Community News
Emergency Lock Box

Have your ever asked yourself, how could I be rescued if my door was locked? Time is of the essence during a fire or medical emergency. Install a Lock Box – a small weather-resistant metal box that securely holds a set of keys. Should an emergency occur while you are unable to open the door or get out of the residence, Brandon Fires & Emergency Services can access your property without having to break in. Contact Brandon Seniors for Seniors Co-op Inc. for more information.

TAPS (Technology Access Program for Seniors)

Brandon Seniors for Seniors Co-op Inc. continues to work with the Vincent Massey High School students to provide iPad training every 2nd Friday to our seniors. Additionally, through community partnerships, we have recently hosted two (2) workshops addressing “Wills & Related Documents” through Patersons LLP and “Seniors Employment Info Session” through West-Can Human Resources. For more information on upcoming workshops, we suggest following our Facebook page or by emailing us at or (204) 571-2050.

Join the Club!

Brandon Seniors for Seniors Co-op Inc. is a great place to meet people, learn new skills and have fun. Everyone is invited to get involved; yoga classes, line dancing, exercise group, foot care, computer club, men’s club, Stitch n chat, cribbage, clogging, movie and games afternoon and new for this month is iPad training in partnership with Vincent Massey students. Some of the benefits of becoming a member are your membership is on a year-to-year basis, reduced rates when attending activities and a voice in the direction the organizations takes to better our community.

Dinner is Served

Dinner is Served is a healthy meal program offered by Brandon Seniors for Seniors Co-op Inc. For only $10.00 you will receive a home cooked meal delivered to your home by our faithful volunteers. We have a menu of seven different meals that you can pick from each week. They are to be ordered on a Friday and will be delivered on the following Friday. Check out our menu on our website or
call us at 204-571-2050 for more information.

Victoria Lifeline

If you are like most seniors, you want to maintain your independence and remain active. You don’t want an accidental fall or medical emergency to jeopardize your ability to live independently at home. You are always connected to our 24/7 Response Centre. With a push of your medical alert button – you can get help you need. Call 204-571-2053 to get more information from Brandon Seniors for Seniors.

Out to Lunch

Our Out to Lunch program is offered every Friday at noon. For only $10.00 for members and $12.00 for non-members, you will receive a delicious homemade meal. Call 204-571-2053 to book your spot as we have a limited capacity.

40th Anniversary Celebrations

We have many exciting activities coming up this year to celebrate our 40th Anniversary at Brandon Seniors for Seniors Co-op Inc. Our first event was a High Tea which we celebrated in April. We will be having a Patio and Garden Launch along with A Volunteer Recognition BBQ in June. After our AGM in June will be having a power point presentation on our 40th year history. In August there is a Trade Fair, Yard Sale and BBQ planned. We have an Open House coming up in October and the Official 40th Anniversary Celebration in November. Please be watching for these events in our Newsletter, on our bulletin board and on our Facebook page.

Emergency Lock Box

Have your ever asked yourself, how could I be rescued if my door was locked? Time is of the essence during a fire or medical emergency. Install a Lock Box – a small weather-resistant metal box that securely holds a set of keys. Should an emergency occur while you are unable to open the door or get out of the residence, Brandon Fires & Emergency Services can access your property without having to break in. Contact Brandon Seniors for Seniors Co-op Inc. for more information.

Men’s Club

Did you know that Brandon Seniors for Seniors Co-op Inc. had a Men’s Club? For approximately 2.5 years, the Men’s Club has created a workspace where like-minded men can work shoulder-to-shoulder. This club was created as a need to provide a safe space for men to meet weekly, share ideas, life experiences and provide value to Brandon. If you are interested in becoming a member to participate in workshops, presentations, games, small projects or just a friendly male voice, then please feel free to reach out to us at or (204) 571-2050. The group meet every Wednesday from 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM at 311 Park Avenue East in Brandon.

Take Care of Seasonal Allergies

Spring is the worst season for allergies, according to the Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. The biggest spring allergy trigger is pollen. Trees, grasses, and weeds release these tiny spores into the air to fertilize other plants. When they get into the nose or eyes of someone who’s allergic, they send the body’s defenses haywire. If pollen is a trigger, keep doors and windows closed to keep it out, and wear wraparound sunglasses when outside. Also, ask your doctor or pharmacist about the most appropriate allergy medications to avoid possible side effects, such as drowsiness and confusion.

Message To Our Community

When asked for something as a funeral director, we like to be able to say yes and ensure that family requests, desires, and the deceased’s last wishes are met. The pandemic made it challenging for us to gather and grieve together, but as we come out of the restrictions and mandates, precautions such as masks, vaccinations, and hand sanitizer can still be required at services, if requested, to make everyone feel welcome and comfortable – that’s what we as funeral directors do. We look forward to being able to say yes to families once again and exceeding their expectations.