Community News
Stressed about Stress?

Stress is often thought of as something that happens to us. However, stress is a response to an event and therefore mostly within our control. A major study found that when people view unpleasant physical sensations, like a racing heart and nervousness, as helpful instead of harmful, the risk of heart disease, stroke, and early death diminishes greatly. How can we change our mind about stress? By intentionally subjecting ourselves to a healthy stressor. Fifteen minutes of intense exercise releases endorphins – our body’s natural pain killers and stress fighters – which helps us associate a positive feeling with stress-inducing events.

Need a Creativity Boost?

The benefits of floatation therapy are numerous and far-reaching. Perhaps the most universally appealing is floating’s tendency to enhance creativity, learning, and memory. From students to artists to working professionals, most of us would love to experience a boost in our ability to think, learn, and solve problems. Floating can do just that. Study after study has shown that time spent in a float cabin enhances our cognitive powers. Since all external sources of distraction are removed, floating provides an extreme form of rest, and this appears to amplify the positive effects of letting our mind take over. Erik Zaremba, Float House Victoria,

Exfoliate Naturally with Enzymes

What is an exfoliant? An exfoliant is a product that helps detach the outer layers of the skin, removing trapped debris and clearing the way for oils to flow naturally. Enzymatic exfoliation is a plant active based therapy, mainly from fruits. Why exfoliate? Exfoliation is an important tool against rough and dull skin. Also, dead cell proteins will clog the pores, increasing the chance of breakouts and acne. Enzymatic exfoliation is gentle and has anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it particularly good for sensitive skin. Enzymes work at a deeper level; improved smoothness and texture, and minimized lines and wrinkles result from regular enzyme exfoliation. Christopher Laidlaw, DMK Skincare,

The Movement and Learning Connection

Is your child feeling overwhelmed or frustrated about keeping up at school? Is he or she struggling with lack of focus or motivation? What if learning can be fun? Imagine your child learning multiplication tables while doing physical exercises. Boredom and fatigue slip away. It’s not long before your child lights up and realizes he is finally grasping and recalling math or new concepts in science. Confidence begins to grow. Movements that cross the midline of the body fire up the brain. Brain gym exercises release stress and flood the body with endorphins, which also help with depression or anxiety. Simply put, when the body moves, the mind moves.
Sophie von Herrmann, Expressive Arts Therapist B.Ed. M.A.

How Do You Find Courage?

Brene Brown talks about the courage within vulnerability. But vulnerability can be scary and sometimes painful – you’re opening yourself up, and you don’t know what will happen! Will you get judged or knocked down? Will you fail? What if your worst critics were right? Luckily, it is possible to work through whatever feelings are in your way, whether it’s shame, self-criticism, or just a feeling of emptiness. You can start finding ways to support yourself in your quest! Counselling is a great place to be heard and supported, to find a path forward.

Rhythm from the Inside Out

Digestion, blood pumping through our veins, and breathing are just a few of the functional rhythms inside us that we rely upon to live. When we are unwell, we sometimes say that we are feeling ‘out of sorts’ or ‘out of sync’; it is a bit like losing one’s rhythm. We know when we have found it again because we feel more ‘in the groove’. Music therapy can be helpful in re-discovering that intrinsic rhythm when retrieving it ourselves is a struggle (as with mood and social cognitive disorders; rehabilitation from brain injury, stroke, or heart attack; cerebral palsy; Huntington’s disease; etc.).
Nejama Ferstman, MTA Certified Music Therapist,

Counselling for SAD

It’s really difficult for most of us to get through the grey, dark winter days in November to March. Feeling changes such as a loss in energy, focus, concentration, passions, and hope; and increases in feelings of stress, worry, and guilt are typical symptoms of depression. If this is your experience, you have to live through a lot of invisible pain that many people cannot understand. Knowing about Seasonal Affective (or Adjustment) Disorder (SAD) may be a key to happier days. Contact a counsellor, your GP, or the Canadian Mental Health Association ( to learn about SAD treatment. Barbara Gilmore, Registered Counsellor,

Book Club

Adventures for Your Soul: 21 Ways to Transform Your Habits and Reach Your Full Potential by Shannon Kaiser. Sometimes, the one thing you need to make a change is to see things from a fresh perspective. Discover 21 innovative explorations to boldly confront the habits that are holding you back. Shannon Kaiser’s program utilizes an empowering process that encourages you to go on adventures for your soul, so you can:

• Achieve your goals
• Remove limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging patterns
• Feel freedom from fear and live with purpose and passion
• Be unapologetic about your innermost desires
• Make happiness your natural way of life

Ingredient Spotlight: Collagen

Collagen is a prime structural protein located in mammal connective tissue and is essential for fully functional joints and muscles. A lack of collagen in your skin can lead to wrinkles and lacking collagen in muscles and cartilage can cause joint discomfort. Award-winning Liquid BioCell® Life puts that essential collagen back into the body, providing those suffering with fibromyalgia, arthritis or joint pain with relief. Liquid BioCell® Life combines the multi-patented power of Collagen/HA Matrix Technology™ with 10 phytonutrient-rich superfoods, which are infused into a unique liquid delivery system that provides fast absorption and results. And, it’s backed by a 100% money back guarantee! Lisa Tustin, Liveclean.Market

Why Go Vegan?

Interest in a totally animal-free diet is at an all-time high, with celebrities like Bill Clinton, Alicia Silverstone, Jay-Z, and Beyoncé leading the charge. There are so many amazing ways that veganism can improve our lives – fantastic health benefits, less stress on our environment, more efficient ways to use our resources, and many more! Vegan diets tend to be higher in vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and fibre. Healthy vegan diets are abundant in vitamins B1, C, and E; folic acid; magnesium; and iron, while also being low in cholesterol and saturated fats. And saving animals is an added bonus!

Eating for the Season

According to traditional Chinese medicine, all living beings are viewed in relation to the surrounding environment. The Chinese widely believe that we are what we eat, and most dietary guidelines follow nature. According to traditional Chinese medicine philosophies, if we eat seasonal foods that are similar in nature to the external environment, we remain in harmony with the environment, adapt better to changes in the season, and stay healthy. In autumn, the dry, colder weather usually causes an itchy throat, and dry skin, so we need to eat to promote the production of body fluids, such as pumpkin, honey, and soups.