Community News
Tips for Gardening Season

Spring is in the air and summer is right around the corner! It is the time to start planting flowers, veggies and fruit. Planting and digging in your garden requires you to be on the ground and mostly on your knees. Simply using a knee cushion will help take the hard tension off your knees and legs and keep the strain off your back. Always try to take breaks and stand up to give your back a stretch. This will straighten up your spine and prevent your body from being sore and tight the next day. Most importantly, enjoy the sun!

Natural Remedies for Environmental Toxins

The toxins and chemical in our environment bring an increasing number of health risks. doTerra essential oils can help. When the horizon begins to get smokey, use doTerra’s Easy Air blend. It helps to maintain open airways, combat infection and repair lung tissue. Three to five drops of lemon essential oil in your drinking water once a day helps the liver detoxify toxic substances. Our warming climate brings an influx of insects that are carrying vector borne disease such as West Nile Virus. doTerra’s Terrashield blend can protect us from biting insects…and it smells incredible. Join us for classes to learn more about essential oils.

Plan Your Final Wishes Together

Did you know that 70% of spouses don’t know the details of their partner’s final wishes? Do you know what your loved ones wishes are? There are many decisions that have to be made immediately after a death, including: • Securing vital statistics and documents • Arranging and paying for a funeral service and burial plot• Notifying the authorities, family and friends. Planning final arrangements, gathering legal information and paying for everything can be overwhelming to a grieving spouse. Luckily, many of the details can be taken care of today by planning together. Book your appointment today at

Diamond Health Assessment

Determining the underlying root cause of health issues is the key to treatment. Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is a measure of Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) balance and strength and consequently your systematic health and resilience. ANS controls internal body processes such as blood pressure, heart and breathing rates, body temperature, digestion, metabolism, body fluids and sexual response. A Nutri-Energetic Systems (NES) scan identifies blockages in the body’s energetic structure and field which serves as a master control system for all physiological function. By combining HRV with the NES Bioenergy scan it is possible to find and see changes in the body on the energetic level and in the underlying structure. This helps to determine where to focus in the healing and rebalancing approach.

One Change at a Time

Fitness is a life long journey. It can’t be earned in one workout, gained by eating well for one week, or through one eight hour sleep. The long-term benefits only come to those who stick with the plan, adapt as life changes, and most importantly enjoy the ride. We call this building healthy habits. Imagine if you ate one apple a day and did 20-30 minutes of varied physical activity 3 days per week. Over one year that would be 365 apples and 78 hours of physical activity accumulated through your habits. Focus on making only one change every 2-4 weeks and watch your life change.

Community Profile – Elan Wellness

Elan Wellness offers paths to wellness. A personalized wellness plan is highly individual and is created through collaboration. Whether you want to improve your health, reduce and manage stress, or simply get support in any area of your life, a wellness plan may be for you. It is about taking action and seeing physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional results. Chronic Pain Management Plans work to minimize the experience of pain and to increase self-reliance through nervous system health education, gentle somatic practices, breath work, and meditation practices. Through a set of realistic goals, you will ultimately learn to manage your pain and live a life you love.

Fashion Show & Sale at Lakeside Gardens

Lakeside Gardens Retirement Community presents a Fashion Show and Sale on June 11th. Rack Fashions, a mobile women’s clothing and accessory boutique, will be showcasing their line of current, comfortable and affordable women’s fashion. Their signature pieces have been chosen for the fashion conscious woman in mind. Lakeside Gardens Retirement Community, located on the shores of Long Lake, offers a comfortable lifestyle in an environment that’s open to forming new friendships via various social and dynamic activity programs. Lakeside Gardens is an independent community offering assisted services for those needing just that extra bit of help.

Hike for Hospice – Community Fundraiser

The annual Hike for Hospice takes place on June 15th at Westwood Lake Park. Walk, run or hike the 1km or 6km option at your own pace. The $30 Registration Fee includes swag, prizes and a free BBQ lunch. Family & Team registration available at a reduced rate. Funds raised stay local. Gather your family and friends – walk to honor the memory of your loved ones. Nanaimo Hospice believes that everyone deserves support, regardless of age, means or culture. Volunteers and professional staff offer free programs resources & education. See their website for more information and to register for the Hike.

Open House – Canadian School of Natural Nutrition

Canadian School of Natural Nutrition (CSNN) has been educating Registered Holistic Nutritionists across Canada since 1994. Our Vancouver Island school in Nanaimo opened in 2012 followed by the Victoria school in 2017. The curriculum consists of 17 hard sciences and social sciences courses. Intakes are in March and September for the one year (day) program or two year (evening) program both resulting in the R.H.N. designation. CSNN offers a Holistic Culinary Certificate program in addition to the Natural Nutrition Program and a “The Fundamentals of Nutrition” course which consists of seven classes. Learn more at our Open House on June 1st in Nanaimo.

Mamma Mia! – The Musical

On a Greek island paradise, where the sun always shines, the audience is propelled into this beautiful and funny tale of love, friendship, and identity. Mamma Mia! resonates with almost everyone. There are so many themes and situations packed into this musical that people from all walks of life can relate to: identity, the generation gap, the loss of a parent, a mother-daughter relationship and romance to name a few. The performance leaves you singing and dancing to iconic ABBA hits. Mamma Mia! is the musical sensation you won’t want to miss! Tickets available now, on stage May 24 – August 31.

Looking at a Retirement Community

When should one start thinking about a retirement community? The answer is quite simple – before you HAVE to. Look at the various options for retirement living before you need to move. It will take the fear and stress away knowing that you have done your homework. Many communities today have wait lists so if you wait until you want or need to move, there may not be availability, or at least not in your first choice. All the retirement communities have people who are more than happy to show you around and answer all of your questions.