat symptoms, she looks at many aspects to unlock the underlying cause and restore optimal health. She can diagnose, treat, do annual checkups, order specialty labs, and prescribe clinically tested medicines. She refers and/or works collaboratively with other health practitioners at the Udaya Wellness Clinic and in the community to ensure the best care for her patients.

Udaya Wellness Clinic,

The Mouth/Body Health Connection

Did you know that you can not have good general health if you have poor oral health? Gum disease (periodontitis) is an infection of the gums that can have major impacts on your oral and overall health. The bacteria in your mouth can make its way into the bloodstream and begin to cause problems elsewhere in the body. Gum disease has been linked to lung disease, cardiovascular disease, and even to Alzheimer’s. Be sure to have regular checkups and brush your teeth and gums every day for a healthier mouth and body.

Riverstone Dental,

Your Inspired Health Journey

Inspired Health: Where Science & Nature Meet – Mortar & Pesto, located directly east of the Red Deer Regional Hospital, offers a unique integrative pharmacy experience. From comprehensive health consultations with our pharmacist, regular and custom (specialty) prescriptions, probiotics, and gut health essentials to oils, practitioner grade supplements, low level light therapy, B12 injections, and compression stockings, they also offer their Pesto & Perks Rewards Program and free delivery. Whether you’re a frazzled family, a supportive spouse or spunky senior citizen, Mortar & Pesto is where you can start and/or continue your health journey!

Mortar & Pesto,

Fitness, Fun & Friendship

The Red Deer PCN Women’s Fun Run is designed for girls and women, and now families, of all ages and fitness levels. At 6 years of age, Brooklyn is a veteran. When she crossed the 1 km finish line in 2018, her fourth year to run, she said to her Mom, “That wasn’t so bad. I need to do another.” For 2019, she has challenged herself to run the 3 km. She knows this will be harder and is already training. The 2019 event on May 11 will raise money for the Mustard Seed’s School Lunch Program. Register at

Red Deer Primary Care Network,

Healing Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu

Jin Shin Jyutsu has been recognized in hospitals and clinics all over the world as an integrative healing practice, supporting complex health issues. It helps release blockages in energy pathways since accumulation of tension can lead to illness, disease, emotional and/or mental suffering. Areas of our bodies can be overloaded when we experience traumatic or daily stress. Through simple exercises that can be applied by a practitioner as well as oneself through gentle touch in specific places on the body, energy blockages open and allow the body to heal itself.

Robin McKay,

Trust Your Gut

Your immune system works hard to protect you from injury, illness, and disease. This process usually involves inflammation, a natural response to stress, tissue damage, and harmful stimuli like viruses, bacteria, and toxins. Inflammation functions similarly to an engine warning light, alerting you to the presence of a problem through symptoms such as heat, pain, redness, swelling, and/or loss of function. 85% of the immune system is located in our gut. An anti-inflammatory diet rich in vitamins A, C, and E and the mineral selenium provides your gut with the ingredients it needs to bolster immunity and achieve optimal mental and physical health.

Canadian Mental Health Association,

Meet the Professional

Since 2006, Janise Somer (nee Bachler), The “Closet Diva,” has helped men and women learn how to dress and to refine their personal image in a way that brings them personal and professional success. Author of “Closet Rescue,” available on Amazon or Kindle, Janise has appeared numerous times on TV and is a professional speaker and educator. Prior to opening her image consulting and speaking business, Janise spent 20+ years as a marketing manager for both corporate and non-profit organizations before taking her image consultant training at the Conselle Institute of Image Management in Utah in 2006.

The Closet Diva,

Jin Shin Jyutsu for Your Horse

April 26, 2019, 8:30 am – 5 pm. This intro to Jin Shin Jyutsu for you and your horse enhances your bond with your horse, aids in its healing, and reduces its pain and anxiety. Windhorse Retreat, Bluffton, AB. Call 403-343-7899 or email to register or for more details. $149 inc. text.

Relationships in Motion Program

Relationships take skill and energy to manage successfully. If you’re feeling bogged down by the relationships in your life, consider taking the Red Deer PCN program, “Relationships in Motion.” Participants will learn skills to increase communication, better understand themselves, focus on the positive, and take responsibility for their roles within various interpersonal relationships. This group program is interactive and gives opportunities for self-reflection and skill development. Participants must be 18 of age or older and can self-refer or be referred by their family physician. Call 403-343-9100 to register. Visit website to learn more.

Meet the Practitioner

Stephen Roberts, born and raised in Alberta, has had a passion for helping people since adolescence. He received his MA in Counselling Psychology from Yorkville University in 2014. He uses cutting-edge, research-based therapies that involve both brain and body for the most effective, long-lasting results. One such therapy, Brainspotting, is a tool to access the deeper brain to target and release maladaptive connections to enhance creativity, focus and sports performance. Stephen works with local athletes to treat underlying causes using various therapies together with other practitioners in the Udaya Wellness Clinic and community.