Community News
Out to Lunch

Our Out to Lunch program is offered every Friday at noon. For only $10.00 for members and $12.00 for non-members, you will receive a delicious homemade meal. Call 204-571-2053 to book your spot as we have a limited capacity.

Dinner is Served

Dinner is Served is a healthy meal program offered by Brandon Seniors for Seniors Co-op Inc. For only $10.00 you will receive a home cooked meal delivered to your home by our faithful volunteers. We have a menu of seven different meals that you can pick from each week. They are to be ordered on a Friday and will be delivered on the following Friday. Check out our menu on our website or
call us at 204-571-2050 for more information.

40th Anniversary Celebrations

We have many exciting activities coming up this year to celebrate our 40th Anniversary at Brandon Seniors for Seniors Co-op Inc. Our first event was a High Tea which we celebrated in April. We will be having a Patio and Garden Launch along with A Volunteer Recognition BBQ in June. After our AGM in June will be having a power point presentation on our 40th year history. In August there is a Trade Fair, Yard Sale and BBQ planned. We have an Open House coming up in October and the Official 40th Anniversary Celebration in November. Please be watching for these events in our Newsletter, on our bulletin board and on our Facebook page.

Join the Club

Brandon Seniors for Seniors Co-op Inc. is a great place to meet people, learn new skills and have fun! Everyone is invited to get involved in: yoga classes, line dancing, exercise group, foot care, computer club, Men’s Club, Stitch N Chat, cribbage, clogging, and iPad training in partnership with Vincent Massey students. Some of the benefits of becoming an annual member include reduced rates for activities and a voice in the organization.

Dementia and Alzheimer Support

People living with dementia can feel isolated and unsure of where to go for support. You are not alone. The Alzheimer Society is here to help. Our offices across the province can provide you with the information, education and support. Plus, with our virtual and in-person programming, you can join our education sessions, Minds in Motion® program and support groups from the comfort of your own home.
Contact us today to reach a reassuring ear by phone or get a quick response by email. Visit our website to find an office near you at

Referred by Your Physician

Waiting for your Cancer PET/CT imaging appointment? Cancer doesn’t stop & wait with you. That’s why people choose to have PET/CT imaging done privately. Receiving these reports sooner allows for treatment to start sooner. PET/CT assists with: CANCER – detecting cancer, revealing cancer spread, confirming cancer treatment effectiveness, finding a cancer recurrence. BRAIN DISORDERS – clarifying early diagnosis of dementia, confirming possible Alzheimer’s diagnosis. HEART DISEASE – Confirming cardiac sarcoidosis presence/recurrence. If you have been referred by your physician for a PET/CT scan and are waiting for your appointment it may be time to ask your oncologist, urologist, or GP to make a referral to INITIO Medical.

Look for Local at Sobeys

Schriemer Family Farm was founded by Trevor & Hendricks Schriemer after they moved to Otterburne, MB in 1999. Trevor’s experience in owning and operating his father’s Fruit Market business gave him an understanding on consumer’s demands, leading him to start a farm. They’re now a multigenerational farm that grows a variety of quality vegetables. You can pick-up their delicious cucumbers and grape and hothouse tomatoes in our Produce Department.

Men’s Club

Did you know that Brandon Seniors for Seniors Co-op Inc. had a Men’s Club? For approximately 2.5 years, the Men’s Club has created a workspace where like-minded men can work shoulder-to-shoulder. This club was created as a need to provide a safe space for men to meet weekly, share ideas, life experiences and provide value to Brandon. If you are interested in becoming a member to participate in workshops, presentations, games, small projects or just a friendly male voice, then please feel free to reach out to us at or (204) 571-2050. The group meet every Wednesday from 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM at 311 Park Avenue East in Brandon.

Raising Funds to Support Healthcare

The Brandon Regional Health Centre Foundation has a mission to raise funds to support healthcare needs in the regional community. This means all donations made to the Foundation are used to purchase equipment and support programming in our hospital: There are numerous ways you can donate: *In memory of a loved one *In honour of someone special *To give thanks for care received *In celebration of a special event *Through Planned Giving in your estate/will *Through corporate philanthropy *By hosting a fundraiser. Whether you direct your give to the area of greatest need, to a specific area or for long term investment, you can be sure that your donation is making a difference in the community. All donations in excess of $1,000 cumulative will be included on the BRHC Foundation Donor Wall. For more information or to make a donation visit our website at

TAPS (Technology Access Program for Seniors)

Brandon Seniors for Seniors Co-op Inc. continues to work with the Vincent Massey High School students to provide iPad training every 2nd Friday to our seniors. Additionally, through community partnerships, we have recently hosted two (2) workshops addressing “Wills & Related Documents” through Patersons LLP and “Seniors Employment Info Session” through West-Can Human Resources. For more information on upcoming workshops, we suggest following our Facebook page or by emailing us at or (204) 571-2050.

Happy Men’s Health Month

June is Canadian Men’s Health Month, a time to inspire men and their families to live healthier lifestyles. It’s important for the men in our lives to make healthy changes that will lower their risk of chronic disease and help them live with less stress. Many of the most common health conditions affecting men are often preventable with the right lifestyle changes. This could include improving their diet or eating habits, getting more exercise, finding healthier ways to manage stress, and drinking less alcohol. Let this month be the start of a healthier you and/or a healthier loved one!