Community News
Maintaining Intimacy in Menopause

Menopause brings about a host of changes that can make intimacy painful or impossible. Genitourinary syndrome of menopause can cause symptoms of extreme burning, pain, and tissue tearing with intimacy. Early symptoms can respond to over-the-counter vaginal moisturizers and lubricants. More severe symptoms require a visit to the medical doctor. Prescription vaginal hormones can safely and effectively relieve the symptoms and return a couple to intimacy. If a woman doesn’t want to use hormones, then new laser therapies like MonaLisa Touch® and TempSure VitaliaTM can also be safely used to treat symptoms and restore vaginal health. Great skin at any age – Let us show you how!

Tea and Toast Syndrome

“Tea and toast syndrome” refers to malnutrition in seniors when a lack of desire or inability to prepare and/or eat proper meals results in them relying on simpler meals like tea and toast. Seniors who skip meals almost daily, have gained/lost more than 10 pounds in the past six months, take medications, have dental issues, or have a disability can be at risk for malnutrition. Some common signs to watch for include unexplained weight loss, fatigue, memory issues, digestive issues, a weak immune system, muscle weakness, and anemia. There are support services available to help seniors eat well and regularly!

Protecting Your Family

When buying a big-ticket item, we don’t hesitate to buy extended warranty to protect that purchase. But we often hesitate about spending money to protect our family, their future, and our children’s education. If you’re the main breadwinner, what will your family do should anything happen to you? A life insurance policy is a way to replace that loss of income. Nothing will ever replace you, but the insurance will provide your loved ones with a sense of security and allow them to carry on as best they can. That is the warranty that should be top of the list.

Slow Eating for Better Health

Did you know that chewing is the first step in the digestion process? Chewing your food properly and thoroughly helps create more surface area for your digestive enzymes to break down your food into useable parts for your body to function, re-build tissue, and fuel your body and your brain. If you suffer from bloating or heaviness, or feel sleepy after meals, an easy way to help your stomach feel better is to slow down while eating, by thoroughly chewing and avoiding distractions such as smartphones and TVs. Take time to enjoy your food and feel better by doing so!

Managing Endings

A professor of mine once said, “To end well, is to live well”. This is so true. Whether the ending is through death and our subsequent grieving, or through circumstances, choosing to end well is important. With every ending, there are losses AND gains. Acknowledge them, speak about them out loud, and engage in some kind of ritual to mark the change. Honour yourself, your experience, and any others involved. Not everyone experiences endings the same way, so do what feels right. Endings are inevitable; avoiding them is optional (and not good for your mental health).

Have You Considered Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is part of an ancient Traditional Chinese medical system that aims to restore order and balance to the body. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), acupuncture can be used for a variety of issues such as digestive, emotional, menstrual, respiratory, fertility, neurological, musculoskeletal and addiction. In recent years, several clinical studies have proven that acupuncture is effective for people who do not want to take medication, have allergies/sensitivities to medications or have intolerable side effects to medication. The benefits of acupuncture include: enhanced mental clarity and energy, stress reduction, immune stimulation, pain control and improved circulation.

Book Club: The Five Second Rule

In The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage, Mel Robbins talks about an important tool that can help readers learn to push themselves, instead of relying on teachers, friends, parents, coaches, and mentors for motivation. Find out what makes a “push moment” and how it will enrich your life and move you forward on the path to success. This powerful tool takes just five seconds and once it becomes a habit, is a simple but effective solution when it comes to our tendency to hold ourselves back and keep ourselves from happiness.

Community Announcement

We are pleased to announce that finally, after a year and a half of hard work and much deliberation, we received our letter of No Objection from Health Canada! We are going ahead with our research project investigating the use of stem cells for osteoarthritis. If you would like more information about this ground-breaking research project, the first of its kind in Canada please visit and

Move More and Feel Better!

Many find it hard to stay active during the long winter days. Once spring arrives, aches and pains can stand in the way of carrying on as you remember. Joints, muscles, and tendons decondition rapidly. Often, a little bit of concerted effort can get you back on track. A proper diagnosis and treatment plan will outline realistic options. Non-surgical interventions are often sufficient. Recalcitrant problems may respond to precisely administered injections; ultrasound imaging and careful local anaesthesia make this well tolerated by virtually everyone. This smooth and effective treatment brings early and reliable improvement in pain, often allowing return to activity within days.

Reach Your Potential and Invest in Self Care

When you are on an airplane, the flight attendant always tells you to put on your mask before helping anyone else. Why? Because you are no good to anyone else if you aren’t well. The same goes for everyday life. If you want to reach your potential, invest in self-care. Here are two tips. 1) Schedule YOU time in your calendar as if it were an important meeting. Start with once a week and eventually, try for once a day. 2) Use that YOU time to do anything that helps YOU be well. Take a bath, read a book, watch a show, go for a walk, or, practice mindfulness.