Community News
Dysregulation, Disorders and Music Therapy

Music has nonverbal, creative, structural and emotional qualities. These are used in the therapeutic relationship between client and music therapist to facilitate contact, self-expression, communication and other clinical goals. Our bodies pulsing with internal rhythms of the heart, the digestive system and the lungs synchronize to music with its intrinsically rhythmical structure. For people living with autism, ADHD, mood disorders, effects of TBI, stroke or trauma, the skillful use of music and its elements such as melody, rhythm and dynamics promotes positive change. Most significantly, it influences the important and necessary shift in physiological and emotional responses away from dysregulation towards regulation and balance.

Nejama Ferstman

Choosing the Right Home

Look for a house with ‘good bones’ and potential; one that makes your heart feel joyful and at peace, where you feel safe and settled. A house that can accommodate your and your family’s wants and needs, possessions, activities, and lifestyle. A house in which you can function optimally and where everything has its place. One that is inviting and has a good flow, with an effective layout that functions well in each room separately, and as a whole. One that has a cohesive and harmonious layout and good design, with no awkward or useless spaces. A house that has that ‘something’ that makes you feel it has a ‘soul’. A house you will immediately ‘feel’ as beautiful and harmonious. A house that will envelop you and your life, and you will love calling ‘home’.

Emmanuelle Stathopoulos
Professional Coach MAC – Env. Psychology MSC,

Improve Your Relationship

Getting along can be tricky – and staying warmly connected to our partner is not always easy! When things get rough, it can feel hard to warm up the relationship again. For a more resilient connection, couples can work on building their “fondness and admiration system”. One way to do this is to challenge a basic habit many of us have – the one where you are scanning for problems and mistakes. Instead, try scanning for what your partner is not messing up! This can profoundly change the story of your relationship, leaving you with more reserves of goodwill. Sounds simple, but it can be surprisingly hard – and yet it can help foster a couple’s culture of appreciation, affection, and respect. Counselling provides a safe and non-judgemental place to help you say what you want and feel heard, and find your warm connection again.

Mary Munro

Temptations When Grocery Shopping

Have you ever noticed that all of the unprocessed food items are along the perimeter of a grocery store? Produce, dairy, meats, and baked goods, which we need to maintain healthy eating. All of those tempting processed foods are in the middle aisles, and they have tempting displays at the end of aisles to entice us to wander down each one. Do you shop with a grocery list? It’s a good way to buy what you need for the week, and you can always jot down items on sale or ones you might want to try when your budget will allow. Also, have you noticed that some products are not just found in one place, but also on the end of the aisle or even close to the checkout? This can wear down our resolve to stick to the items on our grocery list. It’s all marketing to encourage spending.

Doris Minervini, Abakhan & Associates Inc.

Black Seed Oil

Black seed (Nigella sativa) is the new preferred therapeutic oil prized for its immune-boosting and antibacterial benefits to reduce respiratory, viral, and digestive ailments. This oil has been used medicinally in Middle Eastern cultures for millennia. Anecdotally, it’s been said to “cure everything except for death!” And the research is starting to back that up. Studies show that this versatile oil can regulate the immune system, benefit blood sugar, and has anti-cancer activity (Butt et al, 2010). Even though it’s known for its medicinal power, it can be used in cooking and food preparation. Look for a cold-pressed black seed oil and for a synergistic blend, use oregano oil and black seed oil together. Look for a combination with vitamins A and D added to give your immune system the best tools to beat the bugs!

Cassie Irwin

Book Club: Why Can’t I get Better?

Solving the Mystery of Lyme and Chronic Disease by Dr. Richard Horowitz. Looks at pain, fatigue, memory and concentration problems, sleep disorders, and much more. Lyme disease and its related conditions are incredibly complicated. You can take the questionnaire yourself, and start doing your own detective work with this book as your guide.

Ginseng for Weight Loss

Ginseng does many things to help human health, but many people do not realize that ginseng is good for weight loss. It gives an energy boost and can help fight fatigue. Because of this, it allows for you to be more active. One of the big things that it does in the weight loss battle is by regulating blood sugar. It does this by reducing the amount of carbohydrate that is converted into fat. Also, it is important to point out that ginseng alone will not help lose weight if you engage in poor dietary choices. It is vital that a well-balanced diet is followed and that you are active. Otherwise, like the old English proverb says, “Don’t dig your grave with your own knife and fork.”

Brett Griffin 

Mental Health Resources 

Did you know that the Canadian Mental Health Association has information online regarding different mental health issues? As well, your local Canadian Mental Health Association branch can answer any questions you may have and provide services to the public. Workshops and courses are another great way to learn about these issues. The Canadian Mental Health Association along with other organizations in your community offer this service. Research what organizations are around you and call them to find out times, dates and whether courses are available for free at a cost. Visit your local library to take advantage of free resources or head to a bookstore or shop online to purchase.

Canadian Mental Health Association

Embracing Change

The time has come for you to change your environment, leave your beloved home, or downsize. It may all seem a bit daunting, too much to deal with at once, when your heart and mind are trying to come to terms with everything this change will bring into your life. Some of us deal with change better than others do, yet we are all affected by it one way or another. To make the most of it, we need to find a balance between maintaining a healthy sense of control and embracing the new. Get curious and interested in what your new situation may have to offer you. Allowing yourself enough time to prepare and do everything you need to do in a stress-free manner, while envisioning the positive possibilities of what change may bring into your life, is key to making the process enjoyable.

Emmanuelle Stathopoulos

Feeling Connections in Relationships

How do you recover from conflict? When we are stressed in a relationship, that stress can leak out in unhelpful ways. Maybe it shows up as scorn for our partner. Or maybe we put up a wall and withdraw so as not to deal with a concern. We can also get defensive, or maybe start making critical personal comments. Most relationships will have a bit of disconnection in the bad moments, but happier relationships know how to repair the damage done. You can learn more effective ways to deal with your differences and act in more helpful ways and good communication can help you work out different layers of meaning. Counselling can help you in places where you’re stuck, maximize good times together, and build the core friendship of your relationship. When your connection feels solid and calm, everyone feels better.

Mary Munro

Financial Fitness

Have you ever heard of Einstein’s Rule of 72? Let’s say you have a credit card debt of $5,000. If you divide the interest rate on your loan into 72, the result will be the length of time it takes for the loan to double (paying only minimum monthly payments). If the rate is 24%, your loan would double in 3 years to $10,000, and in another 3 years, the debt would be $20,000. Often, people feel like they are paying and paying and getting nowhere, and it will feel like that if one is only paying the minimum monthly payment. Purchasing furniture at $2,000 with a deferred payment is costly if you do not pay within the deadline amount. You would then be paying interest on the original amount – at 28% interest and a minimum payment of $70, it will take 4 years and interest would be $1,415.

Doris Minervini, Abakhan & Associates Inc.