Community News
What to Wear to a Funeral

Dressing for a funeral can be tricky, especially in a time when traditional funerals are evolving to celebrations. What is important is to ensure you remain respectful to the family. Unless there is a specific dress code, lean toward dark shades or neutrals. Consider any cultural traditions to avoid wearing anything offensive. When in doubt about what to wear, ask someone. Dressing for any occasion can be stressful to some, especially for a somber event. When deciding what to wear, remember that funerals and memorial services are not about the attendees, but about the individual who has left us.

Benefits of Ozone Therapy

Ozone Therapy has been utilized and heavily studied for more than a century. It uses ozone to boost the body’s system. Its effects are proven and consistent. Ozone therapies can be applied to the body in a variety of ways to accelerate healing, eliminate pain, inflammation, and induce detoxification while rejuvenating tissues and rebuilding healthy cells. Asthma, COPD, chronic and acute infections, Rheumatoid Diseases, Arthritis, and Inflammation to name a few, can all be helped with Ozone Therapy. By reducing inflammation and increasing the immune system’s performance, Ozone Therapy assists to restore function, cell renewal and health.

Musical: The Sound of Music

Based on the story of the von Trapp family singers, this thrilling and inspirational family musical follows the romantic story of Captain von Trapp and governess Maria as they fall in love and bring a family together, during the turbulent and frightening time preceeding World War II. When Nazis demand the immediate enlistment of the Captain, this couple’s love and courage helps them narrowly escape over the Austrian mountains with their seven children. Their story comes to life onstage with beloved songs “My Favourite Things,” “Do-Re-Mi,” “Climb Every Mountain,” and of course “The Sound of Music.” Playing February 15 – April 6, 2019.

Is Medical Cannabis an Option for Me?

Are you wondering if medical cannabis could help you with some of your ailments? What can it be used for and how do you use it? How do you access it? Bring your questions to the Medical Cannabis Conference for Older Adults in Nanaimo, March 23rd in support of the Nanaimo Family Life Association. Medical and industry professionals along with older users will be on hand to talk about how medical cannabis is used to treat chronic pain due to injury, arthritis, cancer, depression, anxiety and more. At this one-day workshop, you will learn what to ask your medical professional about access and usage.

Spring and Summer Activities

The City of Nanaimo’s Spring and Summer Activity Guide is here! Within its pages you will discover over 1,000 programs that are sure to keep you and your family active this spring and summer. We have courses in arts, crafts, dance, fitness, first aid, music, language, wellness, outdoors, sports, swimming and skating, and we have community event details. Studies continually show the benefits of being active and socializing as an important part of being healthy – both physically and emotionally. This spring and summer, take a moment and move with us! Need some ideas to keep you active? Contact the recreation experts at 250.756.5200 or visit

Release of Tension Due to Injury or Trauma

When injuries to the body are as a result of impact, muscles around the site reflexively contract to protect you from the trauma. If the trauma is physically or emotionally significant, the shock to the body may result in the protective muscular contraction becoming habituated. Our brain behaves as if the injury is still happening and we develop what is known in Somatics as Sensory Motor Amnesia. This body–brain disconnect causes us to forget how to sense and move our muscles. Somatics Gentle Body Movement Classes re-educate the brain to release muscular tension and relax muscles back to their correct resting length without discomfort or painful stretching.

Hearing Aids vs Hearing Amplifiers?

Thinking about choosing a hearing amplifier to correct your hearing loss? A hearing amplifier cannot be compared directly with a hearing aid. Hearing amplifiers feature a microphone and an amplifier. In terms of structure and shape they are very similar to conventional hearing aids. However, they only increase the volume of sound and cannot be adapted to your individual hearing loss or personal preferences. Hearing amplifiers are not prescribed by doctors and are usually purchased without specialist advice. Hearing Care professionals recommend hearing aids for those affected by hearing loss and will help you take your first steps towards better hearing.

Pharmacy at Home Program

Is managing your medications becoming a struggle? The Pharmacy at Home Program can solve your problems. At no additional cost, a pharmacist will come to your home. The pharmacist will identify all the prescription and non-prescription medication you take, discuss how they are best taken and will create a medication management plan for you. You and your family will get peace of mind knowing that your medications are managed. In the long term, this may mean being able to stay in your own home longer, reduced number of hospital visits and admissions and improved quality of life for your caregiver.

How Do I Use Essential Oils?

Confused about the different ways to use essential oils? * Aromatically: Whether in a diffuser or just drops on a pillow or cotton ball this is the method for infusing the air around you. Great method for changing the mood in a room and for purifying the air. * Topically: Massaging essential oils (diluted) into target spots on the skin for pain or skin irritations. * Ingesting: Great for gut issues or systemic use. Only use doTerra CPTG oils (non-synthetic without contaminant.) * Cleaning: Citrus oils are all generally great cleaners. Your home will be cleaner, smell better and you are going to get rid of toxins. Want to learn more? Join a Thursday evening classes in Nanaimo.

Lotteries Most Popular Form of Gambling

According to the 2014 British Columbia Problem Gambling Prevalence Study, approximately 72.5% of British Columbians gamble. Lotteries remain the most popular form of gambling (81.6%), with 43.6% of gamblers naming it as their favourite form of gambling. Interestingly, when speaking with people in a community, very few individuals initially identify themselves as gamblers but at some point in the conversation, the person may say “Oh, but I buy lottery tickets every week.” This simple reflection exemplifies some of the myths and misunderstandings that surround what gambling is and is not, and who is stigmatised, and who isn’t. Food for thought …

Maximize Your Balance and Stability

Did you know that lack of stability and balance account for a large portion of foot and back pain issues? Today, wellness consumers want products to enhance their quality of life and are asking for natural, safe solutions for more energy, pain relief and enhanced mobility. VoxxLife socks and insoles with HPT optimize the user’s stability and balance at the nervous system level and provide relief from aches and pains with drug free proven technology. Voxx Human Performance Technology (HPT) is based on 45 Years of research in Neuromuscular Science, Chiropractic Neurology and Reflexology. Come test your balance at the Wellnessnews Women’s Expo on February 9th at the VI Conference Centre.