Community News
2nd Annual Wellnessnews Women’s Expo

We are proud to present the 2nd Annual Women’s Expo on February 9th, 2019. Bring your Mom, Daughter, and Friends and join us at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre in Nanaimo for a day of wellbeing. With over 100 exhibitors, the Diva Oasis and wellness seminars, it will be a day to explore, indulge, shop, learn and have fun. The Expo is FREE. Get your VIP tickets where you get your Wellnessnews or from one of the exhibitors. While not required to attend, tickets redeemed raise funds for Samaritan House. Check the Women’s Expo website for an updated exhibitor list and scheduled health talks. See you on February 9th.

Keep Moving with Indoor Activities

Now that it is January, the weather can be cold and crisp. Freezing temperatures and snow may cause you to want to stay indoors. There are many inside exercises you can do to keep fit and to keep your body moving. Using your own stair case to climb up and down is a good way to keep the strength in your legs and back, and to give you better balance and agility. Yoga poses and stretching will help keep the blood flowing and make you feel good and less tired. Happy New Year from Bastion Physio.

No Quick Fix

So the Holidays are now over, the bills are piling up and panic has set in. It’s tempting to wish for a quick fix, like a lottery or casino win, to make our financial worries disappear. But what are the odds of winning? Not in our favour. That’s why it’s called gambling. If you have the money and are in a light-hearted space, enjoy your gambling activities. But if you’re thinking of gambling to cover your rent or pay your bills, don’t! Let us help you find a better way. Please call the gambling info line at BC211 or chat/text on

Say Goodbye to Mascara

Tired of your mascara smudging? Russian Classic Lash Extensions are a natural and subtle way to enhance the beauty and expression of your eyes. Eyelash extensions are single strands of synthetic, silk mink that are curved, designed to replicate a natural eyelash. Once applied to your own eyelashes, they will look and feel completely natural. Application is comfortable and painless; done while you lie on a massage table. With the eyelash extensions, your lashes will be fuller and longer and you will no longer require mascara. With proper care, they will last the length of your normal eyelash growth cycle.

Keeping your New Year’s Resolutions

With the New Year comes New Year’s Resolutions! The best way to make, and keep, New Year’s Resolutions is by making SMART goals: Specific, Measureable, Agreed upon, Realistic and Time-based. Decide what you want to do or accomplish, and then break it down into smaller portions that are more easily attained. Write them down, put them somewhere visible and then get to work. The resolutions can be for health, work, family or for all the above. Pick one or two and you will be amazed at what you can accomplish when you break it down into smaller steps.

Are Hearing Aids for Me?

A friend got hearing aids and never wore them, so why should I get hearing aids? Many things affect the success of using hearing aid: realistic expectations, motivation, consistent use, type, configuration and degree of hearing loss, and how active the person is. Every person has a different life style, different hearing loss, and different expectations from their hearing aids. It is important to convey your expectations to your hearing care provider. Hearing aid technology is continuously improving and current technology is drastically better than technology five years ago. The best way to find out if hearing aids are right for you is to give them a try.

How to Write a Condolence Note

Finding the words to write a note of comfort to friends and family who have lost a loved one can be difficult. It does not need to be a lengthy message. Generally, a few heartfelt sentences are enough. Simply express your sympathy and let the recipients know that your thoughts are with them during this difficult time. Acknowledge the loss and refer to the deceased by name. Sharing a fond memory of the deceased is a wonderful addition to the message. End the note with a kind word, a hope, a wish or expression of sympathy.

Sticking with Your Weight Loss Resolution

The number one resolution made in January is the one to lose weight. The whole process can feel like an impossible task; here are a few tips to help:
· GET MOVING: you don’t have to run marathons. Just getting out for a brisk, 30-minute daily walk burns calories and decreases appetite.
· DITCH the ADDED SUGAR: Although it tastes yummy, excessive sugar consumption is one of the major reasons people become overweight. Conquer that sweet tooth with fruit instead.
· BUDDY UP – invite a friend to join in on the weight loss journey. It provides support and accountability.

Determining the Quality of Essential Oils

Have you noticed the explosion of interest in essential oils? How do you tell the difference between hype and health and why should you care? The MAJORITY of essential oils are mixed with synthetics, diluted with oils that can go rancid, or are chemically altered, all of which can cause health problems. How can you spot the marketing hype? Look for the following: 1. All of the oils are the same price 2. The bottle states for aromatic use only. 3. They are cheap. Attend a FREE essential oil class with The Essential Oil Nurse and get to know REAL essential oils and their health benefits.

Benefits of Somatics Body Movement Classes

Our daily movements, combined with life stressors and injuries, can result in the involuntary holding of muscle reflex patterns. When working at a computer, or driving a car for long periods, we may unknowingly roll our shoulders forward. Over time this involuntary habit contributes to the development of tight muscles, body tension, pain, loss of flexibility and a stooped posture. Somatics gentle body movement classes are designed to bring awareness to all unconsciously contracted muscles and re-educate the brain to release tension resulting in reduced pain and a sense of ease and balance for the body.

Sleeping Warm During the Cold Winter

As we settle into the cooler months, here are some tips to stay cozy and warm throughout the night. *Snuggle up with a pet or loved one *Drink an herbal tea or hot water with lemon, ginger and honey before bedtime *Take a bath or hot shower before bedtime to promote sleepiness *Block drafts in the bedroom with thermal insulating window coverings * Toss a hot water bottle under the covers 20 minutes before climbing in *Switch to warmer yet breathable bed linens. Your temperature regulation this winter will improve with breathable wool and organic linens and cottons. Snuggle in and stay cozy for the whole night.