Community News
Plan for the Future

There are many conversations that families should have. One of those concerns your final wishes. Planning your funeral and cemetery arrangements in advance means you can discuss the options with family in a relaxed, stress-free environment. The other conversation is planning for your future health care. If you were sick and couldn’t speak for yourself, would your family know your wishes? You might be surprised by the space between what you want for future care and what your loved ones think you want. It’s important that they know your values, what is meaningful in your life, and how you would like decisions to be made.

Seniors Need Connection & Support

Researchers have found that loneliness is just as lethal as smoking 15 cigarettes per day. Many Canadians may not be aware of the connection between loneliness and poor nutrition and the other serious health implications. With concerns around food security and affordability also being top of mind in Canada, we know our senior population is at a higher risk for both. As an organization dedicated to caring for older adults, Home Instead is urging Canadians to join the effort in ensuring our senior loved ones are getting the care and nutrition they need and helping to end loneliness among older adults.

Listening to Your Body’s Messages

Did you know that every physical symptom we experience has a spiritual connection? Our body’s way of communication can be seen in symptoms like plantar fasciitis indicating fear of change, or a runny nose and watery eyes signaling the need for emotional release. Connecting with our bodies and understanding their messages is crucial. By giving ourselves the freedom to listen and respond, we allow energy to flow and achieve balance. This is what we offer: guiding you to listen to your body and providing energetic remedies. Are you prepared to listen to your body and begin this transformative journey?

2 Essential Ways to Empower Relationships

Wanting to strengthen your relationships? Allow people to feel cherished and thought of often. By reaching out and telling them what you really enjoy and like about them, it makes them feel appreciated. Most of us are conflict avoidant, so having a clearing model that is easy to use when differences arise is necessary to help work things through. Taking full ownership of our feelings, naming the specific behaviors that upset us and asking for what you need instead of blaming or becoming defensive is a game changer. Every relationship at some point needs to clear the resentment or misunderstandings, as when you can do it quickly and efficiently, they won’t build up.

Healthy Mouth, Healthy Life

Maintaining good oral health isn’t just about keeping your teeth and gums healthy – it can have an impact on the rest of your body as well. Research suggests that a buildup of dental plaque can be linked to other health issues, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes complications, and even various types of infections. Brushing and flossing away dental plaque each day can help keep buildup under control and limit your risk of other issues linked to poor oral health. It’s important to see your dentist regularly to ensure your teeth, gums, and other oral tissue are in tip-top shape.

Words to Live By

“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.” -John Wooden

PureTrim Shakes: Delicious and Nutritious

Looking for a nutritious and easy way to lose weight this summer? Look no further than PureTrim Shakes! These 100% plant-based meal shakes come in three delicious flavors and are packed with protein, vitamins, and minerals to keep you feeling full and energized all day long. With only 230 calories per meal and a skin-tightening collagen blend, you can lose up to 7 pounds in just 10 days. Plus, PureTrim Shakes are gluten-free, dairy-free, and soy-free, making them the perfect choice for anyone with dietary restrictions. Try a free sample today by contacting Fred Saliken, Nutrition Specialist at (306)231-9318.

Words to Live By

“Fear less, hope more, eat less, chew more, whine less, breathe more, talk less, say more, hate less, love more, and good things will be yours.” Swedish Proverb

Disability Tax Credit Eligibility

When people have restrictions, physically or mentally, they may be entitled to apply for a tax credit. There are different ways in which a person can be eligible for the disability tax credit (DTC). In all cases, the impairment must be prolonged. Also, the person must meet one of the following criteria: 1. Is markedly restricted in at least one of the basic activities of daily living. 2. Is significantly restricted in two or more or the basic activities of daily living (can include a vision impairment). 3. Needs life-sustaining therapy. The credit can allow a person $2,500 in tax savings each year as well as a $25,000 Lump Sum Refund. Expert help is available in applying for this substantial tax credit.

Brain Injury Awareness Month

Concussions and traumatic brain injuries can change someone’s life forever. If you suffer from a head injury, you should see a chiropractor or physiotherapist/athletic therapist right away. Naturopathic doctors can also play an important role by: 1. Decreasing inflammation in the brain by decreasing inflammation in the gut through diet and lifestyle modifications. 2. Recommending specific supplements to support inflammation, cognitive function, hormones, etc. 3. Providing IV therapy, which can allow high doses of nutrients to reach the bloodstream directly. 4. Offering low-level laser therapy, which stimulates energy production to decrease chronic inflammation and support healing.

One Change at a Time

Fitness is a life long journey. It can’t be earned in one workout, gained by eating well for one week, or through one eight hour sleep. The long-term benefits only come to those who stick with the plan, adapt as life changes, and most importantly enjoy the ride. We call this building healthy habits. Imagine if you ate one apple a day and did 20-30 minutes of varied physical activity 3 days per week. Over one year that would be 365 apples and 78 hours of physical activity accumulated through your habits. Focus on making only one change every 2-4 weeks and watch your life change.