Community News
Comprehensive Support

Having support after the loss of a loved one is incredibly valuable. Grieving is a deeply personal experience, and having help can make a significant difference in navigating the complex emotions and challenges that come with loss. Support can come in many forms. Practical support can help provide traction to get the necessary details started. Our funeral support can provide help with all the documents that need to be filled out and services cancelled. We are unique in the provision of our estate settlement services. This service helps the family with all their documents. Ask our staff how we might be able to help you manage all the basic details during this difficult time.

Live Theatre: Leading Ladies

NTG has been entertaining audiences of all ages for over 60 years. Their next production is “Leading Ladies.” In this play, two actors, Jack and Leo, find themselves so down on their luck that they are reduced to playing “Scenes from Shakespeare” at a Moose Lodge. When they hear that an elderly lady is about to die and leave her fortune to her two long-lost nephews, they resolve to pass themselves off as her beloved relatives and pick up the cash!! Romantic entanglements abound, and the mayhem begins when they arrive and discover that the relatives aren’t nephews but nieces!

Do You Have a Heart-Wall?

A heart wall is created due to emotional distress. During times of emotional pain or distress, your heart can be hurt or injured. In response, your subconscious will put up an invisible heart wall to protect your heart. When trapped emotions (negative energy) are trapped in the subconscious, this may result in relationship concerns and life challenges. A body-code session can find your heart wall and release it along with any negative feelings or unprocessed negative (trapped) emotions. Call today for a complimentary information session and discover if you have a heart wall and how to release it. Are you searching for wellness talk topics? Let’s chat!

Retirement Lifestyle

When is the best time to start thinking about downsizing and moving to a smaller house or a retirement community? The answer is… well before you need to do so. Downsizing is often a stressful process. Start slowly and give yourself plenty of time to make it seem less overwhelming. Take photos of cherished items to remember them by. Research and look at the various options for retirement living before you need to make a move. It will take the fear and stress away knowing that you have done your homework and have started the downsizing process.

Put You Best Face Forward

Face collagen tightening treatments done with a laser rejuvenate the skin by stimulating collagen production. These non-invasive procedures enhance skin elasticity, reduce wrinkles, and promote a youthful appearance. During treatment, energy is delivered to the skin’s deeper layers, triggering a healing response that tightens and firms the collagen fibres. Results are gradual, providing a natural look without surgery. No downtime and long-lasting effects make these treatments popular for those seeking a non-surgical solution to combat signs of aging. Individual responses may vary; consulting with a laser technician ensures a tailored approach for optimal results. Contact us today for your free consultation!

Small Heart- Healthy Changes

It’s heart month! Heart disease is the second-leading cause of death in Canada. A heart-healthy lifestyle means eating right, sleeping enough, and exercising every day. But what does that mean? Eating healthfully: you don’t have to give up cookies; add in fruits and vegetables every day. Exercise: walk for 5–10 minutes a day, or do windmills with your arms if mobility is an issue. Sleep—try for at least 7 hours per night. Heart health doesn’t have to mean huge lifestyle changes that can feel overwhelming. A little bit at a time is all you need!

Emotional & Physical Support

In the spirit of a new year’s dual nature, consider the ancient wisdom of acupuncture to aid in navigating the path forward. Drawing from Chinese medicine, acupuncture acts as a holistic guide, harmonizing the body’s energy flow. Much like Janus, who guards transitions, acupuncture targets specific points along the meridians, promoting balance and facilitating a smooth flow. As we embark on new journeys or bid farewell to the past, acupuncture can offer physical and emotional support. It’s a gentle nudge toward equilibrium, addressing imbalances that may hinder progress. Acupuncture provides a mindful and balanced foundation for the exciting chapters unfolding in the months ahead.

Take Care of Your Heart

Every year, more than 60,000 Canadians suffer a heart attack. A healthy diet and regular exercise can reduce the risk. If you have cardiovascular disease, follow your treatment carefully and take medicine as prescribed. Common signs of a heart attack include: *chest pain; *discomfort or pain in the neck, jaw, shoulder, back, or arm; *shortness of breath; and *dizziness. If you are having a heart attack, call 911 immediately, follow operator instructions, stop all activity, stay calm, and rest in a comfortable position while waiting for help. Ask our pharmacist for more information about heart health.

Loneliness and Isolation Can Affect Senior Health

For seniors, maintaining social connections and staying in touch with loved ones not only improves quality of life, it improves health. Socially isolated seniors have a 59% greater risk of mental and physical decline than those who do not experience social isolation. Socialization has been shown to slow Alzheimer’s and Dementia patient’s decline. Having care givers can help stem the existence of loneliness in the lives of our seniors. We enjoy conversations, daily walks, shopping, cooking and folding the laundry together. These can be moments of joy when done together in the right way. Comfort Keepers engage the human spirit.

Living in the Margins

It’s cold and dark. There is nothing in the cupboard to make a meal—at least not one with any nutritional value. No propane. Rent is past due. No lunch for school. There is no money for medications or past-due bills. This is what living on the margins looks like. That’s why SOS’s Winter Emergency Fund is such a lifesaver. By providing vouchers for groceries, propane for warmth, and other critical supports to residents who are experiencing hardship, we can bring light to the darkness. To make a difference this winter, please donate on our website or come by our Community Services Centre in Parksville. Thank you!

Sleep Changes & The Elderly

Seniors generally wake up more often during the night and earlier in the morning, have a harder time falling asleep, and spend less time in deep, dreamless sleep. Some measures to help you sleep better include: 1) Eat a light bedtime snack. 2) Avoid caffeine for at least 3 or 4 hours before bed. 3) Avoid napping during the day. 4) Exercise regularly, but not within 3 hours of bedtime. 5) Practice relaxation techniques at bedtime. 6) Don’t watch TV or use devices while in bed. 7) Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day.