Community News
Staying Active, Really?

The old saying “If you don’t use it, you lose it” has some truth to it. If you are active, you are doing yourself a huge favour to stave off falls, increase independence, and help prevent illnesses like stroke, diabetes type 2, and osteoporosis. But what if you don’t like to exercise? Find something that you like to do! Walking with a friend, dancing, biking, and even mowing the lawn count. Start slow and enjoy it. Comfort Keepers can help you stay active and get your life back on track.

World Immunization Week

This month, we shine a light on the importance of immunizations during World Immunization Week (April 22–30). Did you know that you can get immunized or vaccinated at any age? Even though most immunizations are given in childhood, you always have the option to catch up on any immunizations you may have missed! Immunizations and vaccines provide the longest-lasting protection against diseases. Just make sure you speak to your doctor first to ensure you’re a good candidate for a particular vaccine. It’s really important for everyone’s health!

Seniors’ Advocacy Services

We see the impact that today’s economy is having on local seniors every day. Many struggle to afford necessities like food and medication. Others are unable to pay their bills or afford the upkeep of their homes. SOS Seniors’ Advocacy Services assist low-income seniors with accessing government benefits and tax refunds that they may not realize they are eligible for. With community support, we have been able to recover $118,000 in back pay for local seniors since July 2023. Get in touch with us if you know a senior who could use our assistance. Financial donations are gratefully accepted online, by phone, or in person.

Acupuncture for Blood Sugar Balance

Acupuncture, an ancient practice of inserting thin needles into specific points on the body, can be a valuable complementary approach to managing blood sugar levels. 1. Regulates Insulin: Acupuncture may stimulate the release of endorphins and improve insulin sensitivity, helping to stabilize blood sugar levels. 2.Reduces Stress: Acupuncture promotes relaxation by releasing tension and reducing stress hormones, aiding in glycemic control. 3. Enhances Digestion: Improved digestion can lead to better nutrient absorption and more stable blood sugar. Acupuncture is a complementary therapy, not a replacement for medical advice or medication. Consult a healthcare professional to discuss how acupuncture may help you.

Plant New Beliefs for a Joyful Life

April is here! Are you ready for some spring cleaning? Spring is a good time to clean out those beliefs that no longer serve you and to plant joyful intentions! Your intentions should be positive, uplifting, and in the present tense. When you state your intentions, do so in a positive tone. Avoid using any negative words. Intentions are what you want, not what you do not want. Are you ready to plant joyful intentions for your life? If you are not yet ready, book a Realigning Beliefs or Body Code session to release those negative beliefs and get joy back in your life.

Experience Healing and Stress Relief

Feeling stressed or tired? The Energy Enhancement System (EESystemTM) can help. It generates life-enhancing energy fields that can promote healing. The possible health benefits include improved immune function, pain and stress relief, detoxification of the body, elevated moods and increased energy levels. It combines body, mind, spirit and science to help you achieve peak performance and reach higher states of health, consciousness and self-actualization. The future is here. Experience the EESystemTM while relaxing in a recliner, where your body will reach a meditative state.

Time to Get Out and Socialize

Spring is here, and there is a feeling of hopefulness and renewal in the air. Winter tends to see us more in solitude. Once it warms up and the days are longer, we tend to want to spend more time outdoors and with friends. These activities are good for our health. Fresh air and sunshine can do wonders for our physical and mental health, and socializing helps with our mental and emotional health. Once we start, we tend to want to do more healthy things, so get out and go for a walk with a friend, socialize, and engage—you’ll feel better about it!

Your Personal Pharmacist

Do you have a personal pharmacist on your wellness team? A personal pharmacist pays close attention to your needs and provides personalized care. Whether it’s managing your diabetes, heart health, or another chronic condition, they are invested in your health. Your personal pharmacist can help make sure your medication is the right fit and introduce you to tools that make day-to-day medication management easier. With the expanded role of pharmacists, they can assess and prescribe medication for certain minor conditions that do not require a doctor’s visit. When you have a minor condition, book an appointment with your pharmacist for a free assessment.

Brain Teasers

1. Which hormone is often called the ‘stress hormone’? 2. What is the smallest bone in the human body? 3. What does a sphygmomanometer measure 4. What is the strongest muscle in your body?

Nourishing Seniors, Building Communities

In retirement communities, mealtimes are vital for seniors, fostering socialization and delivering essential nutrients. To ensure a wholesome diet, communities prioritize well-balanced meals with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Seniors, prone to health risks, must maintain good nutrition to avoid weight loss, depression, and weakened immune systems. The National Resource Centre on Nutrition and Aging reports that over 5.5 million seniors are facing food insecurity. Retirement communities address nutritional challenges by providing chef-prepared communal meals. This approach ensures proper nutrition, fosters a social atmosphere, and creates a well-rounded dining experience for residents.

A Clear Complexion Is Achievable at Any Age

Achieving an even skin tone is a common goal addressed by various treatments. Topical solutions like vitamin C serums and chemical peels work to fade dark spots and promote overall brightness. Laser therapies target pigmentation, reducing redness, veins, or discoloration. They also target dull and loose skin. Regular use of sunscreen is crucial to prevent further damage. Consult a laser technician to determine the most effective approach. Consistent skincare and professional treatments contribute to a radiant, uniform complexion, instilling confidence in those seeking to overcome issues like hyperpigmentation or uneven skin tone. We can help!