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Book Club: Healing and Transformation

Healing and Transformation through Transcendental Meditation (TM) by Dr. Norman E. Rosenthal. Learn the basics about this ancient technique, and for seasoned meditators, broaden your knowledge and deepen your understanding. Rosenthal’s central point emphasis on TM changes the brain, and can help a vast array of different people to live longer and better lives, and achieve lifelong success.

Clean Eating: Thai Carrot Coconut Soup


1 ½ cups water
1 ½ cups carrots cut into 1” pieces
1 green onion
5 tbsp. shredded, unsweetened coconut
1 tsp. turmeric
½ tsp. sea salt
1 tbsp. lemon juice
1 date
2 tbsp. fresh lemongrass (finely chop the heart of 2 stalks)
1 tbsp. freshly chopped ginger
1 avocado –half to blend and half cut into ½” – ¾” pieces for topping
2 tbsp. fresh cilantro (to mince for topping)


Blend all ingredients, except avocado and cilantro, until smooth.
Add half avocado and blend.
Pour into bowls.
Sprinkle top with avocado pieces and minced cilantro.

From Uncooking with RawRose by Rose Vasile

Compassionate Beauty Care

There are many thoughts that go through a person’s mind once a cancer diagnosis is received. What does the future look like and how will my life be changed. What common activities that I do now, will be affected by treatment and subsequent side-effects?

One thing that does not need to change is pampering yourself.  You may think that a trip to the spa is not something you want to experience while being in treatment. Not only is there the possibility of increased infection because your immune system is low, there is the discussion that you will need to have with the esthetician, that may make you uncomfortable.

Perhaps, going to a place that provides safe and hygienic manicures and pedicures is something you would consider. Where the treatments are non-invasive, no cutting of cuticles, no razors used on feet, just simply therapeutic services that are focused on the individual going through any cancer. Having a facial with no extractions, just comforting and customized for your skin. Using all natural products that contain no carcinogens or any toxins. Products with ingredients listings you can pronounce and recognize. The best part – not having to explain what you are going through because we know.

The Unexpected Gift 

Financial Fitness

Our body is an amazing tool which we have the ability to mold and shape with the right attitude and perseverance. When we train hard, our body recovers and gives us the ability to train even harder. This is how we are able to reinvest the fitness dividend. When you make any type of gains in exercise, push yourself to make even more fitness gains. Similar to exercise you have two choices when investing. You can cash out your gains or you can re-invest them. Cashing out investments might give you the immediate gratification of being able to buy something extra. However if you reinvest your returns it allows your portfolio to grow even faster.

Jesse Reitberger, National Bank Financial
[email protected]

A Testimonial to Happiness

“I am very grateful for Maureen Becker and Source Within. When I met Maureen, I had severe health problems, and was not happy nor at peace. I can without a doubt credit Source Within’s teachings for helping me to fully heal my health issues. As a direct result of implementing these teachings, my life has been steadily improving. I am now happy, content, and peaceful most of the time. I enjoy being alone more, and I have much more easy and fluid interactions with people, even if someone occasionally brings negativity. I have fun all day long at work (a job Maureen helped me manifest) and I love where I live. All of these things I was able to create in my life by applying Maureen and Guides’ guidance. I often find myself whistling, humming or singing for “no” reason. Source Within is, by leaps and bounds, the best teacher I have encountered.” – (Sean Grimes, Winnipeg).

Feeling Stressed?

70% of doctor visits are said to be stress related. Disturbances in your mental well-being can have a serious impact on your health. When you are under stress your body releases a hormone called cortisol at very high amounts. The long-term effects of high cortisol levels can be quite disruptive. High levels not only make you feel fatigued, they are also implicated in weight gain, poor immune response and a greater risk of developing chronic illness. While it is not easy to avoid stress, nature has provided us with nutrients that can decrease cortisol levels and balance other hormones. One of the best medicinal plants

that can help achieve this is Rhodiola Rosea. The brand name, Rhoziva™, is becoming a favourite of many naturopathic and medical doctors who are noticing its benefits. If this sounds like something you could benefit from, visit Nutrition Plus to receive your free trial pack.

Nutrition Plus

One Simple Change

Most of us strive to live a healthier lifestyle. Finding the right place to start is a challenge. Eating right, exercising regularly, and still making time for family, friends and our own needs can seem like overwhelming goals. Instead of attempting to conquer our health all at once, what if you started by setting more manageable goals? Making small changes today can lead to great health benefits down the road. Physical activity: Get More Exercise. Most people look at exercise to burn energy and lose weight. Think of exercise as a way to gain energy and stimulate your body and mind. With many demands fighting for your attention, it is a challenge to find time for a trip to the gym. Start with simple activities you can incorporate into your daily routine. One simple change can make a big difference in how you look and feel.

Sandy Lefley, Juice Plus+

The Kinesio Benefit

Do you ever wonder why some pro athletes are wearing colourful tape on their shoulders, knees and elbows? This tape is called kinesiology tape. Kinesio tape is very thin and light weight mostly made of cotton and elastic properties, the tape mimics skin and can be stretched to different tensions. It can be used anywhere on the body and is applied to provide support that helps you stay active while recovering from injuries. It works by affecting the way your muscles fire either by relaxing them, or helping them fire stronger. Physiotherapists commonly use kinesio tape for muscular injuries, postural correction and to help decrease swelling. The tape in some situations can be a great alternative to bulky braces and can be easy to apply once the technique is shown. If you’re suffering from pain and think this tape may help, ask your physiotherapist at your next treatment!

Kristy Maksymyk, Prairie Trail Physiotherapy

Caregiver Pharmacy Support

It can be difficult to be a caregiver and manage multiple or complex medications for a loved one. It is important to ensure medications are taken appropriately to help maintain good health. A visiting pharmacist provides personal support with regular medication delivery and home consultations. The pharmacist reviews a client’s prescription drugs and over the counter medications to advise if there are any drug interactions and makes adjustments as necessary. This level of support can reduce emergency room visits and hospital stays and results in strong, trusting relationships between clients, caregivers and pharmacists. The visiting pharmacist also provides seamless care for hospital discharge patients and works closely with other health professionals to deliver a high level of care to the client. Care is tailored to specific individual needs such as assisting with blood pressure readings, adding medications as needed to adherence packaging and making changes in an efficient manner.

Teresa Giesbrecht, Care at Home Pharmacy

Better with Balance

Balance plays a key role in sports performance, injury prevention, and the activities of daily living. Good balance is a fine coordination of muscles, nerves, the brain, the inner ear (vestibular system), and your eyesight. Every move you make sparks rapid-fire communication between these systems, to keep you upright. Any injuries to your muscle-skeletal system and in fact simply aging, can affect your balance. Balance exercises enhance the mind-body connection to keep you safe and injury free. Our physiotherapists can assist you in instruction of exercises to maximize your balance.

Nicole Marier, Action Physiotherapy & Wellness Clinic

Book Club: Gut

The Inside Story of Our Body’s Most Underrated Organ. By Giulia Enders. The gut’s nervous system, food intolerances, allergies, gut bacteria and the science of bad breath are detailed, suggesting the body’s “most underrated organ” plays a greater role in our overall wellbeing than we might have otherwise thought. Throughout the book, Enders points out, it is the gut that most frequently presents us with some of life’s most pressing questions. Pick up a copy at your local book store.