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Words To Live By

Father’s Day is for every guy who holds nothing back…who gives his heart, soul, and energy to those he cares about and still finds a way to love them more every single day. —Andrew Blackburn

Hailey’s Horoscope

Full moon in May brings POLARITY, and could be an emotional time. You might be questioning yourself- do I transform or do I stay where I am and form a concrete path? You might also notice that you are struggling between sharing yourself, your posessions, your ideas. This is all due to the polarity of where the moon is positioned this month. If you notice this struggle between emotional opposites, try to go inward and make a pact with your emotions…let it all out, express yourself, notice the polarity battles inside of you and release it all with this full moon.

A Permanent Hair-Loss Solution

Natural-looking hair transplant results are possible today thanks to advancements in the procedure, with improvements including placing a few healthy hairs at a time and creating a more natural-looking hairline. Men and women are both good candidates for hair transplants, provided they have enough healthy hair on their scalp that can be transplanted and have the ability to grow hair on the thinning area of the scalp. Most transplants take between four and eight hours and only require anesthesia that numbs the scalp. Results can typically be seen between six and nine months after surgery, or sometimes 12 months.

Product Review: Utrition

Utrition allows you to take action on your nutritional needs, based on your own DNA. This simple and affordable, personalized nutritional formula is made for you using your own SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms), which are DNA sequence variations that are unique to you. These are then used to analyze and build a nutritional formulation exclusively for you, by your unique genetic code, built into your DNA. Utrition takes the guesswork out of which vitamins and supplements to take by using your DNA, which can reveal your body’s precise nutritional requirements. Those nutritional requirements are then used to create your own precise nutritional formula.

Feeling Restless?

With everything that’s currently going on in the world, it’s easy to feel restless, overwhelmed or anxious. Rather than stressing about all the uncertainty, now is the time to put your efforts and focus into what you actually can control. Taking time every day for movement or exercise, meditation, gentle stretching, or getting outside for a walk or run in the fresh air will make a world of difference for both your physical and mental well-being. As we navigate these uncertain times, keep on moving!

Is Your Retirement Plan Complete?

Are pre-arranged funeral arrangements missing from your retirement plan? Here are three reasons to make pre-arranged plans that fit your personality and values, no matter how your lifestyle changes in the years to come: 1. Life insurance does not cover the cost of funerals. Planning helps pay for the full cost before your death. 2. Funeral planning is part of your legacy for your children. With planning, you have peace of mind knowing that your children are protected from certain monetary pressures. 3. Inflation affects lifestyle and funeral plans. We are here to help. Visit our website today and book a spot in one of our free preplanning seminars.

Naturopathic Medicine Week: May 14-20

This week looks to highlight what Naturopathic Medicine is and how it could be of benefit to you. The naturopathic philosophy is to stimulate the natural healing properties of the body and treat the underlying cause of dysfunction. You can utilize naturopathic medicine along in conjunction with conventional medical therapies to achieve optimal health, as Naturopathic Medicine has a large priority on preventative medicine. This could include dietary and lifestyle advice, herbal medicine, acupuncture amongst other modalities. In these times of stress and uncertainty, check us out to see how we can help support your goals.

FARMaceutical First Aid

Last summer my dog nearly died after chasing a wasp, ingesting toxic venom and going into anaphylactic shock. Without my homeopathic first aid kit, she would no longer be here. From emergencies to bumps and bruises and even allergies, homeopathy comes to the rescue. This all-natural medicine needs to be in everyone’s homes; and we are here to teach you what you need to know in order to use it! Homeopathy is safe, can be used alongside over the counter or prescription medications, and is economical. An $8 tube of Arnica can ease the pain your child endures after falling off his bike this summer. Join us for a live class to learn how you can incorporate and create your own FARMaceutical first aid kit!

Missing Teeth Affecting Your Life?

Do you hide your mouth because you feel embarrassed about missing teeth? Missing teeth not only affects your general health and appearance, it may also contribute to depression and low self-esteem. Social embarrassment as a result of missing teeth and poorly fitting dentures may result in people avoiding social interactions. Don’t let tooth loss or improperly fitting dentures affect the quality of your life. Your denturist can explain the best ways to restore the function and appearance of your smile. Properly fitting dentures can help restore your self-esteem and bring back your smile

Electro-magnetic Fields (EMFs)

Low-level radiation is one type of EMF exposure and is emitted from cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, Bluetooth devices, computers, and even power lines. Some scientists report that this type of EMF exposure can cause sleep disturbances, including insomnia; headache; depression and depressive symptoms; changes in memory; and lack of concentration. You can reduce the risk by using the speakerphone function on your cell phone instead of holding it to your ear. Charge your phone in a different room at night, or put it on airplane/flight mode while you sleep. Products are also available that counteract harmful frequencies using healthy ones.