Community News
What is Sensory Processing Disorder?

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is a condition where the brain struggles to accurately interpret and respond to information received through the senses. Children with SPD may be overly sensitive or under-responsive to stimuli, resulting in behavioral issues, social difficulties, and academic challenges that are often misunderstood. Common symptoms include hypersensitivity to noise, aversion to certain textures, or difficulties with motor skills. Early identification and intervention, often through occupational therapy, can significantly improve a child’s ability to navigate their sensory environment and enhance overall well-being. Understanding and supporting children with SPD is crucial for fostering their development and integration into daily life.

PEMF: A Powerful Anti-Aging Therapy

Humans are biological, chemical, and electrical beings. As such the health of our 100 trillions cells are constantly being challenged through the natural aging process and environmental factors such as Wi-Fi, cell phones, power transmissions, and food additives. This takes a significant toll on our cellular health. Enter PEMP (pulsed electromagnetic field therapy), the sole proven technology for enhancing our health on a cellular level through the increased flow of electrons. This powerful therapy reduces chronic pain and inflammation, eliminates toxins, increases bone density, improves brain function (FDA approved for Alzheimer/Parkinson’s) and more. PEMF regenerates all cells and accelerates the healing process.

Reconnect with Reiki

In today’s fast-paced world, Reiki serves as a valuable tool for reconnecting with oneself. It offers support in revitalizing energy, alleviating daily stress, navigating life transitions, and fostering a spiritual connection. People come to reiki for all sorts of reasons. Some want to revitalise their energy levels, alleviate the stress of daily life, move through burnout, navigate life transitions with more ease or create momentum when they get stuck. Others are drawn to reiki for a spiritual connection, a desire to experience a greater sense of meaning in life. Beyond stress reduction, Reiki complements traditional pain management by potentially alleviating discomfort.

Spiritual Transformation Workshops & Services

Divine Clarity is Canada’s Premier Spiritual Centre & Metaphysical Shoppe offering over 50 workshops and events a year. Advance personal growth, healing, and spiritual awakening through life changing services, intuition development, and energy healing training. Including Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression, Psychic Mediumship, Universal Shamanism, Crystal Therapy, Integrated Energy Therapy®, and many more! Attend in person, or live online in our collaborative learning environment. Most are certification courses.

Nutrition and Arthritis

Arthritis, an inflammatory joint disease with acute crises and dormant periods, brings fatigue, joint stiffness, and pain. Focusing on your diet can help manage symptoms: Control Weight: Excess weight strains joints; maintain a healthy weight through balanced meals. Embrace Omega-3: Fish with omega-3 fatty acids may ease inflammation. Sardines, herring, and mackerel are rich sources, or consider supplements. Balanced Diet: Contact a nutritionist for a personalized plan, adjusting during crises if needed. Seek Assistance: Arthritis’s impact on daily activities may necessitate help, enhancing overall quality of life. Consult with one of our pharmacists to explore how we can assist you.

Nourishing Seniors, Building Communities

In retirement communities, mealtimes are vital for seniors, fostering socialization and delivering essential nutrients. To ensure a wholesome diet, communities prioritize well-balanced meals with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Seniors, prone to health risks, must maintain good nutrition to avoid weight loss, depression, and weakened immune systems. The National Resource Center on Nutrition & Aging reports over 5.5 million seniors facing food insecurity. Retirement communities address nutritional challenges by providing chef-prepared communal meals. This approach ensures proper nutrition, fosters a social atmosphere, and creates a well-rounded dining experience for residents.

Good Nutrition & Digestion = Good Health

No matter how clean, organic, and healthy you eat, if your body isn’t able to digest, absorb, and process essential nutrients properly, you are not benefitting from your efforts.
To do this, your stomach needs to fully digest, your intestines need to completely absorb, and your liver needs to properly process the food you eat.
One of the simplest ways to correct and improve any issue you may have with the digestive process is through nutritional testing.
If a weakness is found in a specific organ, nutritional supplementation can be added to your diet to improve the digestive process and in turn, help you benefit from your wise choices.

Disability Support Unveiled

The Disability Tax Credit (DTC) stands as a non-refundable tax credit with the power to significantly reduce income tax payments, subject to approval from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). It caters to individuals grappling with physical and mental disabilities, alleviating the financial burdens associated with their impairments. Eligible disabilities span vision, mobility, hearing, feeding, dressing, elimination functions, and mental capacities crucial for daily life. For a list of eligible medical conditions, refer to official resources for comprehensive information.

Searching for Your Retirement Haven?

Today’s active seniors are looking to get the most out of their retirement. When weighing the options for senior living, consider how much the senior living industry has grown in the last five years. Independent living has become a retirement haven for seniors who want flexibility and peace of mind. It is designed for the independent senior with an active lifestyle who wants to simplify their worries of home maintenance, commuting, safety, social isolation, and health. Senior living in an independent living community is designed to streamline your life to give you the time to do the things you want to do.

Healthy Living, Pest-Free Homes

Protect your family’s health by promptly addressing pests in your home. Unwanted invaders like rodents and insects can spread diseases and trigger allergies. If you notice signs of infestation such as droppings, gnaw marks, or unusual odors, don’t hesitate to call a professional exterminator. DIY solutions may provide temporary relief, but a licensed expert can identify the root cause and implement effective, long-term solutions. Regular pest inspections and preventive measures, like sealing cracks and storing food properly, can further safeguard your home. Timely intervention by a qualified exterminator ensures a healthy, pest-free environment for your loved ones.

Eating a Heart-Healthy Diet

When combined with other healthy habits, eating a heart-healthy diet can help you control blood pressure and blood sugar levels, maintain a healthy weight, and lower cholesterol. Focus on eating fewer trans fats (fried foods), saturated fats (processed foods), high-fat meats, processed meats and cheeses, and anything high in sugar or sodium. Eat more colourful veggies and fruits; high-quality proteins (such as poultry and fatty fish); healthy fats (such as avocados, olive oil, flax seeds, raw nuts, and fish oils); high-fibre pastas, breads, or cereals made from legumes or whole grains; eggs; and dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa).