Community News
What is Biohacking?

These days, it seems like you can hack nearly anything to get the most bang for your buck. If only we could hack our own bodies, right? Welcome to the world of biohacking! Biohacking is the process of making changes to your lifestyle in order to “hack” your body’s biology and feel your best. Everything we put into our bodies affects how we behave. By biohacking yourself, you can transform your body to feel like the best possible version of yourself. Come meet the experts at the 27th Annual Victoria Health Show to learn about the latest trends, products, and services to help you live your best life ever! PV Events,

Resolutions and Positive Thinking

A new year stretches in front of us, and the idea of setting resolutions for 2018 is energizing for some and so overwhelming for others. Success or failure of past resolutions comes to mind, and this can be uplifting or very discouraging. When you’re feeling discouraged, motivational guru Zig Ziglar provides this simple truth: “You do everything better when you’re thinking positively than when you’re thinking negatively.” We always want to do better, whether that be shopping smart, saving money, or planning for the future! Take a moment to think positively about what your financial actions in 2018 will be. Doris Minervini, Abakhan & Associates,

Change isn’t Easy

“No, not this year,” you say. “Resolutions don’t work for me anyway.” But have you ever spent any time discovering WHY? Change is a very big deal. To change something about ourselves and then maintain the change, we need intention, determination, a detailed plan, support, and patience. We need to know ourselves and prepare for our weak moments. We need a rescue plan if we fall off our change horse. Counsellors are equipped for supporting change with you. Include at least one session with a counsellor when you are planning the details of your change. It can make all the difference! Barbara Gilmore, clinical counsellor,

Lose Weight & Still Enjoy Wine!

Research suggests people who follow a Mediterranean diet lose 52% more weight than the standard low-fat diet because it isn’t just a fad or limited list of foods. It’s a lifestyle based on a balanced approach to your meals, which focuses on produce, healthy fats, whole grains, legumes, fish, and even some red wine. Committing to losing weight for three months using the Mediterranean diet as a base, along with three booster products and three lifestyle changes, guarantees results. And there is no meal skipping! Look and feel great for all of your holiday parties and events!
Lisa – Modere, LiveClean.Market

Book Club:

The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact
by Chip Heath, Dan Heath
Many of the defining moments in our lives are the result of accident or luck—but why would we leave our most meaningful, memorable moments to chance when we can create them? The Power of Moments shows us how to be the author of richer experiences.

3-Ingredient Almond Butter Cookies

These flour-less almond butter cookies are SO good, and made with only 3 ingredients (1 cup almond butter, 6 Tbsp raw sugar, and 1 large egg)! Preheat the oven to 350°F and spray two nonstick baking sheets lightly with cooking spray. In a medium bowl, mix the almond butter, sugar, and egg until well combined. Spoon 1 level tablespoon of the mixture about 1 inch apart onto baking sheets. Flatten the mounds with the tines of a fork, making a crosshatch pattern on the cookies. Bake until golden around the edges, about 10 minutes.

How Often Should I Get a Facial?

The skin is like a factory or conveyor belt, delivering new skin cells to the surface every 21-30 days, which is the full lifecycle of skin cell growth and exfoliation. A facial helps that process along. The treatment will keep your skin clean, clear, and toned. Having one every four weeks helps you maintain that beautiful glow all month long by cleansing your skin and freeing it of toxins, which stimulates the exfoliation process. This deep exfoliation is necessary for skin to appear more toned and youthful-looking. It also allows the products to penetrate into the skin.
Chris Laidlaw, DMK Skincare,

Dentures for Comfort

Uncomfortable dentures are a thing of the past. Their lightweight, comfortable counterparts are practically invisible, and completely eliminate the unsightly metal clasps. In fact, flexible partial dentures are fabricated without the use of a metal frame – made instead from a strong, durable plastic that snaps securely and comfortably into place around existing natural teeth and gums. The plastic used is so strong that the partial made from it can be very thin, eliminating that heavy, bulky feeling that makes wearing partials so unpleasant. Flexible partial dentures are a quality, premium product that offer the benefits of superior esthetics, comfort, function, and bio-compatibility.
J. Lane Janke, DD, FCAD, James Bay Denturists,

A Puppy for Christmas!

A new pet can be a wonderful holiday gift, but it can also be a challenging surprise. There’s no denying the comfort and joy of a puppy in the house, but a new pet means a whole lot of responsibility that one should always consider beforehand. Also, remember that these little ones have just left their ‘mommy’, so try to keep the Christmas excitement on the quieter side, with lots of time for extra cuddles with puppy! It is important to be prepared for the financial and personal commitments of raising a puppy to become a happy and healthy member of your family, and the rewards are endless!
Happy Paws Pet Food,

Happy Paws Pet Food,

The Best Intention

December is simply a difficult month! Balancing negative stresses and positive happiness may seem impossible. One way to help yourself get through it is to pay special attention to your INTENTIONS; the thoughts you have before you act on them. During the first week of December, say aloud as often as you can, “I intend to experience some joy and laughter each day of this month”, and then VISUALIZE yourself laughing and feeling happy. You have increased the chances of this being YOUR REALITY by up to 75% more. Season’s Greetings!
Barbara Gilmore;

Comfort for the patient and the caregiver

I sat in the hallway playing music softly on guitar in between the birth and delivery unit and the special care nursery. Occasionally I stood up with the guitar and moved closer to one unit or the other, so that the nurse’s station was within earshot of the music, but not too close that I’d be at all in the way. I stayed for about an hour at a time, playing and singing. I was careful to create only a background soundscape that did not disturb the concentration of either the staff or the patients. One day the supervisor in the special care nursery invited me to come in; She explained that the music seemed to have a calming effect on the staff and on the parents of the preemies, which in turn was excellent for the preemies. When I returned to the hallway a little while later, staff from the birth and delivery unit mentioned that they’d missed hearing the music in my absence and wished to have it more often. They said that it made it easier and more pleasant for them to perform their tasks and they had found themselves humming quietly while they worked and smiling more than usual. Nejama Ferstman, MTA Certified Music Therapist,